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Everything posted by LEGEND888

  1. Damn.... hell classic... gotta put it on your living room now... make it like a unique thing... LOL jk... but very nice :)
  2. hahahhahhaa LOL.... anyway... Hai.... im looking forward to see you ey... LOL.... u werent there for the past few meets.... but i heard u got into an accident? T_T but anyway... willing to see and know the whole tocau.wa members LOL
  3. What?? u kidding me? geez... but if you say its very very comfy... it must be worthed then?
  4. dumb ppl man! " Its the personal satisfaction when we win... we feel like king" HAHAAHHAHAH! what if u crash? whats ur feeling? whats ur family feeling? whats ur friends feeling?? there was just an accident on friday night here in WA, 5 ppl in a BMW, P plater, Red P Plater actually, just got license less than a month... they sped , car airborne, crash to tree etc.... 3 passed away, 2 survived.... all those 5 goes to the same church as me....... went to mass this evening.... saw their family.... they all just couldnt stop crying...... by looking at that... its just very very hard for the families to hear from the cops... that their son/daughter passed away........ thats so hard!
  5. count me in... but same like jeremy... just to give support! LOL... hehehehe.....
  6. sorry mate.. cant help you on this one... as i dont have the same model ..... but im sure someone here will help ya :)
  7. hahahahha... LOL.... NO **** man.. this is what im talking about ROFL
  8. damn man! u shouldve created this thread like 10 minutes ago... i just ate Ravioli and some fetucinne... LOLs.... if you created the thread earlier... seriously... ill post the pic up LOL
  9. LEGEND888


    hmmmm... gonna try it soon.... lolz.... wont buy 2 of them... will buy like 10 of them LOL... coz i know it will be nice anyway ROFL
  10. love the sound and the accel... after all they still fast... really fast :)
  11. HMMM.... but it doesnt say the price ey... how much did u buy it for Bill?? :) if you dont mind us asking .... hehe...
  12. BAHAHHHA... i cant really imagine... relating to this article... means what? 1 person trying to take off the nuts of the p e n i s...... and the other 6 instructing the guy... like wait2.... pull abit.... left... right.... but in malay! man....... lols!! ahahahahaha....
  13. wagon always have their own style.. love it :)
  15. haha i'll help u lookout for one if u're really interested :D HAHA! LOL.. ill look into ur stivo andy if u changing... LOL jk2 hahahahha..... there are already 2 stivos for sale at the moment..Danny's and Lionel's(Vitagen) if u're looking for one hhahahahhaa.. nuh bro.. just joking around... LOLs... cant even cope with all of the mods im planning LOL.. spending too much..... how do i afford stivo if i cant afford all those mods? LOLs.... hahahhahha
  16. haha i'll help u lookout for one if u're really interested :D HAHA! LOL.. ill look into ur stivo andy if u changing... LOL jk2 hahahahha.....
  17. AHAHAHAHA... LOL. u know post shops owner always love you when u send or receive parcel from them?? they get huge commision off the post HQ.... LOL
  18. seen that guy before too... some one must go and tell the owner to join tocau :spiteful:
  19. LEGEND888


    You can eat them however you like! I have it with some bread, sauce side of salad and beer! hmmm... with cold beer... sounds good jayme... LOLs.....
  20. LEGEND888


    oh man! so nice.... well some azn countries also have food called risoles... but different shape?? they look like spring rolls? but i wonder if they have same ingredients ey :P
  21. hahahhah.... yeh... test drive.. and dont worry guys... if adrian is the person who brings the car in from japan, u will get the car in a very shiny conditon.... he will detail the car first? LOL ... jk2 hehehehehe......
  22. 1st... dealer charge u hell alot of money.... 2nd if u know someone in tocau working in workshop.. it will be better ROFL
  23. i did it.. but mine hasnt arrived yet... but toyotafreak got them... so yeh... i think they will send it? lols
  24. thanks for the reply yeh nasi lemak is a great dish, as many of the boys here would probably tell you defekt is just a little thing me and my friends have going :) UPDATE: got a new exhaust system put in and im loving it! :D also changed my centre console lights and inverted my clock, will try to get some pics up soon DAMN! your ex exhaust was supposed to be mine... but turn out everything to be shattered T_T.... damn jay... i wanna hear ur new exhaust.... plzzz... LOLss.....
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