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Everything posted by LEGEND888

  1. true.. u got a point there... just ask someone to horn at them or smt.. make sure dont use ur car... they will remember ur plate number later if u use ur car LOL
  2. LOL.... normal rain is ok.. if heavy rain.. sometimes it gets dirty i mean like dust etc2.. LOL
  3. HAHAHHA! yeh.. send a letter to the parents saying" Please go to this link............. www.youtube.com then search for: .... " hehehehe... but yeh.. at least get some tinted window and dont do it on built up area?? at least park? LOL
  4. LOL... i havent meet toyota freak yet... LOL... yea... jaymes ride is low ey.. u will c it later.. i dint see it when it touch the ground. onli saw it when it was being installed :D
  5. HAHA... LOL... i know ey... keep it clean for the meet people :).... come on peepz... please continue the head count....
  6. OH! thats what u meant ey? when i arrived u started asking me to leave! LOLS... HAHAHAHHA..... :D:D:D anyway, good 2 see you mate.. and i will wait for the pics :D
  7. damn.. checked jay's exhaust out yesterday.. IT IS LOUD :D....
  8. OMG!! MY FIRST TIME BEING SPOTTED! YAY!!! hahahahhha... no one really have spotted me coz i dint have anything on my car before... well... now at least... i have the grill and eye lid T_T BUT... SPOTTED JAYME!! :clap: while i was talking with jayme... i saw this 4 blue thing lying on the ground... trust me... its a beauty ! LOL and its funny how the guy who installed it said... " how do u adjust this??" " its my first time doing this!" i nearly laugh... but hold it off ey LOL..... :D
  9. YAY! new thread :) anyway... ill be there... come on ppl... we dont have meet that often so BE THERE :D
  10. LOL... spotted jayme... unplanned! but i saw someone i know in evo R... im like whos that? LOL.... did u help me ask the price to mao yet jayme ? :) and finally PICS PICS PICS... LOL.. coz i know u brought ur camera along with ya! :D
  11. Headcount 1. Ken 2. Jayme 3. Angelo 4. Jeremy 5. Andy 6. Jeff ( CONFIRM) 7. Dayve 8. Keith 9. ToyotaFreak (Might, or might not come.) 10. 11. 12. sorry.. toook me a whiile to confirm coz dads goin back to indo on that day.. needed to confirm what time hes leaving... hes leaving @ night so i can come :D:D
  12. LOL... thats why we should make the TOCAU.WA stickers... LOL... , see... tocau stickers may become handy on some situation ROFL... lol.... yeh... put stickers on rear passenger door... like jay's so nice.... :D:D
  13. no no, come while your hungover. Its more fun that way ;) :P HAHAHAH... jay get goes to party and cluubing alot ey?? went to his house today... then i ask.. do u normally park outside? " NO2, normally inside but i came home DRUNK last nite" lolz.. then next week party again?? LOls.. :D:D jk2 mate :D
  14. LOL... giving u the finger dayve?? did u have the tocau sticker in ur car??coz if u do... then he knows whos he messing with... ROFL
  15. so is it still on or what? if still on, i might come if i finish job before everyone go home? LOL
  16. TRUE!! notice in advance will be appreciated ey... :):).... so how bout next week yeh?? i wont book job... i promise.. LOL... :D:D
  17. HAHAHHHAH!! everyone is flat out this weekend ey? i was going to book saturday job only for me... but because we didnt have any MEET notification until friday... so i booked the sunday job too... T_T... starts at 7 , could be finishing up at 12 or the latest 2... so as far as now.... whos coming?hahaha...
  18. WHAT?? YOU SERIOUS?? OMG>... so nice... cant beleive it... technology these days... LOL
  19. HAHA... i can choose work between saturday afternoon 4.30 pm or sunday morning 7.00 am.... come on guys... decide... so i can book my job... tocau.wa is the priority.... LOLs
  20. i got my exhaust done at carline exhaust centre in cannington, i think thats what its called anyway i got mine done for $240 stainless steel 2.5inch resonator back when did u have this done? hows the sound? got any video for it? LOL.. 240 quite cheap man :D
  21. eiiii.... ur bday this sunday ey?? gotta celebrate it with tocau.wa?? ROFL lets try to make it a sunday.. i wont be able to make it on a sat i dont think.. HAHAHA... yeah... together with ken's bday? LOLs... :D:D my car is still in panel beating, i have internal damage on my car just near inside of the taillight.. dunno why but... gotta get it fixed cost water is running down from it... and its costing me $600 T_T
  22. LOL.. keep the good exhaust shops coming guys... i need those shops ey... LOL
  23. eiiii.... ur bday this sunday ey?? gotta celebrate it with tocau.wa?? ROFL
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