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Everything posted by eggbert_99

  1. fyi ... not sure about maria attending .. we will see ... if anything .. i will drop her off
  2. woould you like to be officially Tilda MAN how bout i jus be man? no ... Tilda is good ... or maybe "Question man ?????" hehehe
  3. WOO ... HUMAN VICE .. on the prowl
  4. woould you like to be officially Tilda MAN
  5. no .. toms just colon .... specially that mike guy
  6. no .. he is just colon .. hhahah
  7. its us ... Me = Dot man Bec = Dot girl Mike = Comma man
  8. dont challenge the dot ..... it will reign supreme !
  9. its about a knob who wasnt looking where he was passing ... yes we can
  10. i think some ppl just get their knickers in a knot too easily .. and on another point .. damn those QLDers .... hodgson ... omg .. my granma could pass better than that ....
  11. someone has a job interview ! .. wooo .. and no its not me .. or tom ! ...
  12. they were awesome machines ... along with out dot matrix printer ... what a combo ! .. but my next was a 486 ... hey dylan .. i hope you have it still apparently the XT's .... they used GOLD ... thats right .. GOLD on the motherboard circuits ...
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