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Everything posted by 4ABHGE

  1. Ooooh Conspiracies!!! Maybe he just told us he went because he wanted us to F off? scumbag Chris. :P
  2. If you want studs in a hurry i believe land cruiser studs are a fair bit longer and can fit. awesome!! good luck!
  3. you know what they are? Theyre WINNING thats what!
  4. ...Says the guy with a fluorescent coloured car
  5. That is a sub-zero image you have posted up of your motor vehicle Sir Woot Woot, but alas, it appears as though it is missing some of the unique items that define the car as being individual from the rest. This includes seagull feces, feline paw prints and the odd collisions with the earth on which we live on. (Thread needs more Bolte skid pics)
  6. CAI are only useful on N/A's they also need to be just that, a COLD air intake to be effective Also, the main bonus of a CAI is added response ;)
  7. Awwww yeaaahhh!!! :D Need more pics bro
  8. Relax max, needs a wheel alignment, ive just changed wheel bearings, driveshafts, suspensions bits so i have a reason lol
  9. Sir CDUCTN, I apologise for not observing this thread before I had uploaded that said imagery which you have requested. Fortunately, I have provided a hyperlink to a slideshow which will display the images which you would like to acquire, alas the imagery is also visible on the book of your face which is located on another part of the internet in which you should be able to find with much ease. Excuse my informality in this language which i am about to speak, but the imagery involving your motor vehicle has been 'tagged' on that said location on the internet to allow easier access to the images. Here is the hyperlink of the vast amount of photgraphic imagery which many of you would like to access: http://img189.imageshack.us/slideshow/webplayer.php?id=imgp8000.jpg Kind regards, 4ABHGE like a sir
  10. Good morrow my fellow Toyota driving enthusiasts! Over the course of the previous evening I had the opportunity to trespass a property to create some imagery of my own motor vehicle, and of course the motor vehicles of my fellow associates which also happen to have the motor vehicles made by the grand company named Toyota. Also hit this link and click like for me please :) http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=350459158344147&set=a.349797051743691.79541.205748322815232&type=1&theater
  11. its that strawberry milk soda from garage cafe ! LOL ! :P Calpicooo broo! JDM drinks FTW! Good morrow to you Sir KenshinX, Unfortunately for you my good sir, there are no shakespearean freaks that are able to be seen in this locality of the internet, rather, there are many using the vast intellectual form of modern English, as my fellow comrade Sir Jeffery Brother has indicated, this form of modern English is also known as using your vocal abilities to speak 'like a sir.' We apologise if we are conversing on too high of an intellectual level for you to comprehend the significant things in which we speak of and also other shenaniganry in which we communicate about in this forum.
  12. Look forth to thy book which has contents relating to thy face and happens to reside on the interweb. Do not have sorrow, for I shant keep the various amount of photographic imagery for my own viewing pleasure, but shall release these said photos during the passing of the current week.
  13. Cool wipers, where do you get them from? :)
  14. Im thinking about new daily rims and stance... umad?

  15. FYI Ive been through the loop that we're doing in the winter before and half of it was covered in a thick layer of snow. If you have abs and/or no handbrake you will die. We'll just put chris and reece in front to plow the snow for us :P
  16. Applied for the EXE day, but i am 11th in the waiting list.... fingers crossed!! 2 trackdays in a few weeks between each other should be interesting... especially during exam period :o Should have a few updates coming up int he next few weeks :)
  17. If its the 20th and im not racing, then ill drive up a bit with you guys and split off to winton via buxton
  18. I may just come to diamond creek for some banter and shenaniganry then ill boot off as i have to be at campellfield at 12
  19. Said 'Coolness' is invalid, null and void because you drive a hairdressers car... :P Also your cat is cool, its a ninja break dancing cat of win!!
  20. it was huge! you werent there in your sportivo were you? I really enjoyed the meet till people started revving and set the alarm off... then the cops showed, lights turned off and i bailed
  21. EDIT: NVM found it, fingers crossed i get in! also organised that weekend today so that sunday is freed up :D sorry for interrupting your thread Kermit
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