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Everything posted by LEGEND888

  1. Agreed.... tuck it up a bit more... oh yeah... ill tuck it up abit later ey.... at the moment, its off my car... washed my car 2 days ago... and the sponge hit the // TRD logo... and it just snaps T_T... how gay... trying to stick it back now... with a super duper strong glue.... :lol: Thanks for the comments guys.. :)
  2. waoowww! +400kw at the wheels :P looking good jeff! what you got in mind for next mods?? LOL... thanks man... hahahahha... 400 kw... LOL... next mods will be wheels ey... i think.. but gotta save up first bro :)
  4. LOL... thanks mate.... im just trying to do stuff thats still in the budget and cheap but trying to do some that is visible... eg blue parkers ... LOL looks like HID is going in soon LOL
  5. *****! DAMN! Thats so hot! gee... :D
  6. Just a few updates guys... only minor one... not major one :) please comment.... all comments are welcome :) Lowered. Kings Low :D Blue Parkers TOCAU Stickers :) Thats it for now guys... i promise i will update new stuff very2 soon :D..... im looking forward to the comments and suggestions from you all Cheers Jeff
  7. Hmmm.. ill post some pics up in my rides post... :) EDIT: i think u can ask SILLVABULLIT? i think? or other mods?
  8. DAMN! LOL... next time... eat something nice.. take a pic LOL
  9. did u take some pics of it mate? LOL... really wanna see it man! LOL
  10. Nope they don't make them anymore.. Perhaps making your own? lols... well the WA people made some... but im just wondering if we can sell it to the other states if they want them? If there is any left i am happy to grab 1 or 2. Does anyone no who will have them? oh yeah... we got some... but its just like the question is... does it actually go against the forum rules... ??? if its not... we can send some from WA :)
  11. DAMN! I Love Curries!! OMG!! GIMME SOME!! LOL
  12. HEY! Happy Bday to Jaseeeeee LOL! :)...... anyway, spotted Makmurs Car again... LOL.....
  14. Nope they don't make them anymore.. Perhaps making your own? lols... well the WA people made some... but im just wondering if we can sell it to the other states if they want them?
  15. DAMN! what bout ur fren Reena? is she coming down? :)
  16. OMG! it was you who came to the last meet in karawara? with the white mazda.... dint know it was u... LOL... :) anyway,,, dint get a chance to greet you... u took off straight after that... LOL
  17. Ive seen them in WRX, Astra TDi, Aurion TRD also. Have a peek over the fence at the academy one day Jeff! hahha... but i have to have a ride in your ranger car :) as they wont get suspicious then.... otherwise... when im having a peek,,,, they will strangle me down or something ... ROFL :lol:
  18. normallly for the corollas,,, its like the last 4 digit of the engine numbers or something... but i wonder if its the same??
  19. HAHAHAHA! Damn! i bet WA is the most behind from all state... in WA, if u see cops with some nissan patrol or Ford territory, you are lucky already... most of them is just holden commodores or ford falcon or xr6... thats about it... havent even see any aurion or anything else T_T
  20. HAHAHAHHAHA! Buddy! can i just share with you one thing... im a newbie to this club... meaning just been in this club like for the last month or smt.... first day i came to a meet... was fkin nervous ( its true) LOL! but let me tell you... u will meet the most friendly people u ever found... everyone will be nice to you... i can make sure that.. coz i got that on my first meet, second meet until the last meet :) so yeh... :) u can bring gf or a friend mate:) just need confirmation on that...... u better wake up the BBQ sunday LOL... i swear to ***... if u miss it, ull regret it LOls mauahuha anyway.. will wait for ur confirmation :)
  21. lolz... seems like indo is a worse place than malaysia then? dint u know that indo is worse than msia? LOL hahahhaha....
  22. why not? lols... jk2... but the rest... come on.... come around :D:D
  23. yeah... thats some one from the forum... is it sexy? LOL i bet it is... because the first time i see his car i was 0_0 :)
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