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Everything posted by LEGEND888

  1. hahahaha... i so want u to come... wanna meet the WA people that i havent meet :D
  2. all right guys! we need to confirm numbers... if u can come... please put your name on the head count list.... please... so it will be easier for us :) cheers
  3. HAHAHAHHHA! that cat must be enjoying their time!! lols... :)
  4. SPOTTED: Jeremy's White Sexy ROlla! in garbo! but turns out it was his bro driving :D:D did service and install springs this morning with Precision Auto Care with Damo :) again.... very2 happy with the service , price and all! VERY VERY HAPPY! :)
  5. Yeah man. Undercover, open air, roof top, its got it all! :P I vote garbo!! LOLs.. garbo is the best... you get nice lighting out off the car parks too.. specially the undergrounds... coz they use yellow type of lights... so for photography is better ey :) and its not a hot spot for cops :D:D Nah, the best thing about Garbo's is that its only minutes from Utopia!!!!! :P cant agree more!! after photoshoots, we can head down to utopia for a chat or smt... LOL... :D
  6. OMG ! SERIOUS!!?!?!??!?! YAY! WA starts getting their NULON!! LOL... means ill be getting it soon? I HOPE T_T
  7. Yeah man. Undercover, open air, roof top, its got it all! :P I vote garbo!! LOLs.. garbo is the best... you get nice lighting out off the car parks too.. specially the undergrounds... coz they use yellow type of lights... so for photography is better ey :) and its not a hot spot for cops :D:D
  8. nice..... we are expecting many new ppls+cars now.... theres many of new perthies... aurions, yaris?? :)
  9. hmmm actually... if you guys can confirm the dates for it etc... should be good... if you buy the tickets far2 away.. u can get smt like 300 bucks return... thats cheap sh*T!! LOL
  10. Just a quick sharing guys: if u wana install your audio etc, dont ever call INSTALL ALL AUDIO company... the guy name Marty.... he installed my AMP, head unit etc.. and sub... well, for sub and head unit is easy jobs.. they say he has alot of experience with audio 20 year + etc.... he cant even install an amp properly... he put the earth to a screw.. but he dint scrape the paint ... and it costed me 3 amplifiers... luckily i was under warantee..... and he wasnt even keen on it... i called him a few times.. and he was just like" oh, u sure the speaker cable is not connected together (+) and (-)?? and all these excuses... he doesnt even make any effort to come back to us to fix the problem... my opinion is... DONT EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER use him.. i was really2 upset... and the amount i paid them its not like really2 cheap... its like an above average amount... so yeh :)
  12. nuh, he doesnt speed... except last time with me, we were testing his exhaust... so he had to go 80ish at built up area?? LOls nuh2... joking bro.... :) did u miss out a 1? 180 i heard ;p wish my car could go 180 that 80 was in a 70 zone btw jeff, by accident too :) i miss the roaring old exhaust, but i aint complainin about my new one :D yeah... im just joking bro...:) but i can remember being in your car, and when the engine is cold.. its really hard to talk to you even tho i sit next to you.. its too loud..... hahahha.... and i can remember everyone on the street just turn and see ur car... Lols
  13. nuh, he doesnt speed... except last time with me, we were testing his exhaust... so he had to go 80ish at built up area?? LOls nuh2... joking bro.... :)
  14. We're in! (me & michelle) If you want Ken, i can go pick up the meat/supplies. Most of you guys are at uni, and dont have much time up your sleeve at the moment. I dont mind doing the running around! Nice, we getting more hands to help :) :D
  15. zam... u from WA too? u north or south? hehehhe... :)
  16. so we doing headcount jasee?? :) ill be here to help too :)
  17. 1. Sausages 2. Buns 3. Cans 4. Rissoles? hahaha 5) ONIONS?? LOLs EDIT: Wait.. whos gonna chop it? i dont wanna cry for the onion.. but it will be fun if we chop it all together LOLs cry together too.. heehhe....
  18. spotted white facelift 1 cki 657... anyone know who that is? sorry for showing the plate number here lol
  19. hmmm... im voting for wireless hill and heathcote.. coz they are close to me house? Lols Joking2 guys... yeah... we have to find a place that will have sufficient amount of parking... as we know that TOCAU.WA have GROWN!! heheheh.... anyway... if we doing headcount... LOL... anytime , anyday, any week, IM IN! :D EDIT: SOrry dint read the thread properly... 5th october... ill be there pplz :D
  20. Oh Man!! this one here is just taking so long..... i hate it... Lols.. but ill wait abit more :)
  21. HEY HEY!! here you go! the Perth Ninjah! Not wiper ninjah.. but undercover ninjah... u werent spotted by any of us for a while ey Jack? Lols anyway... DAMN! nice car.. and will look forward to see you and you friend Reena... on the nextmeet ok?? :D
  22. thinking of a BBQ down @ southperth or somewhere when the weather clears up a bit :) nice... will look forward to it Ken.... and rememba to give us a shout if any help is needed :D
  23. HAHAHAHAH! we will spot you... dont worry.. we have our guys all around the place... ROFL XD i agree with that one.... thats why i hate the New P Plate " NOVICE LAW" its sucks! P platers have to stay on ZERO level of alcohol at all time! i hate it... lols... but can can.... always can drink and drive " RESPONSIBLY" .... but i agree with this idea... as TOCAU.WA is growing rapidly! very2 strong growth!!
  24. LOls... at first when i see it... is that a photoshop? then im like HOLI SH*T! its not! lols.... so nice mate.. seriouslyy... new ideas coming along.. it looks like those japanese imports car... Well done :D
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