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Everything posted by eggbert_99

  1. I wouldnt mind seeing some other sedans there !!!!!! .. common .. there has to be ppl on this forum with sedans in sydney !!!! come tomorrow !!!
  2. umm what about this .. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-cbPQgEcnYw
  3. Hey steve, Just got my shirt !! WOOOO !! .. Just in time for the meet tomorrow .. Shirt looks great thanks steve !!! By the way guys ! .. I paid like 10 pounds for the shirt and Steve paid 6 pound 40 pence just in postage costs .. So Im sure I aint getting rich off this.. Support the Club by joining up silver memberships and buying this shirt .... Its peanuts when you compare to what you are paying for mods on your car ... esp if you are buying little bits of plastic for $200+
  4. if that does what it says it does ... ill eat my hat !!!
  5. Yes it is on for tomorrow .. and we start arrive around 8 pm .. and mario better damn well have them .. or we'll make him drive home :) :) :) hope it dosent rain !!!! and i dont mind golf either ..
  6. Thats the point I was making before .. There has to be a minimum flow rate plus a level of pressure .. now if you have a Huge rain tank that is full and you are drawing water from the bottom ... then there maybe suffecient pressure .. from a bucket ???? no way .... flow rate wont be suffecient ... the unit uses 5 liters per min .. and generally requires a min of 10-12 liter per min supply pressure ... (well thats what it says in my manual..) so not really worth the effort .. if you are going to do all that youd midas well take it to a car wash ... kinda spending apound to save a penny .. if you know what I mean
  7. hahah .. thats funny ... but not possible ... the hose has to be directly connected to the high pressure machine .. As it also relies on the pressure from your tap to be at a certain flow rate ... the pressure cleaner dosent suck water .... so there is a slight flaw in that idea ...
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