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Everything posted by eggbert_99

  1. that 11 silver member excluding the mods which have purchased silver
  2. SYD Yesterday at about 1 pm ..... stock black stivo outside the puma factory outlet in rosebery and at nite ... stock face lifted white stivo in the Haymarket car park .. on level b2 .. I left another flyer
  3. well they are in there .. but aint that shiny ! .. damn battery !
  4. just going to upload our photos ! .. eheheh
  5. Bill - can you pin this to the donkey http://photobucket.com http://tinypic.com http://www.freeimagehosting.net although my preference is http://www.imageshack.us
  6. not fussed about the lead .. just wanted to hit 6000 .. look out .. 10'000 here i come heheheheheh ...
  7. im just about to do the same
  8. much the same in sydney ! ... even the cops were in on the action hehehhe
  9. Mods ... can we please pin this Some members struggle with posting up images on the forums so here's a quick guide: - First of all your image should be hosted on the Internet somewhere, - Try www.imageshack.net (its easy) - Once the image uploaded then copy the URL address which should look something like this: http://gazoo.com/nvis/im/egim/2ZZ-GE.jpg - To place your image into a post click the 'IMG' code button at the top of the new topic page & paste in the URL from the image. (the one that looks like a little green tree) It will then be displayed like this: - Essentially as long as the Internet 'address' of your image is surrounded by these tags you'll be ok. [IMG] (ADDRESS GOES HERE) [/IMG] One thing to remember is to try not to post-up massive images in terms of size - as this will slow the site down, don't forget those people on 56k dial-up connections who will have to wait ages for an image to load! hope this makes things easier .... (poached most of this from TOCUK ....) Thanks Jase
  10. hi jase!! where is everyone ??
  11. dont worry mish .. im sure it will be taken care of
  12. yeah ... the atmosphere was the next best thing to being in germany
  13. Spotted NSW City Red stock stivo face lift .. on george st turning right in to bridge street .. about 3 in the arvo and Spotted tonite .. and Rumps n Ribs in gordon carpark .. Blue preface levin ??? maybe conquest with kit ... and TRD everything everywhere ... neck pads .. seat belts stickers all over and racing development on the bonnet .. I left a "You been Spotted" print out on his car .. hope fully he joins !
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