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Everything posted by tangcla

  1. Actually IIRC, there are only a handful of ST205s in New Zealand. Only six WRC ones, anyway :)
  2. Came to $22K + onroads, or $22880 including stamp duty etc. What state are you in, and are you after an ST205 or an ST185? I've seen a few on carsales/carpoint for around the mid-high 20s... there's two for sale at the moment on Carsales: black one silver one Personally I'd pay a bit extra for the Aus delivered one... gets a few bonuses that the imports don't get. Also that black one was on eBay for a bit. Seemed a bit sus, I got the impression it wasn't complied. Maybe I'm wrong though.
  3. I'm at home nah seriously... I'm in Melbourne. Glen Iris. (that's what the location section in your profile is for... make use of it ppl!!!)
  4. That's not HID. That's just uprated halogen globes. HIDs have a ballast, ignitor and the globes look different: I'll show you a pic of what a HID kit looks like: Those globes you mentioned are just rice HID. Not much brighter than stock globes, just prettier in colour. If you want those, I sell them as well, see this thread for more information. Better than the Philips Crystal/DiamondVision at half the price.
  5. HID is completely different to replacement globes. Do you want really bright light output, or do you just want the colour? IF you want the bright light, you will need an actual HID kit. I wouldn't bother with HID highbeams - how often do you use your highbeams? I'd rather spend the money on a set of fogs (if you have them) or just saving the $400 :) A set of HIDs will cost you about $400-500 depending on brand, location of manufacture etc. I'm selling HID kits, let me know what other information you require.
  6. JDM comes with 3S-GE, from what I know.
  7. oh ok... rewiring, I see... didn't realise that! Fair enough then, $300 to rewire sounds reasonable. I've taken into account the tuning already. :P
  8. I beg to differ with FWD being slow around bends. FWD is much faster through bends than RWD, reason because you can just nail it and it will grip instead of having to oversteer. I've owned all three, and AWD for sure :D RWD is fun when you break traction but it's not that great when it comes to twisties. For induction - does downtime of the car matter? BEcause for $9K, you could get a custom turbo kit made up from a respectable performance workshop, and probably still have change. Remember that when you're buying a branded kit, something like 40% (or more) goes to the brand name, more than the parts. Sure, they've been 'tested' and 'engineered', but seriously... for four thousand-odd dollars, I'm sure you could live with 10% less performance but still have some money in your pocket for later mods... $2500 seems a tad high for a PowerFC + tune. You'd realistically be looking closer to the $2000-2200 mark. IMHO - turbo is easier to work with than supercharged. Sure, you get more lowend power, but it's a helluva lot harder to increase power output than with a turbo.
  9. ST205 Toyota Celica GT-Four? Maybe I'm biased because I own one :P but at least I can beat those V8 monsters (Falcon GT and GT-P included) with ease, I'm happy with it! but yes, the Veyron is definitely a wow-er. Not something I'd run against 18psi boost - at least I get better bragging rights with the amount of boost I'm running! hehe Torque is 1250Nm @2200-5500rpm. Very usable power band! 736kW - as an article points out, that's more than four WRXs put together! :P it uses a custom-made Michelin tyre.
  10. Mine's an ST205 GT-Four... 3S-GTE ;) :D hmm, not sure about 5S-FE. Try heading over to www.ozcelica.com and see what the Celica boys (and girls) have to say :)
  11. hehe, welcome to the club :) Just like every other car, do the standard mods - intake and outtake. Remind me if I'm wrong, but does yours have the 5S-FE (2.2L) or the 3S-GE (2.0L)?
  12. tangcla

    new mods :D

    Welcome - again ;) Like I said before, that's a big wang you have there - I mean big turbo
  13. in Australia, there is no difference between Mastercard and VISA. Overseas, one may be more accepted than the other.
  14. Best bet would be to try to find a set from an ST185 GT-Four. I think they should bolt on to your 184 (what stud pattern are your rims?)
  15. I don't think the 184 went till 1994? Anyway... there were a few cosmetic differences, the front bar and the taillights had changed. I'm not sure, you might want to check either celicatech or ozcelica.
  16. err... he's selling them, so he's promoting :P
  17. tangcla

    Injen CAI

    The HKS air filters are rubbish, they don't filter very well at all. The best air filter would be the A'PEXi Power Intake, just put that at the end of your intake pipe and have a cold air duct running from the front air dam to below the air filter. IMHO would give you similar performance as a long-RAM CAI.
  18. but you get intake lag due to the longer intake pipe.... so wouldn't it be a tradeoff anyway?
  19. Even if you don't upgrade the whole harness, get the grounds upgraded. I tested the wiring harness from my car (94 Celica GT-Four) - with engine off it was only getting about 8-9V. After the grounds were upgraded ie. grounding directly to chassis) the voltage was 12V...
  20. I guess different pipes are made from different metals some of which are most "co****" and more air restrictive. Maybe the "better" brand pipes are made from smoother metals. ← nonono.... I'm not talking about a long induction pipe like yours E, I'm talking about a short induction pipe (maybe even stock) and having a duct run up from the fr ont, to the air filter, not extending the air filter downwards.... am I making sense?
  21. Why not just get a set of HIDs to solve the problem of poor lighting? THat's a better fix than just a better assembly...
  22. It's not really that ghetto tho... just ducting cold air into the airbox (or air filter) from the front.
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