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Everything posted by mrs.sportivo

  1. No no no, that wasnt mean as an attack on the police, I was just making a point based on the differences between the AFP and the NSW Police Force. Then again, intrestingly enough, Mrs.Sportivo was telling me that she received the blue carbon paper copy of the ticket, however what she posted was clearly a white piece of paper. But I will leave that well alone. I'm done. blue paper? no no you know that paper people put inbetween so they only have to write on one sheet and the blue paper inbetween imprints onto the 2nd copy? sorry just dont know what thats called - and if u know what i am actually talking about you would know that its very hard to read the 2nd copy
  2. Seeing how I am such a keyboard warrior, I thought I might just bring this up. So who was in the car with you, your brother or your sister? Story seems to be changing quite a bit. Falling apart at the seams. Unless you had both a brother and a sister, but then, why wouldnt you just say that in the first place? You are still saying that its not your fault because you missed the sign. I reiterate my point - Ignorance is no defence for breaking the law. You missed the sign - thats your fault. Its like saying, "oh I'm sorry your honour, I didnt realise murder was illegal, otherwise I wouldnt have killed that person" Anyway, I'm happy to write off the speeding as an honest mistake, it can happen to the best of us. However, I will make the point that if you were in fact a licenced driver, there is a much greater chance that you would have noticed the speed sign in the first place. Then again, it also comes back to the fact that you put yourself, your brother/sister, all other drivers on the road, and maybe 100's of kids at risk because you took a chance. And to top it off, you lied, and then bragged about it on an online forum. I'm going to stop replying here now, because i've made my point, and you will either ignore it or take it on board, that is up to you. Please, just dont get all high and mighty telling me that it was the only option because clearly you could have chosen many other options rather than the one you chose. Still, thats a lesson for you to learn which comes from experience, much like driving skills. Edit: Oh and I apologise for my 1 spelling mistake. It does happen occasionally. both, i was dropping both off at school but when i got pulled over by the police that was just when i droped my little brother off so my sister was the only one in the car
  3. lmfao are those weddingphotos on the right hand side of that picture? LOL i think they are ! maybe their swingers
  4. well done to you, for after 4 hours you are still trying to justify why im wrong when i said so many times, i know what ive done wrong. please learn to listen and read in future FYI who said i was speeding because my brother was late? i didnt know i was speeding as i didnt know that 5 blocks down it would still be counted as a school zone you know what LOL im gunna be the bigger man and just ignore you
  5. fair enough people had problems with members typing in lazy txt msg manner; but who said their moron's ? you talk about being polite this that but yes i have introduced myself in this forum it was actually one of my first posts. & look at urself LOL YOUR BEING A HYPOCRITE, you called me a moron just because i have poor grammar ? but excuse me since when did you have the right to call me that when you obviously dont even know me and i quote "I don't believe, however, that anybody can criticise the younger generation of this forum too harshly for their use of SMS, internet, or l33t speak - especially when a lot of you are walking around day to day asking your peers how they are by using phrases such as "How's it garn?" (WTF is garn!?) or "How'ya doin'" (yeah, thats grammatically and lexically correct). Anyhow, a moot point... (bring back the cane, perhaps?)" why so harsh and start calling me a moron ? i dont give 2shts if my grammar is appalling to you, because your not the one in the end marking my hsc; when people like you start to use name calling dont you think thats abit immature espically over the internet ? "1. search the site, rather than fill it up with stupid one line posts, and 2. actually start being courteous to the people that run this site, and they may get some good advice." im sorry i thought i did that; please show me where i havent LOL fair enough this post is trash talk - its not like im the only one involved in it, and im pretty sure you have posted a reply on this topic as well. & yeah i posted a story about how i got lucky with a cop im sorry i thought this was in the club lounge section; i thought maybe people who read it would have found it abit lucky as well but hey if u dont like stuff like that posted up on these forums then fine fair enough thats your problem. but dont come taking it out on people just because you didnt like it or you cant make out what im saying. Who said the police will target you, who even said i attend the cruises ( i havent attended one yet as i am still waiting for my P's which im getting at the end of the month ). how can you talk yourself so high, are you telling me you've never done anything illegal before? you've never had a few good laughs about it with ur friends? please. im not saying what i did was right ? if u knew the reason why i did drive in the first place you'd understand and that is NO ONE WAS HOME, BROTHER HAD MISSED THE BUS AND SO I HAD TO TAKE HIM TO SCHOOL OR ELSE HE WOULDA JUST STAYED HOME, there plain and simply for you to read. now that i have explained this nicely, i hope im going to get an apology for the moron bit
  6. LOL oh im gunna guess the schools i went to are different to your one cos they were "catholic girl" ones LOL also maybe cos we're in the western suburbs i saw chicks who look and seem innocent at school but oh were we wrong LOL when their outside full badkients, i remember going to a school disco and some chicks brought xtc but yeah i dont think it got the extent where chicks were bringing speed LOL thats abit off
  7. my *** your giving me a headache geez it doesnt matter if people speak "ill of the police" on this forum or not, their stereotyped as pigs and who says i dont read other people's topic's; if my grammar is such a problem for you then dont read my post's. im not gunna change the way i type just because your eyes cant translate it to your brain and then actually make out what im actually saying because LOL I KNOW I CAN SPELL. people come onto this forum to discuss about car's, not about how bad their keyboard and grammar skills are, if its still such a problem for you maybe you shouldn't be on this forum instead maybe a forum which only talks about grammar; yeah i think thats the best way, we dont want you having a heartattack over mine and/or other's bad grammar now do we edit: as for calling people who dont have good grammar "morons", wow either your parents were born here and everyone you know has excellent grammar then i guess yeah i am a moron for not "listening" in class though if thats not the case then your the moron for actually even saying im a moron for having poor grammar see the headache ?
  8. Ignorance is not an excuse for breaking the law. I'm sorry, your grammer is appalling. No offence. What is a "TT"? I think you will find I never called you a moron and said that you didnt listen in class. I simply said that you are a moron if you think what you did is cool. if i saw the "go 40 schoolzone" sign, i obviously wouldnt have sped considering the fact that i am only on my L's and i dont want cop's chasing after me. this isnt an english class so i dont see why you keep saying that; btw its "grammar" i even know that a TT is = fobby, people who cant speak/write english properly my mistake u never did call me a moron but looks like you were agreeing with leroy about it
  9. yeah its got dates and the offence code written on it (Y)
  10. i didnt know it was a school zone; unknown territory and i think i was going 55km so at least it wasnt that bad and when the hell did my grammar become an issue in this forum ? i see TT's here all the time; are u gunna go confront them about it and tell them that they havent been listening in class and that their a moron ?
  11. well look if u want i can fax it to u ? if it makes u feel any better; i can barely read the ticket myself because dont forget u only get the copy [ u know the hole blue paper in the middle thing ] not the original written one and LOL WHO SAID IM BRAGGING ?! like i said just wanted to show u guys that not all cops are pigs - who said this was cool ? im still left with a $318 fine
  12. i never said it was hard to find out details LOL it was "micky_tee" so dont tell me it aint rocket science cos i know it aint thats why i didnt bother putting that bit of my story in but i guess some people just cant fill in the gaps by themselves aye ? LOL & look alright who said i openly bragged ? i thought i'd just show u guys that not all cops are pigs and what the fck ? just because when im on the internet and i type lazy doesnt mean im a moron and i dont listen in class ? LOL geez look at urself you thought i was making sht up and when i showed u pic's u try and diss out other things ? are you one of them people that always wants to be right ? farr so annoying i would have accepted a simple " oh i guess i was wrong "
  13. You're an idiot. I don't believe you one bit. If you are really on your learner's permit, and were caught speeding in a school zone, there is no way you would still have a licence. Who was sitting next to you in the car? Did they get a ticket as well? So you gave him a fake ID and he somehow managed to do a licence check and match your fake ID to an actual drivers licence, but still work out your real date of birth? Thats crap. I think you should scan your ticket in so we can all see if your talking crap or not. HAHA oh i think i should explain my story abit better than LOL up to u if u want to believe me haha the person sitting next to me was MY SISTER who is younger than me [ i was taking her to school ] yeah i was caught speeding in a school zone and i didnt have my license with me cos my mate took it off me LOL [ dont know why ? must be retarded ] and no my sis didnt get a ticket as well cos she doesnt even have her L's. the fake ID had my real name LOL it was only fake cos its a UNIVERSITY card and it says i study MEDICINE [ i obviously dont go uni as im still finish yr12 ] lols i gave him my real address and everything just fake D.O.B and he checked it and went "what the fuc.. why did u lie to me for -" dude LOL they can find out my dob from my full name and address ? LOL i only did fake DOB to match my university card LOL and well i thought maybe he wasnt gunna check up on me since i had an id LOL and i looked innocent ? HAHA oh btw heres the pic of the ticket :D. [ GONE ] did the best i could with a phone camera LOL if u want more i'd be more than happy to take some :D LOL sorry im not that sad to make up a story like that - ps. dont really like the name calling, u dont know me so i dont know how u can be so judgemental - calling someone a moron and uve only known them via forums which u dont even talk 1 on 1 too geeez
  14. lols oh well =\ public school private school in the end its really the same **** LOL ive been private schools my hole life and i can tell u there no different from public's - u still get the same **** LOL SO DONT SEND UR KIDS UR PRIVATE SCHOOLS telling u now LOL from experience its a waste of money - i should clean this thread up abit LOL
  15. hahas i know aye LOL see when they full scream n **** at the end HAHAHAHAH my ggott
  16. LOL no im gunna guess the outcome isnt too pleasant www.meatspin.com tht was the most disgusting thing i have ever seen in my life closely followd by one of my mates giving it to a girl...... HAHA why would u watch it man LOLOL like u know its gunna be disturbing LOL did u finish the hole clip ? HAHAHA at the end it says something like "omg u watched it till the end; u must be gay" LOL
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