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Everything posted by eggbert_99

  1. bahahahaha ... who needs to get a slip when we have dylan ! .. heheheheh
  2. have a run stocko first .. then you will know approx how much better your car will be ...
  3. Wow ... thats a serious engine blow !!! sound recording is pretty crap though ... need it a tad louder to hear the point when it blows
  4. HAHA! :P real insightful tom .. good to see you are learning !! //heheh
  5. that is unacceptable ...... but slightly more acceptable than not waving at all ... And you never know when you have to ride a bike next ... and when you do and cars are zooming around you ....think about that .... not pleasent now is it ..
  6. I know ! ... thats exactly what I was saying !! .thats what ****s me ... its like im the hulk ... all nice 1 min ... and let some one in .. NO WAVE !! .. RAHHHHHH ... Road rage kicks in over drive !!!! and as far as cyclists go ... they have as much right to be on the road as we do ... so what if you have to go around ... next time you see one ... go around them as if it was your mum or dad riding that bike ! ...
  7. the one thing that gets me is when I let someone in .. and they dont wave !!! .. WAVE DAMN YOU !! .... not dis similar to the bling merc last sat nite
  8. i was going for green the whole way ... mundine is far to cocky and arrogant to have a fan base that have the right attitude to sport .... although both were very sportsmen like after the bout ... mundine will be silenced soon ... I dont think he has what it takes to be a world champ like kessler ... I may have to eat my words later ... but I hope not !
  9. A man and woman where on their honeymoon after a long and very happy courtship. On their honeymoon, they decide to take their horses through the beautiful mountain passes of Europe. As the horses were crossing a small stream, the woman's horse mis-steps and jostles the man's wife. Once across the stream, the man dismounts, walks over to the horse, and stares into its eyes. Finally, he states, "That's one." The man remounts his horse and they continue their ride. A bit further down the path, the woman's horse stumbles when stepping over a fallen tree. The man dismounts, stares the horse in the eyes, and boldly states, "That's two!" He returns to his saddle and they move on. As the afternoon sun began to set, the woman's horse once again lost its footing on a mossy slope. The man dismounts, moves to the woman's horse, and helps his wife out of the saddle the man. Moving to the front of the horse he stares it in the eyes and firmly says, "That's three," removes a pistol from his vest, and shots the horse dead. The woman, quite upset at seeing the beautiful horse killed, says to her husband, "That's terrible, why would you do such a thing!" The man stares at his wife and firmly says, "That's one!"
  10. i dont know how the offset one will fit .. mine is with no offset
  11. yes ... much like the satisfaction I would have got yesterday if green beat mundine
  12. that is so interesting robmeister !
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