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Everything posted by eggbert_99

  1. nice ... i was thinking about getting some too .... and putting them on my boot hehe
  2. eggbert_99

    New Club

    PHooooar ... u called bec a whore ... look ..out .. watch for the whip
  3. yeah .. .got decent sleep last nite
  4. did you read what I wrote .........that no matter what u know we are playin
  5. dosent hurt my butt .... does it really hurt your butt ?
  6. I wish I could go to the snow this year ! mine was giving me issues last nite !
  7. exactly ... see mish .. not heat here .. its all love ... cept G man dosent like love .... from men ... heheh
  8. we are always out in the open
  9. im about to get a nice hot cup of tea ....
  10. FYI - i totally get what you mean george
  11. its nice .. coz I left my laptop at work ... so do no way i can work ! woo DOT
  12. nothing hot here .... just good conversation
  13. evening ! ... and what a wonderful one it is !
  14. I may race .... depends on the wife ... and permission .. but ill definately be there !
  15. my point is that re pete ... he does know what we are saying .. and not taking any offence to it .. now who came up with the price of the corolla ... its the same as your $40 question .. how long is a peice of string ... just thats the price .. In regards to blocking parts of the site and making ppl pay to access ... sure steve could do that .. but what he is doing is giving everyone access to it ... and the members "donate" for a good cause ... "what is a good cause??" well thats for you to decide ... Its like some places that have free lollies ..... but its up to you to put a 20c coin in ! ... get the point ..... do what you think is right ... and I will do what I think is right ... now .. the next issue !!!!!! .. Paying for friends ??? who said anything about that ... there is confusion .... this forum allows us to make new friends .. its just another benefit ... like info on cars or buy n sell .... you can pay for whatever you want ... the reason ppl donate to any cause is wide and varied ... paying for friendship is more like a dating site .. where you purposely pay to meet someone .. and is that right or wrong ... who knows ... so thats that ...
  16. pete .. so you wanna be Comma boy ! ... mike .. your side kick ! why not i say! :D dont worry pete .. im losing it .. need to sleep
  17. pete .. so you wanna be Comma boy ! ... mike .. your side kick ! jase that was me!!! Im losing it ! .... maybe its the HUMAN VICE still flowing throught my blood !
  18. see .. thats the only reason the girls are up .. and also that mish is peddling her self ! . .heheh
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