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Everything posted by Bangtown

  1. Are you going to light black vinyl coat them? Or are they just that bright in the photos?
  2. Right so meet point will be burnside shopping mall car park Time around 7 ish if you can just a bit of a chin wag. Meet and greet for those that haven't meet Then a cruise throughout the hills route to be announced . *any aspiring photographers please speak up for good practise!!* Sweet will have my pipes done by then too. Ok so... 1. Bangtown 2. Rayasaurus 3. 4. 5. 6.
  3. Okay so I can see a little pattern Looks like we are aiming for a weekend. SO there are two weekends coming lets do a Saturday job just so things are open. 2nd of November OR 9th November ? Let me know guys
  4. Yeah sorry Alex no one really told me what sort of hours they work. If in weekend is what everyone is after. Might I suggest November the 2nd for our first official meet?!
  5. BRRRRRRRRRR. I need to change, they look sick man Can't ever go wrong Good work guys!!
  6. So I'm thinking the 23rd of OCT evening would be best now we have a bit more daylight It's a Wednesday. Let me know what yo think
  7. Gumtree are always good for cheap head unit with bluetooth
  8. Wow ! Jimmy you are one lucky man . Gonna be a great addition to the box. Congrats Luke I hope you are happy with them man they look farking sweet! Jealous as at the moment guys :)
  9. Ok peeps upon studying the maps and everyone's where a outs. I think it fitting that we meet somewhere around north Adelaide or just the other side. For a meet and great. Then cruise through our great city to the summit of our tallest ...........I want to say mountain but I think hill is more fitting. MT lofty summit car park is usually half dead and I want to see these babies throughout the tunnels. Any questions or suggestions? We now need a date for everyone Drew
  10. Same here, haven't been to SA before so would be an awesome road trip :) All welcome guys, would love to have you and would love the opportunity to visit you guys in your natural habitats. Should be able to do something by then, unfortunately I won't be available on those day man but I'm sure the lads will treat ya right.
  11. Personally if it were me I would decide on what I really wanted from the car. After deciding I would take the cars out on the "purpose" drives and give them a good working out. It's really going to be your tastes in the end that decides. Both car probably do have there pro and cons, I just up to you on what your priorities are.
  12. Did you need the smoked ones Luke? I have a pair I'm not gonna use, save ya a bit of cash man.
  13. gonna have to check more Ray ;) Thanks for the replys guy im home soon and will be in touch.
  14. Ordered a received 23 mm sway bar 2 weeks ago. Received on Tuesday. All good man
  15. "Shakes head" I really thought there was hope for us Rebz ?
  16. Okay so just an update, we have at least 6 members interested in a meet so I say that's enough for a start I'm heading home Friday and will try to organise a nice place to meet up maybe bite to eat.... Suggestions welcome. In the mean time can you guys let me know where it is you dwell so I can try and pick a central point for all of us. I'll post possible dates and let me know when ALL of you are available. Wanna meet all you friendly people. City is obvious so we won't go ther haha. Let me know guys and thanks for your support. On another note if there are any toyota or even car officianodos That know a good general knowledge please consider a SA moderator position.
  17. Just check with the leader of the opposition. Should be good tho :)
  18. Loving the car! looks really good and the progress and the way its looking is awesome! just wondering as to where you got these shmick lights from? want to get my hands on some too! one of a kind mate Soz if I I ever part out. your first on the list. Thanks for the comments
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