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Posts posted by 69.NIX

  1. Hey Chaps and Chapettes,

    This is video that i have created from the 2011 TOCAU annual meet, held in Brisbane on the Queens Birthday Long Weekend

    I place it here so people can have a vote on an extended version (to the same song but longer)

    Please place all comment after my post and don't forget to vote. I have over 4 hours of driving footage and heaps more photos I can use.

    Also, I'll be sending copies of the HD & extended HD versions to QLD and VIC, so if you want in.....be quick. 15 copies goto QLD and 10 goto VIC. People in NSW can get them of me upon request anytime.

    Enjoy :)

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  2. Bog kudos to all that showed up to annual meet. I think an awesome time was had by one and all.

    The weather looked sus at one stage, but held off for all the outdoor activities...which was nice.

    Big hand up for Daz, Mick and Bren for getting stuff sorted out for the meet and the outta-towners.

    Hope that every had a awesome time and a safe trip home ;)

    ......sent from shoe phone

  3. Les,

    Most of the new double din in units in toyotas will replace the current one you have. The current shape camry, aurion, rav4, hilux...all have the same unit. If you found one cheap, it would be a plug and play job :)

    alternatively, go after market. good double din units (depending on features) are no more than $500.

    Need more info, drop me a PM :)

  4. Hey Sydney Peeps,

    Just an update to our convoy idea.

    1) We will be traveling up the Pac Hwy

    2) We would like to leave midnight / 1am. Reason: if go at that time, the roadworks will not be happening and we get to brisbane in the early afternoon. This gives us a chance torelax and get ready for the meet and greet Friday night (i'll be wearing a tie :P)

    3) Meeting Place is Thronleigh Maccas.

    We suggest every gets a good night sleep.

    If your in, just send us a PM so I get some numbers together and I'll update the post closer to the date :)

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