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Status Updates posted by 69.NIX

  1. Snowing in the Blue Mountains in October , Sunny in Parramatta…#gofigure?

  2. oh dammit, I got coriander stuck in my iPod #middleclassproblems

  3. There are no bad songs from the 80's #dealwithit

  4. I just joined LinkedIn and created my professional profile. Join my network. http://t.co/RuN1JXZ #in

  5. so redundancy is great.........

  6. The coolest place in the office is the mens bog. #dumptop #wirelessconnectionrequired

  7. A burst of summer weather tomorrow 30oC #Worcestershire #awesome

  8. Some utter plank is not attending to there car alarm which has been going on for the last 20 mins #NOTHAPPYJAN

  9. #chaser have hit the nail on the head

  10. Big fellas house of car care is open for business

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. 69.NIX


      might as well make some $$ out of a passion ;)

    3. DJKOR


      Andrew... you seriously need to start charging.

    4. DJKOR


      Andrew... you seriously need to start charging.

  11. "cute as a button".....slightly over-used phase of the weekend

  12. And the crowds go wild #huzza #Costco

  13. We are the 10min mark, the trolleys are ready, handbags are "ready to spend" #finalcountdown

  14. School girls driving old Utes #different

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Andrew357


      What about the mingers? Does it make them hot?

    3. CROCO


      I guess i asked for that, LOL,yeah I probadly should said what sort of chick looks good in the utes, beleive me I have seen some shockers, but beggers cant be choosers.

    4. Andrew357


      Yes they can. It's called standards.

      Enjoy your mingers.

  15. I uploaded a @YouTube video http://t.co/awcnGbJ Roller Derby150912iphone iPhone

  16. I uploaded a @YouTube video http://t.co/SyeJZ8d Roller Derby150912

  17. Can I use a Dorito as a plectrum on a spaghetti guitar¿

  18. Roller derby over. Interesting event #liveaction

  19. I need a better lens and more play time with action shots #liveaction

  20. Will you be Louis to my Peter Griffin¿

  21. My breakfast biggie takes 2 flushes and a hatchet to go down #trolololololol

  22. Big fellas house of car care now open

    1. gambit_13


      The panty dropper could use a buff dude

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