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Everything posted by blue_rolla

  1. mmm.... recline.... nap...
  2. lounge ... im thinking departure lounge...
  3. keep fallin on my head... lets go with falling...
  4. yeah i remember that article. that was so funny... i gotta say i prefer the look of the swift, and it is more ballsy, but i would still always buy a toyota over a suzuki for the resale value, and the reliability you can expect from toyota... but either way as long as you're doing it up then im proud of you :P
  5. i do have broadband, but it wasnt working too well last night... only getting 30kb/s and i was too tired to stay up and wait...
  6. WHO IS THAT GUY?!? he fits that line so well
  7. neons are great, but the break so easily!!! i only have 2 in my car, and they are my 4th and 5th neons... i broke the first 3 by accident... lucky they were only $10 from supercheap...
  8. holy crap that second one IS scary!! that exhaust is almost on FIRE!! 33% on the other video... ill watch it in the morning... happy easter everyone!!
  9. yeah ok thats true... the latest post whore threads have been dominated by me, brad (2bnvd), and michelle (oh84by)... and a few others :P... whats been going on? figured you have a lead of a few hundred now and dont need to bother posting? :P
  10. lol nah it was a joke... but seriously, its crap that they dont put one in there! i'm going to head out there on tuesday and get one... my air-con smells like crap, but only sometimes
  11. yeah i thought the thread was about YOUR corona!! that dash is pretty vintage :P
  12. HAHAHAHA this thread is so ridiculous!! you guys crack me up with those pictures!! that elmo is pretty cool though - its so huge!! and you are SUCH an asian!
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