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Everything posted by blue_rolla

  1. excellent news!! its good to finally hear a good report about a dealer... all you hear these days is whinging that they are con-artists... so you'll be joining us on sunday? (the 30th) all under warranty too! thats fantastic!
  3. i think the problem with that is only one packages should be sent to each state to reduce postage cost, and it would become too complicated... there will always be someone unhappy. i guess you're just going to have to stick it out until all the parts come in and everyone gets them at the same time.
  4. double demerits stop that kind of tomfoolery going down! thanks negatron and all of you out there take his advice! and just to scare you - there have been 2 accidents in the same place just outside my street in the past 2 weeks... ROADS ARE SLIPPERY WHEN ITS RAINING!!
  5. LOL! if it gets locked i'm not giving anyone a silver membership! the idea of this game is to overcome greed in the world!
  6. haha i know hey! first few days was an explosion of posts and now noone bothers!! i'm kinda getting worried that ill have to give $40 away to someone for winning the last say thread... (go post in it!) i'll think of another game soon enough...
  7. i know there is alot of debate over the quality of the tyres they sell with their packages... i think they come with nankangs and whilst they arent anything special or racing quality, i have still heard people saying good things about them for the price. the people who say they are 'dodgy' tyres are the sort of people who are just used to very high quality tyres and will pay a fortune to get them. if you're going to buy from tempe, dont worry too much about the tyres they sell. they are by no means crap, they just arent great. however the quality of their rims apparently isnt the greatest, in some cases. sometimes there is just a bad bunch. i have a mate who bought the starcorp concept 5s and he swears by their quality for the price. but theres a bunch of people around who say they bought starcorp and the paint is coming off, the finish is rough and they are very heavy... so i dont think you will every get a clear answer from this because people have had different experiences with tempe.
  8. wtf? here i come dictionary.com... give me a moment.. aahhh... right... p·i·neph·rine or ep·i·neph·rin (p-nfrn) n. 1. A catecholamine hormone of the adrenal medulla that is the most potent stimulant of the sympathetic nervous system, resulting in increased heart rate and force of contraction, vasoconstriction or vasodilation, relaxation of bronchiolar and intestinal smooth muscle, glycogenolysis, lipolysis, and other metabolic effects. Also called adrenaline. so ahh... adrenaline
  9. those are great comments, your majesty...
  10. far out that sucks... i would say your gas is all gone - do you drive everywhere with the a/c on? you should be right with the CAI in, seeing as it wouldnt have any affect on your air con..
  11. well i guess ill just do the honours... NEXT POST IS KING!!!
  12. well i stopped using mine a while back when i got an aftermarket head unit and i left a CD in there... when i was pulling the stock one apart to use as a casing (long story), i realised i had left a CD in there. I can't find ANY way of getting that CD out, even with the unit completely pulled apart... so if it wont do it mechanically, good luck getting your CD out!
  13. ahh... the fact that this thread needs to be bumped just shows that its coming to a sad end :(
  14. i want my stickers!! lol i wish id come and picked them up last saturday... guess i gotta wait till our wisemans ferry meet (which is going to be fantastic)... actually bill is there anywhere i can pick them up from? if you're not too far away i might come get em from you...
  15. my posts dont count, but im doing jack all over easter... my next project is saving up and changing insurance companies :P
  16. don't get me started on that sort of thing!! far out carparks are the worst places in the world. worse than hell! ... the other day, come out to my car, theres a few scratches above the rear wheel arch - obviously someone has hit me on the way in or out of their spot... then the day after that, i come out, and my rear bumper is bent, as if someone has hit it and pushed it, causing it to fold... and it just ****s me because i look after my car so meticulously, always leaving a big gap every side of me, just to stay safe and not damage my car or other cars...
  17. i tried IE7 when it was bundled with windows vista beta version (which although unstable at the time looked very promising).. i got rid of it a while back though... i didnt use it for long, but they use tabs instead of extra windows, which is something that has been lacking for too long! it was all animated and shaded and all that crap too...
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