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Everything posted by 4ABHGE

  1. Cool pics bro. Love the part about HID's... hahaa turd. Cool silly car birth bro.
  2. BUMP to last page. thanks Duy :P And dont worry we'll be seeing you later ;) haha
  3. Ten char fellow Western Sicktorians!! Pre-meet tomorrow at 9am, we're meeting at the usual scumshine vicroads car park. So far its Jeffbro, Senor Woot woot and myself attending the said pre meet shenaniganry.
  4. Dem rims bro.... so hawt.
  5. Hey guys ill meet you all there at 7pm. Im already local so no point driving in circles...
  6. ooh hello there!! how much is it for the kit?
  7. Garage cafe tonight! We'll meet at the Sunshine vicroads car park at 6.30. Those who want to go straight to the cafe can do so, probably should get there 7.15 or 7.30 the latest. If you need any more details just ask! :)
  8. #2 or #3 in graphite or black with a polished lip. IMO Polished lip looks more classy whereas the red lip looks like a boy racer...
  9. Thats looking better!! heaps different with new rims and some low. You should space out your rear wheels to help it sit flush :)
  10. Unfortunately, for you and your guessing games, I am not.
  11. Highway patrol came up next to me at the lights, had a good long perv at the car and then I let him drive off into the distance... Corolla FTW! ;)

  12. I can take you on saturday night and sunday if you want Phil! :)
  13. Package number 2 of 3 has arrived. ^_^
  14. Go to the Toymods forum, they have a bit more info on classic toyotas and will be able to help you out.
  15. If you look around, they've already moved on to engine swaps....
  16. lllllaaaaeeeeeemmeee.... I finish one of my exams at 5pm that night so Im good to go, ill meet you guys there at 7pm? Chris; do we have to book if there is going to be approximately 4 of us there?
  17. Welcome!! Just make sure its got a 4EFTE before you buy it ;)
  18. I want/require an escort!! Would be rad as!! On topic: Im now 100% on coming on this cruise and for the saturday night dinner. Stoked!! :D
  19. You blokes are getting closer. :P Jo you caught me out!! its a ficticious bird from New Zealandland known as a doo doo... I photoshopped it for teh lulz
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