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Everything posted by blue_rolla

  1. sounds like a good idea, but too pricey to sell well i reckon!
  2. we're getting close now... if noone interferes, the posts will go me, you, me, and you will be king.. dammit... we need someone to get in here and turn it upside down so i can reign!!
  3. lol im guessing you made that one up yourself for this thread?
  4. wow.. .that would be impressive to see... how much would it cost though!!?
  5. i guess thats the whole point... you dont know... the only other thing that makes them stick out is the massive strobe light thing on the dash... if you see a car with something big and square on the dash chances are its a cop... the other thing that has saved my ***** is the unmarked cops often have a few more aerials sticking out that they use for all their equipment. i was driving down the M4 one time and i was behind a green commodore for a while. i thought to myself "no i wont overtake cos it looks shifty with all the antennas". lucky i didnt because they pulled into the servo and as i went passed the occupants were cops...
  6. i like them all! they would all sell... i especially like the cab on corollasportivo03's, its more rounded, which is a better look than just cutting the cab straight down...
  7. you must have some empty cereal boxes lying around! maybe even some milo tins!
  8. don't use the touch-up paint if you can help it... i have cascade blue paint, and my touch-up paint was WAY darker than my actual car.. i touched up a few scratches, looks *******.
  9. yeah even taking that corner at 60km/h (following the lanes) at video ezy is a fast corner and its a fairly blind corner... i hate ******* drivers!
  10. i followed a silver corolla (dont know what model), down behind carlingford court about 6ish this evening... debadged, had an aftermarket exhaust, rims and i think it was lowered... i only saw it from the back... plates were umm... PAT-***... i think... i gotta find a way of remembering these plates better, i always forget... i think it was PAT, otherwise it was another 3 letter guys name...
  11. seriously... have a search around... look in the corolla page, up the top there is a thread that contains a whole lot of threads we have had repeatedly, what you want to know will be in there...
  12. paid 133.9 today for ULP with a woolies discount... wasnt as bad as that 139.9 i was going to pay yesterday, but far out! i just want it to be $1.00 again!
  13. i agree with that... make them go "stock corolla... whatever..." and then burn em :P
  14. 10 posts to go who will it be...
  15. to be honest i dont think anyone else wants that title... go ahead...
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