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Posts posted by 07Prodigy

  1. Sorry I should have mentioned,

    I had looked into it a little and was going to cost approximately 2k +

    But I don't know if they were engineered or not.

    But you will find some and you hopefully won't look back.

    If you can get an adaptive management system then you can program it to change the the ride to how you drive, for example comfort in drive and sport in sports shift

  2. I'd look more towards pneumatic dampers (air dampers) this is going to allow you to do multiple things to your car,

    Most important is the raising and lowering,

    And the other is tide comfort.

    So instead of sacrificing the ride when you changes your height, if done right it will keep a comfortable ride and can aid in better handling too.

  3. Hi all, I have noticed now I live where it's 3 degrees in the mornings it takes a good 15-20 minutes for the Aurion to warm up, is this normal for an Aurion?

    I was told it should take no mate then 10 minutes to get to operating temperature.

    Can someone shed some light, I'm to exhausted to think about it at the moment so someone's help would be greatly appreciated 😊

  4. Yeah I know but still people bought them.

    I would prefer AWD, not 4WD on demand like in the new rav but a real AWD system.

    If it was me,

    ATX: FWD 3.5L V6 in Sedan, Wagon

    Prodigy: FWD/AWD 3.5 V6 in Sedan, Wagon and Ute in AWD only and some upgrades as standard.

    Presara: AWD 3.5V6 Variable Vaine Turbo In Sedan, Wagon

    Sportivo: AWD 3.5 V6 Variable Vaine Turbo in Sedan, Wagon, Ute

    TRD: AWD SUPERCHARGED 3.5 V6 in Sedan, Coupe, Wagon, Ute

  5. Hi Guys/Girls,

    Very happy to say I have finally put the Faux Suade on my doors, haha it's only taken a year.

    I couldn't take photos as my phone was flat so it was inside charging.

    I will take some pics tomorrow during the day.

    It was pretty simple (for me),

    It's just as simple as taking out the door card and removing the piece that I covered.

    All you need to remove the door card and the section I covered is a Phillips head screwdriver and a plastic trim wedge, you can use a flat head screwdriver but you will scratch your door card.

    All I used to cover the door was Black Faux Suade from eBay a stanly knife and scissors, I think it cost about 15/20 dollars from memory and that was plenty to door the four section of the door card and the two section on the front door.

    I know that may not make sense without pics but I'll put some up tomorrow.

    On a side note, you can replace it instead of covering it with a wrap or suede or what ever.

    Some Camry models have this section in silver or wood grain if that's what you'd prefer.

    And the piece above is also available on different models aurion and Camry in silver, black and wood grain.





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  6. And it's a Camry 😔

    Yeah I'd still buy the TRD ute if it was FWD, Would prefer AWD, and if it's TRD wouldn't it have the 3500SL (what ever came with the TRD) in it?

    Manual would be a nice change too.

    Having said that, I'd still prefer a Wagon.

    I actually contacted Toyota in regard to making a ute or wagon , and they came back with you are the first person in 9 years to want one there for there is no market for one, my response was I want one therefor there is a market

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