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Everything posted by blue_rolla

  1. ... im just going to go ahead and not sleep for a while... you freak...
  2. still boycotting your strangeness :P we're getting close to a new king now...
  3. well how bout we decide on the O.P for this month's cruise? then waiwong can meet up with us... otherwise by 10pm we might all be somewhere else... i like the sound of go-karting or paintball, but both are very expensive, so i probably wouldnt be able to make it. plus it has to happen in the day...
  4. hell yeah!! sounds like two awesome days!! wait for 2 months before we head down to track though - i will have got my air flow issues (like the car being stock) sorted out by then, and then we can talk about going to track... seriously by july 2nd, it should all be done... and jamberoo sounds good too, but obviously when its warmed up a little... and i think if you look closely, you'll see that I control the action.
  5. that engineer guy is john abruzzi from prison break... id only seen the first one, the others are pretty cool videos too... the rally one though! that guy probably crapped his pants a little when that thing came towards him...
  6. ive found NRMA to be very good with claims, but they are rip off merchants and they dont let you do jack to your car...
  7. if i can be bothered, ill get you a photo.. but basically if you look under your steering wheel, there is this square white plastic hole that is the vent for your feet... its tucked right up against the centre console side of the foot well... and its got a line through the middle, so it looks like 2 rectangles... if that makes sense.... same deal on the passenger side...
  8. yeah and i just feel weird inside when i read it cos i dont know what to think, so im boycotting his randomness!
  9. go away with the big words! bitchy
  10. im not going to bother reading your freaky crap anymore...
  11. that is lame... hey do you people find that its REALLY hard to vacuum up little bits of leaves and stuff from the carpet of the corolla? if i get dead leaves in the car and they get trodden into the carpet, its impossible to get rid of!
  12. that is one of the coolest performances ive ever seen! its EXACTLY like the original super mario bros level! im impressed! that guy must have been rooted but at the end... its very long..
  13. why do you use words i dont understand? dictionary.com helped... controversial (i know its the same thing but whatever)
  14. E = excellent game we have going here...
  15. damn... 23 posts to go... ill win next round...
  16. i hate uni assignments... hate hate hate...
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