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MzZ Sportivo

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About MzZ Sportivo

  • Birthday 07/23/1987

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  • Toyota Model
    2003 Sportivo

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    St Marys

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  1. yes well i got it back yesterday evening it looks awesome.......got the new grille & eyelids on lovin it! Spent most of the day cleaning it and will take some pics tomorrow n post them up for yall :P Just planning to get it lowered now need to have the door sills installed n then exhaust and then who knows :P
  2. MzZ Sportivo


    I know huh thats next on my list of a million things i need to do to it lol I'll post the pics up once its done should look sweet!
  3. wow spoilt :P ha ha happy birthday! Hope you make it one to remember!
  4. ha ha ha thats funny as i couldnt see myself going that far ha ha Sorry guys i didnt get a chance to get any pics of the damage been too fkd up to starting to feel alot better though picking my car up today at 3pm i cant wait!!! I got a pretty sweet deal too i had a few scratches and a dent which was all repaired and i got my new grille & eyelids sprayed aswell for pretty much peanuts i cant wait to see how it all looks... Still chasing all this crap though......the insurance has covered my physio but still hasnt paid me im spewing im going to see a personal injury lawyer about it all next week grrrrrrrr still off work which isnt so bad ha ha i have been off for nearly a month now since i had holidays prior to the accident lol Ill post up some pics when i get it back! Thanks guys
  5. Hey dav0 Love the rims they came up heaps nice huh Got ur sills here too waiting for u :P U never came to the group meet last week? I hope we didnt miss u?? anyhow let me know when u want them.....im not working at the moment because of a car accident but im sure we can organise something ta Emma
  6. Thanks guys for all your advice. I did some research and it is actually covered by work cover....i have sorted it all out with my boss she is going to pay me for the duration i am off and has organised her insurance company to cover all of my expenses i filled out all the paper work today. I spoke to her also about Sue'ing....ahh forgot to mention i work in a solicitors office :o dont know much about this part of things coz we dont deal with mva's just family law & conveyancing mainly and she said it is something that i should definately think about and should keep every record of everything i do and any trauma and loss i may have........it doesnt sound like fun to me... I have taken another step aswell and have attempted to file a claim against his green slip my physiotherapist recommended it so i sent that off today....i dont think i will go through though as the guy was unlicensed and i know when u get done unlicensed it voids ur insurance and rego and i have not been able to get a straight answer as to whether it voids your greenslip aswell?? Isn't the point of a green slip to cover those that are injured in an accident?? ****sighs***** this is all to much for me.........i'm just thankful she is co operating any paying me im not sure how long she will deal with not having me around before she looks for someone else.....i hope i can get back into the swing of it all soon.......they physiotherapist said i am looking at atleast another 3 weeks in this stupid neck brace whitestivo Posted Yesterday, 10:57 AM Do you have annual leave you can use in Leiu? ha ha ha nope i just came back from holidays used up my last days going to the gold coast was the first day back at work from holidays that i had the accident :( Cappuccino Posted Yesterday, 01:57 PM Very sorry to hear! Some people in Sydney dont deserve a licence, i also had a truck run up my ***** when i was driving my brothers car to work...insurance sorted everything out. All the best as they say things happening in 3s Best of luck! I know huh Cappuccino its bs......ur right about this this guy didnt deserve one and didnt have one for that reason but still was on the road! it just pisses me off and for that all the police could say as some sort of comfort was that he "might" be charged! that is not good enough for me im pretty much home bound now i cant work cant go out even the every day normalties i cannot do and this guy gets off with a fine its beyond me how this law works i bet the idiot is still driving around! Thanks anyhow guys for all your advice....fingers crossed it all goes well from here huh
  7. oh u studying law? Yeh lucky i have insurance my insurer is organising the repairs thank *** no excess and will chase him for the money i believe. I can sue him but thats no help to me now its to early too at this time :( i have to look into it further i think since i cant work i think i have alot of time to do that :P its not even that it hapened on the way home its a work cover matter my boss should pull the stick out her rich a$$ n pay me :P
  8. ha ha the most recent one i seen my friends mate has the plates DA-69-ER ha ha i wonder what that means :P on a holden commodore :P seen the pics ha ha what a tool :P
  9. ha ha i drive manual........i dont like the feel of auto i like to drive the car not have it drive me ha ha ha :P the good thing about auto is its cruisy but yeh there is good and bad in all QUOTE (Saj @ Nov 27 2008, 01:25 AM) I'm a bit of a hobo and I like to wear thongs on the weekends, but I find it hard to use the clutch with thongs so I take them off. Using the clutch with bare foot gets goddam painful after a while ha ha ha yeh so am i. i never wear shoes when i drive its more comfortable without them :P
  10. Congrats on the new place It is true though they do not have any obligation to do so unless it is in a special or standard condition in the contract (you should speak to your solicitor or conveyancer about that) The only obligation they have is that the property must be in the same condition as it was at the time of exchange of contracts unless you have special conditions for work to be done to the property prior to settlement in which case those works should be completed. You should definately do a final inpection on the day of settlement preferably an hour or so from settlement to make sure that it is and if not contact your solicitor immediately....do not settle the matter if its not it is so hard to get any money from the vendor once the matter is settled. If the carpet is considerable stained and more dirty then it was when you exchanged you can ask your solicitor to get them to make an allowance on settlement for the floor to be cleaned. You would think that it would be standard for them to clean the carpet but in any thing in life there is always loop holes around it. good luck with it mate
  11. :( Hi guys Im so depressed at the moment......just when u think things are starting to go well they get worse! I just came back from a relaxing trip to the gold coast met Evo7 seen his sweet ride had an awesome time....went back to work on wednesday was sad enough to be back in sydney and at work anyhow was on my way home was on Homebush Bay drive in peek hour traffic.....some guy behind me i a ford station wagon was riding my *****. It was u know stop start stop start everytime we stopped the guy got even closer to my back bumper.....the last time before he hit me he must have been distracted and didnt see that we had moved for a few seconds......when i stopped he was about 6 -7 car lengths behind me i seen him coming coming coming then thought OMG he isnt going to stop BANG! what do u know the d!ck head didnt! It was lucky i left a fair amount of space between the me and the car infront coz he pushed me like centremetres from it.......i think it made it worse coz i seen it coming i dont know i think i tensed up or something.....i have been in severe pain ever since my neck n back are locked in i cant hardly move.....been to physio i have severe whip lash torn the musces in my neck so swollen now im in a neck brace the pain is unbelieveable! i went to the police station to report the accident a few hours after the accident just in case to find out the idiot was unlicensed....he is being charged but this is not the point nor good enough the as$hole should not have been on the road in the first place!!!! As if this wasnt bad enough i have to be off work i cant drive cant move u know......my boss turned around to me and said ur out of sick days im not paying u for the time u take off.....i nearly died......i am full time permanent and have been there for 2 years now...... i thought this has to be wrong....did my research i am under work cover anyhow since the accident happened on the way home..i called her back n told her this....what a cow!!! she said she isnt going to bother looking into it until i come back to work......hello i wont be coming back to work for atleast 3 weeks which brings us to xmas and we are closed for 2 weeks so she expects not to pay me for 6 weeks like hell!!!! I am at my whits end with this already dealing with the pain and not sleeping well is doing my head in enough without the stress of no wages......i think she may try to fire me now if she does i will most likely have to take her for unfair dismissal its not my fault!! i just cant believe this i swear i have the worst luck..... :( sorry for the rant im just p!ssed any advice though? never been in this situation where workcover is involved :(
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