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Everything posted by Bangtown

  1. Lovin the man. Great back drop! keep them coming!
  2. Sa great!! check out the SA meets thread we have started. if your interested. but welcome to Tocau! :)
  3. Ride is lookin pimp! You make it look almost too easy :) :)
  4. Hope everything is alright mate? Yeah all good now mate, collapsed out the back, massive fever convulsions the works. Pretty scary stuff. So hospital bold test, and a spinal tap to rule out menegitis....And product of a virus. Pretty full on, I'm not saying I'm huge but I'm not a little fella. Dropped me like a sack of poo. On a lighter not, heading up to Roxby in the girl today, mate is bringing his **** hot camera up so should get some nice ones. After that no more cattle grids, so new shoes for Chrissy :)
  5. would love too mate, very pumped cant believe for little kms for build 29 Cant wait!!! its a shame about the above comment but hopefully these guys can pull their heads in and clean this **** up. I mean really if I cant post pics without WW3 what's the point in being here?
  6. hey guy very hard to come by. one in Adelaide and he want 600 for it?? Because heaps of people have these at home........der anyway I offered 250 and I expect him to call back before they scrap her, but if any one else out there with a better offer, you are more than welcome
  7. SO first things first, Where to buy?? http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/LED-smoked-brake-reflector-brake-light-aurion-sportivo-06-up-kit-bar-bumper-/140856773123?pt=AU_Car_Parts_Accessories&hash=item20cbb7ca03 The lights come in smoked or red, but both with red lights. *Also cheaper off bodykitskingdom website* Paul is a good sort and will help you out. Okay lets have a go at this. its a very simple task but helps having a guide. FIRSTLY I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR CAR yaddah yaddah yaddah............... lets get that bumper off! I always start with the middle first. there are four screws. 10mm socket or Phillips head doesn't matter. next there is 1x 10mm socket tin the reses of the wheel arch. next 1 screw either side in the corners (there are two each side but just do the ones closest to centre) lastly two screw under the flaps on the boot/ I took these pics after it was off so bare with me. If you want to take the whole thing off just undo all the under side clips Start at one side and peel bar back (few cracks and pops but all is well) If its not coming you have missed a screw! Im gonna leave the bar on for this because the bumper has a lot of room and access is easy. whenever I leave the bar on I always cover up the ends. This avoids scratchy scratchy. Simply unscrew the existing reflector and put em out. You can see the different thickness, so make sure you use the screw they send with the lights as these are short and fit perfectly note my set of lights is darker because I just put some light black Vinyl on. Also easy an easy job. Please feed the wires throught the holes first!! Slot the new reflector lights in and screw into place Should look like this or the first picture which are both done.....sneaky!! Now we need to thread the wires through. On each side there is a rubber plug for wire looms. On the RIGHT side PULL plug out feed wire through and replace. The left side you must PUSH is an repeat the process I wrapped all my wires in shrink wrap but its up to you Righto the part most people dread....wiring! SO wires are as follows. Black - Earth (negative for testing) Red - Normal lights 6v Blue - Brake lights 12v please test first for your own benefit For connection you are give 6 wire clips. Use them or solder away up to you. The three top wires are the ones you want, Middle wires are your.indicators and the bottom wires are my rear parking sensors ON MY CAR The white with two silver dots was my earth and funnily enough the red and blue both match up PLEASE follow your wires back if your not sure! ****There are at lease 4 white wires with black strips so be careful**** Clip your wires and test. note... I wanted to wire both up together but they were not long enough. So I went middle ish for both, this way its hidden by the plastic boot insert Right Left Once everything is in working order and back to normal wait for the sun to go down then.... Hope this helps Drew
  8. NOTE ALL MENTIONED POSTS HAVE BEEN BLOCKED THANKs Edited by Bangtown Peace has been restored to chaos
  9. First dive back oh yeah!!! Not really liked being chased by P platers in commodores tho :(
  10. Alway good to see another black Aurion. Welcome man!
  11. Things like this make me think the FAQ need a re-think/ update. Been a while and the are many more aftermarket products people use now instead of trying to track it down from overseas. God work mate!
  12. Comeon Now Guys! There has to be more than that. Where are my SA rolla drivers? Support your state guys we need some more numbers! Any SA sutras out there Klugers, FJ's?! Got to be more.........
  13. Looking very noooice! Don't see many of the new shape, very tasteful . Love the black on white! Keep it up :)
  14. Ahh Righto now I gotcha. I'll already have modded lights. Don't really dig the cuts but someone will be happy to snap these up for 250 me thinks. Cheers for clearing that up tho. I would hate to think someone was claiming Luke's work.. On another note they look like they are vinyled already. That's a bonus mine cost bout 50 to teach now I'm confident to DIY. Thanks Rebz
  15. Mate you better off just google it and save yourself the ridicule.
  16. Maybe you can bring one of those stickers I asked about a couple of months back! :) Hahaha Let us know when your down and we will sort something.
  17. So... Righto I'm confused. You saying these LOOK like your old lights, or they ARE your old lights?? Either way I just thought it was pretty cheap for the look that's all folks.......
  18. Sounds good mate, Would be great to cruise over your way too. The more support we get the bigger and better we can make this.
  19. Found these on Gumtree. asked seller if they were one of Defyants. He said no they were self made. look good for the price I think. http://www.gumtree.com.au/s-ad/bayswater/auto-body-parts/toyota-aurion-custom-tailights/1028732898 drew
  20. Hey there guys and gals, For most people that don't know me I'm Drew. I live Northern suburbs in the Great City of Adelaide. I am posting this thread in hope to organise an SA social chapter of TOCA in which people from this beautiful state can come together, admire other rides and generally follow suit to our neighbour states. I suppose the goal would be able to travel to national meets and represent the home of the Malls Balls That great big Pasty thingo?! And of course the 3 lane highway that only goes one way................ All jokes aside there are plenty of places for meets, cruises and I'm sure we could even organise a track event or two. So come on fellow Crow Eaters and show your support, the more numbers we can get the greater chance there is of getting this thing going. Drew
  21. Good to be home!

    1. Rukus Son

      Rukus Son

      I Still Call Australia Home, now i can't seem the get that song out of my head & Yes it is the Best feeling to be Home ;)

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