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Posts posted by Hiro

  1. Some things I think that need to be cleared up:

    The Starlet gearbox quite likely to be a C-series, most likely a C50 or C52. These boxes are also attached to Corollas, except the bellhousing is different and kinda not interchangeable without pulling the box apart. However, a Corolla C52 should fit into the same spot that a Starlet C52 does (mounts-wise), but would need to be attached to an A-series engine (eg 4AGE) as opposed to the E-series (eg 5EFE) in the Starlet. This has been done in Starlets before, and is by no way unheard of

    The S-series on the other hand is a completely different matter. The 3S is a much bigger engine than a 4A, both capacity-wise and dimensions-wise. The gearbox is also different. Most S-series engines have an S-series gearbox attached to them, such as an S54. Starlets never had this box installed in them, thus it is highly unlikely that the mounts will line up, and things like starter-motor etc are very likely to be different to a C-series box.

  2. The funny thing is Rasmussen WASN'T KICKED OUT FOR USING DRUGS. He was kicked out by his team because he wasn't honest about where he was training in the weeks up to the tour. All entrants are supposed to give their whereabouts 3-weeks prior so that drug testing can be organised if necessary. I'm not ruling out that Rasmussen wasn't using drugs, but there has been no claim or charge whatsoever about that. Vinakurov was kicked out by race officials for failing a drug test, Rat was kicked out by HIS TEAM because he lied to them. Very different story

  3. Thanks for the injector info, i'll run them at 200cc to begin with and tune accordingly. Could you include the cooling section of the loom as well? I hadn't realised before but there's 5 different thermo sensors all over the engine, I'm guessing that it's a factory ecu thing, ill only need 2 but i would like to know where they go. I have the new loom as well so i'll be using it to chop and change.

    I'll just scan all the pages to do with the engine and ECU anyway, if it's a 95 model then it should be an early model one, 3 pages worth

    I'll get onto it right away, should be done in around 30 minutes

  4. I was wondering if anyone had a corolla workshop manual around the 95 era that includes the wiring schematics for a 4a-fe engine and scan a few images for me. I've been searching but have only found online versions for $60+.

    i'm only after 2 or 3 pages.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    I've got the ADM AE101-102 Gregory's manual, it's got pretty much the full body wiring diagrams in it, which parts exactly do you need? And is it an early- or late-model AE101? (and is it ADM too, obviously)

    The engine i'm wiring in is originally from a 95 Holden Nova so it's ADM as far as i can tell. I'm mainly after the engine/ignition page/s. It's all going in an AE80 Hatch which had a 2A-C so the original wiring is there i need to know what to cut and paste into the loom.

    And i was wondering if the manual has detailed specs for the injectors. I have to setup the megasquirt to run them optimally.

    The fuel and ignition page is common for both early and late model ones, and the book covers the Nova too (it's the same car, just different badges), so is it just the injectors/spark stuff that you need? I've got the whole book so I might as well do everything in one go. I'll scan the pages up later this morning and send them to you

    And according to the manual, the injectors are 13.8 ohm resistance, 160-200cc/minute flow rate, hope thats what you need

  5. I was wondering if anyone had a corolla workshop manual around the 95 era that includes the wiring schematics for a 4a-fe engine and scan a few images for me. I've been searching but have only found online versions for $60+.

    i'm only after 2 or 3 pages.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    I've got the ADM AE101-102 Gregory's manual, it's got pretty much the full body wiring diagrams in it, which parts exactly do you need? And is it an early- or late-model AE101? (and is it ADM too, obviously)

  6. and for you guys that think conspiracies are not real....

    heres 3 real conspiracies..

    1/ The Assasination Of Julius Caesar

    In October, 45 BC, Caesar returned to Rome, and celebrated a triumph over Gnaeus Pompey,one of the two sons of the defeated former ally and Consul who bore the same name. By this time Caesar already had considerable power and was dictator in all but name,coins were issued with his image,and the Senate was constantly voting him new honours (the right to wear the laurel wreath and purple toga and sit on a throne at all public functions for example)

    By February, 44 BC Caesar had been named dictator perpetuus. On February 15, at the feast of Lupercalia, Caesar wore his purple robe for the first time in public. At the public festival, Marc Antony offered him a diadem,the traditional symbol of a king, but wisely Caesar refused it,for Rome was a republic.This did not stop speculation amoungst many republicans in the senate who thought that Caesar was indeed setting himself up to be Emperor.

    Despite his general popularity and many great achievements, there remained a group of disaffected citizens. Most were former Antony supporters who had been pardoned and given positions of responsibility by Caesar.These formented this imperial speculation which in turn led to bitter conspiracy.

    On March 15 (the Ides), 44 BC Caesar attended the last meeting of the Senate before his departure to lead a military campaign against the Parthians.Up to sixty conspirators, led by Marcus Junius Brutus, Gaius Cassius Longinus, Decimus Brutus Albinus, and Gaius Trebonius, came to the meeting with daggers concealed in their togas.The moment Caesar took his seat, the conspirators surrounded him. They began to petition him to recall from banishment a certain Cimber. When Caesar arose they struck Caesar at least 23 times as he stood at the base of Pompey's statue.Famously,Caesar last words were supposed to have been, Et Tu, Brutus ? as his friend put his knife in.

    Unfortunately,the conspirators had not planned for anything after the assasination and they fled in panic,they were eventually hunted down and were either killed in combat or by their own hand.

    A conspiracy story so good even Shakespeare couldn't resist retelling it.

    Thats a conspiracy in the sense that people conspired to kill Caesar, NOT that there was a conspricacy covering up the incident or trying to blame it on other people. Basically every rebellion, coup, uprising, mutiny and takeover in history is classed as a conspiracy. 9/11 did involve some conspiring by the bombers (whoever they are), but what the conspiracy theorists claim is the real conspiracy is the government trying to cover it up and blame it on the Arabs

  7. Any corolla you can get for under $5000 came with 14 inch wheels as standard, not 15.

    corolla under $5000... that should be an immaculate condition AE92 or a fair condition AE102... i dont know about the AE102 but i do know that the AE92 actually came with 13" wheels...

    AE101 CSi models came with 13" wheels and rear drums, all AE102s had 14" wheels and rear discs, easy way to tell them apart without looking under the bonnet

  8. Went for a drive-past on Friday, place itself doesn't look that flash but then again it's hard to tell unless you go inside, my favourite Jap wreckers in town looks just like a shed on the outside

    What strikes me as weird though is that I'm sure I've seen the exact list of parts, and the same prices, on another site, which makes me think that they both source their stuff from a common manufacturer/importer

  9. very very quick question if some could answer ..

    are these cheap/ fake rims sold in normal shops?? like eg. tempetyres?? and places like that or are they just ebay jobs??


    They're not fake rims, just copies. And there's usually nothing wrong with them anyway. I've got a set of 16" Au229s (ie Volk TE37 copies) and they've been fine, weigh the same (with tyres) as my stock 14" steelies, and look the bomb. Plus, they didn't come with the crappy VORK RAVS stickers on them, which I've heard are removable anyway

  10. As the topic says. I'm looking to buy a new Air Condenser as the one i have now is busted.

    I just wanted to know if anyone has ever bought or heard of these guys? (they are based in Newcastle and its a bit of a drive for me just to check the store out)

    Anyone in Newcastle who has free time want to check out the store for me ? i would be extremely grateful!

    Parts and Panels

    Site looks a bit dodgy but so is MSY (a computer store where i buy all my comp parts :P)


    Damn, forgot there was a Hooker St in Islington, that place is brothel-central.

    I'll take a drive past it on the way out to uni this arvo, see what it looks like from the outside. Haven't got time to go inside and scope it out though

  11. hey guys ..

    i drove an ascent with a cai .. and boi oh boi .. sydney had some crazy ***** rains man .. and i survived IT !!! haha .. as long as u dont drive in puddles and stuff or drive fast into them then ur fine .. at first i was so nervous abotu driving in the rain .. but i got over it .. just drive in the middle lane if there is one .. and if not then drive on the furthest away from the gutter.. :D high chance of puddle build ups :D xD

    what happens when u hydro lock ur engine ? can it b used again or not ?

    Coming out of Junction Fair underground car park on the Friday of the QBIII storms/floods, I had water up to the lip of my bonnet (which is also the height of the intake snorkel, fortunately it didn't drown itself, however if I'd had a CAI down in the front guard it would have been completely immersed in water. Later on, I was with my g/f seeing if we could get to her friend's house in Swansea North, by which time was mostly flooded: going down the middle of the road, I could get about 2 streets away before the water got above sill level and I backed out. In both situations if I'd had a pod in the guard, it would have been completey surrounded by water. In this sort of situation, the car won't hydro-lock but it WILL stall, as the engine can't suck in any air through the water. Since manifold vacuum can only reach ~-100kPa gauge (ie -1bar), it's highly unlikely that the engine can "suck" in standing water, but if you plow into it the water CAN flood the inlet and thus flow into the manifold, causing BIG dramas

    As to whether it can be used again or not, think of it this way: An engine essentially takes a volume of air/fuel, and compresses it to roughly one tenth of it's original volume (N/A cars). Gas is resonably compressible - water isn't. If a piston suddenly swallows a gulp of water at 3000rpm, it stops VERY VERY quickly. This is when things break, such as valves and cranks.

  12. I've had a goatee for about 5 1/2 years now, but every time I grow sideburns they come out really scraggy and crap, and they're a bitch to shave off too. Fortunately I have to not shave for over a week for them to get really bad - just had a shave the other day for the first time since before the storms/floods, and it felt more like cutting grass than shaving.

  13. Pity it's basically a re-bodied Lotus Elise, with a GM engine. In fact, it's actually built by Lotus.

    and how is that a bad thing?? ****s me that we send all our good stuff to the UK and we get nothing in return.....

    It's not a bad thing, just the original poster was claiming that the creation of the car was due to Opel/Vauxhall etc, where the real credit to most of the car goes to Lotus.

    And as for sending the good stuff to the UK, we've sent a grand total of some LPG Falcons, and the last of the Monaros. Nothing flash there.

  14. 1. steel melts at 2600 degrees Celcius, the hottest the fire in the world trade centers could have reached was 800 degrees Celcius, and for an amount of time shorter than ten minutes.

    True, but steel loses roughly half of it's structural integrity by 600 degrees. Heat up a bit of metal in a fire (nowhere near 2600 degrees) and see how soft it becomes

    3. Both buildings were hit with a 20 level difference in floors, were hit in different areas and yet they both fell the same exact way. In order for the buildings to fall this way, the bolts would all have to give way on one floor at the same time.

    The thing that caused both buildings to fall (gravity) works in exactly the same way, regardless of the building). Besides, bolts don't have to give way, things can bend and shear in many different ways, but once the bulding starts to collapse in any way, gravity takes over and that baby is coming down regardless

    7. The chances of 3 cell phones to go through on a plane is about 1/1000. the chances of 13 cell phone calls going through is next to impossible.

    Only two of the calls were made using cell phones. The rest were using the onboard phones of the plane, which are designed to work perfectly from a plane. Besides, it has been shown that using a cell phone on a plane has a 75% success rate at 2000 feet, 25% at 4000 feet, and 17-18% at 6-8000 feet. Carnegie-Meillon also discovered that 1-4 cell phone calls are made ON AN AVERAGE PASSENGER FLIGHT.

    8. The south tower was the second tower hit. most of the fuel and burning took place OUTSIDE the building, in fact the plane didn't hit any of the supports, and yet this building fell twice as fast as the first tower that was hit.

    The south tower was also hit lower. Thus, there was a greater mass of building above it pressing down.

    9. There were reports of the world trade center 7 having bombs going off, covered nicely by CNN.

    There were reports of weapons of mass destructing in Iraq. Woops

    10. The same people who cleaned up the Oklahoma City Bombing cleaned up this mess also.

    And I bet they are the same people who helped clean up Hurricane Katrina. FEMA is a federal emergency and disaster management agency.

    11. The concrete went to tiny dust particles for no apparent reason, not only that, but there were no large peices of steel remaining from the fall.

    Concrete suffers from something known as brittle failure. When it shatters, it shatters. The building framework was constructed out of trusses which means lots of little bits of steel, supported by big long ones. Big long ones snap into smaller ones.

    In short, steel snaps, concrete shatters

    14. The plane which hit the pentagon and the plane which hit the world trade center were carrying relatively the same amount of fuel, yet there was barely an explosion at the pentagon.

    The plane at the Pentagon also hit the ground. The WTC planes had large volumes of air for explosive gases to expand into, giving the impression of a large "explosion". In reality, it wasn't an explosion, just a very fast combustion of the fuel on board

    Thats what I can remember off the top of my head, pretty sure the other points can and have been rebutted too.

  15. No way! Idling is putting alot less stress on the engine then when your driving and its under load, I usually prefer to keep my car running when I wait for someone that Ive dropped off then turn the car off and have to restart it (albeit not usually 10mins+)... better to have oil running through the engine then start it without it!

    Don't they (maybe RTA/VicRoads) ask you to switch off your car if you are stuck in a jam?? There's even signpost that says that... I think I saw one on the M2... 6mths ago~

    Thats to save you petrol, not to prevent damage to your car.

    As for starting your car without oil in it, most new oil filters have a valve in them to stop the oil draining out when the car is stopped. This way the engine will retain at least some oil to lubricate on startup

  16. *yawns* I am so sick of hearing about this...

    Ditto, for every consipracy theory out there there's a counterarguement. It's like the fake moon landing theories, everything they brought up have been demonstably proven as false, yet some fools still believe in it. Then again, there are some people out there that still believe the world is flat

    And as for Maddox being pro-Bush because he wrote those articles, that has to be the funniest thing I have ever read. Maddox is about as anti-establishment as you can get.

  17. Since owning the Avalon I find it REVS too high when cold and have extra effort to stop the car how can I trun the REVS down a little at the moment it's like 1900 by looking at the REV guage.

    All modern engines bump the revs up when cold. Just let the car warm up a bit before you drive, and you should notice the idle revs drop back down to a normal number, around 800rpm is a decent guide

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