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Everything posted by eggbert_99

  1. entertainment ! (hey michelle ... you finally get to go for a drive on sunday !!!)
  2. $10 ?? hahha :D :D :D :D
  3. hgell yeah !!!! the trick is to find a new ahead .. and wait !!! this post whoring thread has taken off !! .. hahahahha ... glad this finally got started !
  4. little punks .. I had little kids throwing rocks at my front windows ... scared the crap out of them when I let my dog loose ... mind you this was like 1 in the morning ... what are these kids doing???
  5. ummmmm ummmmmmmmmm ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm keep driving ???? Actually ... Its not going to rain .... Its not going to rain .... Its not going to rain .... Its not going to rain .... Its not going to rain ....
  6. Hey all This is a map of the local area ... Bill can you add this to post #1 please ..
  7. eggbert_99

    New Club

    common mate .. your the 1 and only original post whore ... rest of us just try ... (it was all that 3 word story !!! :) )
  8. holiday UKTOC is up to 12875 posts in the same topic !! were are catching them !! .. wooo !
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