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Everything posted by 4ABHGE

  1. So opened my packaging and found some instructions because this is such a difficult part to fit... Wait... what? Greeaat... Regardless I smashed the part into my car and took some happy snaps. Rebels gonna rebel. :) can't wait to see the difference it makes as i can hear the rear of the car croaking and bending all the time. Gonna fang it around some corners tonight ;)
  2. Im gonna guess if you touched it Reece, its now 3 inches lower, equipped with stance and VIP goodies :D Mo homo? hahahahahah (urbandictionary it for teh lulz)
  3. 4ABHGE

    Little Rants

    i can live with the car crashes, robberies, stabbings and other crimes but the worst thing about the westside is... fffuuuuu
  4. Been thinking of a 'like a sir' sticker of some sorts... something that isnt as cliche as "like a sir" lol

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kenshin X

      Kenshin X

      how about 4ABHGE in big bright pink letters?

    3. juvenile


      Honk if your horny or I fish and I vote..Two classics

    4. 4ABHGE


      Biggest bogan stickers hahaha

      "Alert me if you are sexually aroused" haha

  5. What are these ninja edits...? Who does this to us!!? lol
  6. Sweet as car dude! looks great! cant wait to see what youre going to do to it next totally agree with you kenshin TROLOLOLOL
  7. Why do you need brakes for the drag strip? :P Thats a quick falcon! good luck on getting the 11's!
  8. Giving this weeks meet a miss, absolutely swamped in homeworkings... :( (60 page portfolio due on friday morning... up to page 7 at the moment.... FML)
  9. oh right, thats what you were trying to send me! its friggin hilarious! hahahaha EDIT: One more...
  10. Should look great when lowered dude
  11. "Harden the fuck up." - Chopper Reed there u go i uncensored it for u
  12. Done. Corner of St. Geroge's Road and Bell Street in the maccas car park, 8am? sound ok to everyone?
  13. Lets just say that its censorship at its worst. The car will come out of hiding at the annual :P
  14. Thread needs moar pics!! :P Im hanging out for the annual meet cruise, hopefully there isnt any snow...
  15. I see that you sir, seem to be of the very elect, kind and gentle nature that fellow gentleman of your stature seem to possess. As you have been given a kind greeting from myself and fellow Australian Toyota Owners Club community members, it is very most likely that you shall acquire a high status by using those virtues which highlight your gentleman-like qualities. And by virtues i am referring to your birthday suit which you must flaunt at the frequent meeting of the frequent four, for your initiation into the community.
  16. Hey Rob! :D Hmm.. is that an SX lip on an S1 Twink bar? interesting...
  17. Spotted a black tivo with wing tips and a c one sticker on the rear window at campbellfield
  18. Soon ben... soon... Pics look great! Peter did a great job taking snaps! :D Trungs just happy he is in an AE again ;)
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