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Everything posted by 4ABHGE

  1. Wth... Duy's Kermit didn't get any mention?? THIS. Also so much misinformations.... :(
  2. NEWS UPDATE: Clicky the linky, its self explanatory! :D :D http://www.facebook.com/Gripshiftslide/posts/387036918019704?comment_id=79509795&notif_t=like Over teh moonz!
  3. So far i have driven various subarus, a few corollas, a commonwhore and a few paddock bashers. Must say Ive had the most fun in the paddock basher Mitsubishi Sigma Ive got. Was my mums first car till the motor popped. My dad then rebuilt the motor, chucked in a manual box. Drove it around till about 2002 and parked it for 3 years. Started it up first go and drove it a few hours to a mates farm and its lasted ever since! Revs out happily to 7k RPMs and pops flames out of the headers (rest of the zorst fell off) which causes problems in summer :P Blown shockies, scraping sump on big bumps. because stance car. Rubber steering wheel which rips your thumbs off, doesnt help that there is no power steering... lol Has rust holes everywhere, and apparently you can see the roof twisting and bending if youre driving behind it! hahaha Best fun. So many memories were had, and will be had. (also skids.) Heres a pic of the bonnet... yeah its kinda rusty. hahaha Uploaded with ImageShack.us Close second is my AE82, wouldn't trade the car for anything... :)
  4. I needs a daily but I cant afford 2 rego's #firstworldproblems

  5. I needs a daily but I cant afford 2 rego's #firstworldproblems

  6. Rebellion!! haha The car looks great! but you might want to wipe up that drool on your wheels... yeah sorry about that.. It was nice meeting you John :)
  7. I give him a month before he wants to make it faster or greener. :P Also this:
  8. Ive got a few more for you i can upload, ill pop them up for you soon ;)
  9. Not even one showed! You are in VIC and own an Aurion, now because of this I am disappoint.
  10. Best would be to change before and after. But since you are doing it on a budget... If you have an oil cooler on the engine, as long as your engine oil is topped up it should be ok, i would change it after. If you dont have a cooler, do it before. Gearbox oil is the main one which i would change before and after (and every 10,000km) Not many people do this and reduces the longevity of your box, especially if you like to drive it hard!
  11. You had a few unusual postions taking photos! :P Quoted for truth.
  12. most ppl that do that hang them well off the ground - Justin's masterstoke is that it touches the ground For more genius, add another bird haha hahaha thanks fellas! I've thought about getting 2 of them, but it wont be happening on this car :P
  13. Just one more, because you asked :P Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  14. It will fit the motor if i drill one hole, im just unsure if it follows the same path underneath...
  15. LOL Jeff...... Get yo 20 cents out of here!! haha The cruise was great! although i must say i now hate jaaaaaaags and anything that is related or resembles a jag... :P Nice meeting the interstaters and other victorians, was a very well planned day and everyone stayed within their limits and kept fairly cool. :)
  16. Extremely tempted with the headers Phil, let me think about it...
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