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Everything posted by blue_rolla

  1. yes... thats the way... sorry for the confusion
  2. ahh i dunno i feel for ignition-x (the company)... they are trying their best and its not their fault if things dont come through with suppliers.. and to have their business name bad mouthed all over a very popular toyota forum is a bit hard for their business... but then at the same time gazoom may have a valid reason for his anger and frustration...
  3. corzza isnt king... 2bnvd is!
  4. blue_rolla

    New Club

    300 more to join the club...
  5. was she that chick who was in that TV show where she was a distublingly hot man... and everyone on the show thought she was a hot chick who wanted to shag em? i dunno what it was called... iniff you have been on top for a whole 30 mins! and my post doesnt count!
  6. count THATS MY 700TH POST!!
  7. it will happen eventually... and look at todays top 10 posters: Today's Top 10 Posters eggbert_99 53 2bnvd 53 blue_rolla 49 SRi_Jimbo 42 OH84BY 39 SyxXPaC 35 Blue_Stivo 8 CORZZA 8 oO_CorollaSportivo03_Oo 8 neK 6
  8. YES!! eventually people will drop off cos they give up and a silver membership will be given out... but it will take a while...
  9. nah i said silver members posts dont count! and im a silver member, so my posts dont count... so basically right now OH84BY is winning cos we are silver members... i just post to be part of the converstaion! i don't care for my post count... not one bit!!
  10. well done jason! you're king... for the next 20 or so posts... who will be next...
  11. now?!... i think it might be the next one!!
  12. no... if you have the final post FOR ONE WEEK, then you get the silver membership... as if i'd give away $40 that easily!!
  13. ok lets make it silver member's posts dont count, and i will stay out of the game... except... WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!
  14. someone will explain it to you...
  15. Free Silver Membership?! That's right! I will buy you a silver membership if you win this game. Here's the game: You post in this thread. If you have the final post in this thread for ONE WEEK, then I will buy you a silver membership. Go nuts. And try and post something worth reading :P
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