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Everything posted by 69.NIX

  1. Shout out: to anyone who is interested in a drinking fest and a bit of a beer nut at the redoak beer cafe, apply within. #awesome #finebrews

  2. invite someone round who knows what there doing *cough*
  3. Potato, leak and zucchini soup on the stove, 1000's of photos to look through. Maybe start on a xtended TOCAU annual meet vid #awesomecubed

  4. I know I know John. Been waiting for this for so long too. I'll be up in the central coast at a beach house. with all the single ladies!
  5. Its on..... Like donkey kong!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Charlie Trout

      Charlie Trout

      big sausage pizza..

    3. 69.NIX


      listen here trout, i've had enough of your fishy ideas

    4. Charlie Trout

      Charlie Trout

      big fish pizza then?

  6. Pizza delivery girl was cute @crust_pizza #awesome

    1. itsmehuey


      that's double win

    2. Charlie Trout

      Charlie Trout

      big sausage pizza..

    3. Kenshin X

      Kenshin X

      did u ask for her number?

  7. /pete like this be good to see it in the metal at the steak and shoooooooot!
  8. LOL looks like almost everyone's a dangler! I feel that I may need to tame my dangler with some cable ties :X Your Girlfriend must be very happy......... ....you left yourself open for that ;)
  9. I too have the pure highway DAB+ radio, live in the western suburbs of Sydney. I too have noticed that the signal is crap once you get pas the lighthorse interchange. I was always a bit concerned about the "high gain" antenna not doing the job and it being a waste of money. Did you consider it? I will when i get a chance. Any updates let us know :)
  10. mines a dangler as well...tho mine is a custom CES job. I dont like the idea of my dangler cable tied down
  11. I find this a bit hard to be believe. I've had stockies and after market tails on my car and never noticed a this "gap" of which you speak of. Might sound like a stupid question but : Did you get the car brand new? If it's second hand, maybe the was some repair work done that didn't quite goto plan / fit. Can you post up some pics (of your car) with these gaps.
  12. woohoo, elJannah chicken delivered to my door by a JVN11L #awesomesquared #relax

    1. dutchie101


      B@stards both of you! :D

      No, no its my fault for postponing my last visit... Damit.. mmmmm.. crispy glass like chicken skin.....

    2. 69.NIX


      well I have to thank mr JVN for all his efforts last night

    3. master.Cuong


      awww whatt where's mine john !! i only live just around the corner :(

  13. Operation re-arrange is complete! #awesome #relax #showerrequired

  14. Tis were we eat steak and then go photoshooting!
  15. dont see tooo many sao's around.....but looks good. If your in Sydney, you should come along to our "steak n shoot" meet at the end of this month :) keep up the good work :)
  16. operation re-arrange has finished for today.....90% complete #sortingstuff #bigplans

  17. just be on the look out for awesome.....and you'll find me ;)
  18. oooooo box of shiny object has arrived! #awesomecubed

  19. Maybe try this out after the steak and shoot? Just to get a feel.....maybe even some photos if it well lit :)
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