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Posts posted by Crypt

  1. I am no photograper but those pictures look great to me, ideally i would love to take my box to the snow as a backdrop.. i think that would look sexy to go with the "arctic camo inspired theme", but i aint doing that lol, so apart from that i wouldn't really know where.. when i try and take some nice pictures with my iphone i just take it underneath tom uglys bridge and take some quick snap shots with the bridge behind the car etc.., let me know what you think..!

    - Jim

    Hey Jim, same as Cam_mac, I'm no pro but check out my gallery and see if you like any of the photo's from past meets and annuals, my profile pic was taken without any photoshop work done afterwards (just resized), just hit me up for a PM if you want to do a photo shoot (see if I can wrangle in my cousin as well who actually is a graphic designer and has a decent photography set up) :)

  2. nice one, I was thinking of going camo as well lol

    lol, beat you to it brah !

    >>Keep up the good work

    thanks buddy

    Haven't swapped out the cannons I see :P Mad props that is one beasty looking box, I gave Carbon Demon a buzz too, want my roof done in either gloss black or Matte (not sure).

    Are you coming to monthly meet this weekend?

  3. Kind of concerning that theres an oil leak only 3 years old :(, I had to replace the Alternator on mine recently, luckily still under warranty but still shocking that it's so soon

  4. Personally I wouldn't touch one unless there was a physical bricks and mortar style store front, althought funnily enough I have looked at this one before and the idea of TV even though its gimmicky at best is still a pretty awesome idea.

    Let me know how you go, would love to see some photo's too! I swapped out my deck about a year ago with a clarion unit but it's kind of annoying.

    Specifically I would like to know if it's truly designed for a Rukus and if it's a plug n play.

  5. Rolling shot..... Thanks to Meng from KBP


    Really nice shots, since I'm keen into getting some decent rolling shots do you happen to know what settings were utilised for the above shot? and I'm assuming some work was done in CS?

  6. Anyone know what happened to the photos that were taken of the annual meet?

    I Still have some but they're huge thanks to the resolution they came out it :( I resized them for posting on this forum to 800x600

    Theyre the ones above yeah?

    I know heaps more were taken by other people, just have no idea if they have uploaded them as yet or not >.<

    Yeah the ones above, i think there may be some on the photogrophy thread

  7. Hi all, just got my Rukus the other day, moving from the Rav4 to this. Good to see other Oz owners, they're pretty thin on the ground in these parts that I've seen (WA).


    Lesee.... DRL's, Alpine system, auto headlight kit and rims. Kinda pushes the purchase price up, but being able to buy a build 3 so cheaply is a plus! :clap: (apparently I need my head checked :blink: for getting one, but that's from those who haven't driven)

    Really miss the auto dimming mirror I had in the Rav too... so that's another project.

    I'll post piccies when I get it happening. It's Saturday, no post, no goodies!


    Mate Grats on the purchase, They're awesome car's enough grunt to be a fun drive and heaps of space on the inside. Look forward to seeing some mods and pics :) First thing to go those tiny 16inch wheels :P

  8. I like these...


    Fits in and has the dimming electronics as well... pricey but nice.

    Bry that looks perfect! it looks like it'll even fit the stock vents on the front of the Rukus, have you personally bought these or know someone that has? it looks like it wouldn't be that difficult to install, same sort of plugs from my HID's.

    If they fit a 2010 rukus I'll go down this route as it looks easier :P

  9. anybody use these


    what are they like and any pics of them installed

    thanks in advance guys

    I've got a clarion head unit in my Toyota Rukus and I needed these to fill out the space of the old head unit, suprisingly really easy to install and fitted perfectly to the point that it looks like a factory unit.

    I'll take some pics tonight and post them :)

  10. Are you gonna look to do a custom job yourself if you can't find a straight plug in solution? I can't imagine there being anything in behind the plastic covers so just cut out whatever section you need I guess.

    The brand new model has them in the states but waaaaaay too freakin expensive to buy those parts.

    Custom-ish, there are some DRL units which would fit in the lower grille on the rukus which I could hook up, just wondering if the above Ebay harness would work? otherwise I could go custom and mark/dremel out the plastic

  11. Hi All

    Recently looking into the possibility of installing DRL's on the box and in my recent searches have come across the below, only thing I'm perplexed about is how does the system recognise when the car is turned off?

    Wondering if anyone knows of this kit and what are probably the best suited LED's/DRL's for a Rukus?

    I was hoping to find some that fit into the black fake grille vents on the front bumper but so far no luck :(


  12. Saw you guys at Kiama blowhole this afternoon, looking pretty sweet I must say!

    Had a very brief chat with someone who was taking photos, kind of annoyed I couldn't tag along with you guys, next time I will for sure!

    Twas me! haha I saw you in your supra leaving afterwards, I waved I was the guy you chatted to. Didnt realise you were on the forums :P you should come to the monthly meet on the 29/06 at Greenacre McDonalds 7pm, few guys n gals turn up, nice to meet people and see some nicely modified cars :)

    P.S took a bunch of photos just gotta resize them and I'll post them here once done (hopefully tonight or tommorrow).

    And Cductn epic Rukus, that airbag suspension absoultely obsessed

  13. Do any of the Sydney guys have any other ideas for photoshoot places for the Saturday night in case Carriageworks and the Foreshore Rd boat-ramp are unavailable? Being 2 hours away makes it hard for me to duck out and check beforehand :P Homebush might be ok, no NRL games that night so should be pretty quiet, and it is close to the dinner spot too

    Foreshore road boat ramp is pretty much open till late, the only issue might be security on site but I've been there before to do a photo shoot and asked if it was ok if we were here and they had no issue, not too sure with a larger group of people.

    There's a huge carpark area at IKEA Tempe, but since it closes at 7pm on Saturdays, I doubt we'll make it..

    Ikea Tempe will be ok but pretty much 30min after they close they turn the lights off so it's pretty dark. also think they close off the carpark after they close too!

    Alternatively there is a large carpark at the end of Holbeach Ave in Tempe just town the road from Harry's but I have seen quite a lot of cops there in the past so not sure if thats a go either.

    In terms of a photo shoot foreshore road boat ramp would be great!

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