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Everything posted by trdsaads

  1. Maybe we can postpone the BBQ till later on in the month or something, and we can have a small meet, and go play pool or something? Thats if the numbers are low.
  2. Do you know when he'll be back jayme? or is his store still open while hes away? Yeah the shops still open and trading as usual. Apparently (according to his mum, who was running the shop when i went in!!!!!) he was supposed to fly back Tues, but pushed it back until Thurs (tommorow) The action at the Daikoku Futo must be unreal!
  3. zam... u from WA too? u north or south? hehehhe... :) yep, from w.a. north- merriwa to be precise HOLY TOLEBO BATMAN!!!! Thats out in the sticks!
  4. Yeah, it would be nice to have your own car, but....... :( Maybe some of the Melbourne members are kind enough to have us as passengers for the meet. I will be going to Melbs again at the start of next year, and the National Meet gives me a great excuse to go back!!!! Go there for a week, party up! Im loving it! ;) See you guys at the National Meet!
  5. Hey guys. Is this still going to happen? I dropped by Evo R today, and Mao has his dyno in the workshop. If your still looking for places, add another one to the list! His in Japan ATM, probably hitting a Tokyo matteress all night long! Anyways, i may be in, like most people time and day dependant.
  6. We're in! (me & michelle) If you want Ken, i can go pick up the meat/supplies. Most of you guys are at uni, and dont have much time up your sleeve at the moment. I dont mind doing the running around!
  7. Good looking chariot you have there! Perthies will be on the lookout for you!
  8. Thats one good looking wagon! Definitly something you dont see often! Whats next on the shopping list!
  9. Sounds good! Ill bring the liquor!!!!!! Hahah, South Perth Foreshore will be nice, lots of room to kick a footy etc. Maybe we can incorporate a photo-shoot aswell? I know just the person!
  10. Put it this way, whether i can get my car across to Melbs or not, i'll be there! I mean, in a perfect world my car will come along.....Maybe i can hire a flat-bed truck and drive the thing over!!!! If not, theres always Virgin airways!!!! I guess i'l be the first Westie to put his hand up and commit to coming over??!
  11. If its in Melbs, then i'll be going. Whether i take my car or not, is another story, but irrespective of that theres a good chance ill go. In the mean time, i may aswell suss out cost involved in respect to transporting the car(s) I guess, sooner or later W.A. has to have their turn to hold a national meet, but we'll save that for another time!
  12. oops :P once again bro! i didnt c u :( SO SAD! hahahaha where were u! :P u owes so ninjah I was heading into the city, to sink ***** at The Belgium Beer Cafe! corner of king and murray? Thats the one!
  13. oops :P once again bro! i didnt c u :( SO SAD! hahahaha where were u! :P u owes so ninjah I was heading into the city, to sink ***** at The Belgium Beer Cafe!
  14. I spotted Jeremy on Albany Hwy infront of the Chicken Treat in Bentley. Twas about 6pm!
  15. Why on earth would you agree to meet a "buyer" at 9:30pm! Thats just asking for it.
  16. yeap sure can..this project is still not completed :D just bring ur car in and let us work our magic..u know where to find me :P Oh most definitly! I like magic! :P
  17. Hot diggidy! One of my friends chose the XR5 over the MPS, and i pity him! The only thing good with those is the Volvo engine! Looks hot mate!
  18. Damn, can your MR2 get any sexier!!! I want my paint to be as glassy and as shiny as yours, man!
  19. LOL at Strathfeild! And dont go to Car stereo city too! I have the same screen in my car, your going to love it! Westside car audio are very good! Osborne Park, and Cannington. I have a friend who manages the Ozzy Park store, although im not sure if he is still there. Go see a guy named Ken at Ozzy Park, or Troy at Cannington. I hope that helps!
  20. Please wait a few seconds for Video to Load!
  21. Very nice and neat car you have there, and just like everyone, im loving the sunroof! Its good to see more sedans! Good stuff
  22. I think i saw some on ebay.com (the U.S. ebay) and there was a place selling them, under the brand "ROTA"
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