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Everything posted by LEGEND888

  2. If it did, do you think they'd still put it in the car? Or not put a warning about it in the manual? When you use the L>2 etc shift points you aren't actually changing gears, just limiting which gears the gearbox can select. L means the box stays in first, 2 allows first and second gear etc etc. It's the same as overdrive, which just locks out/allows top gear to be selected. yay this is awsome news i can now have more fun while driving. auto gets boring lol... true.. auto can get boring... :D so yeh... now u can start using manual auto method LOL
  3. Didn't circle mine (Don't know how to do that too! heheh...). I changed the color & text style to Red & Bold, those are my answers. :) thanks allister :) @JASSSEEEEEEE : SENT :D
  4. yeah... i agree jayme... we should meet somewhere first then all go togehter
  5. how do u put circles in microsoft word>? sorry me noob T_T
  7. Hey2... WA MEMBER ! have u been active? havent seen ur user name for long.... anyway... pop in to the next WA meet mate ... would love to see your car ;D
  8. i couldnt agree more with jeremy and chicken.... i mean.. this is a forum.. .where everyone shares their interest.... ask question and get answers from people who know better.... really... we have to respect on what the members want to do with their car... i mean... they tell us their ideas and we can tell them to be better... but its up to them whether they wanna listen to u or not.... just remember guys... its a forum... not everyone have to follow " UR" style etc..... Just my 5 cents... PEACE :D EDIT: Just be nice to everyone.... specially the newbies..... :)
  9. SH 1 T MATE!! now i know ur feeling of getting ur car keyed .... T_T i just washed my car just now... and i found out that some TAGGERS ( Those Grafiti idiot people) tagged my car with their symbol... not using a paint.. but by scratching it..... after that... they scratch it again... they made alot of short lines of scratched.... really... im not kind of person who hoons alot... or crank up music like crazy who makes disturbance. Really... HATE THOSE FKERS!! why tag on peoples property! really! if i find out the person... they gonna pay for what they did.... * GRRRRRRRRRRRRR*
  10. The thing is as soon as you slam on your brakes at 100kmp/h, that non-slip flooring doesn't do squat (same with velcro). There's a commercial product you can get Rokk Straps. They are around the $20 mark and have two clipped straps, you screw one end into your box and the other into a good mounting point in your boot (preferably not through the fuel tank :P). They are easily removable and are an easy way to potentially save a lot of damage to your car. plus , when u go through a run about.... ur sub at the back will fly from one side to another , which is T_T
  11. need koni this weeek hahaa.. andy u up lol u serious? getting koni ken? LOL
  12. HHAHAHHAHAHAH! When he says HEADER straight from TRD, and VTECH and those turbo etc... that fkin cracks me up ey! LOL!
  14. nice instal Kenneth! LOL... did the black bracket comes with the HID,,,,, coz i found one being sold on ebay... they actually include the bracket... so it will be easier to install?
  15. i put alot of the 3m double sided tape... to support.. but i strongly support J_J statement... ROFL... MAKE SURE POSITION THEM RIGHT THE FIRST TIME!! LOL well... if u can see my ride pic... i sticked it too down... so u can see a big gap between the eye lid and the bonnet... not very nice.... T_T
  16. YEH! spotted this car before too in CPP in city..... LOL i guess its another one thats not on the forum... LOL
  17. YAY!!!!! Another Toyota!! LOLs... ask ur bestie to join up the forum too... :D yeah.. i agree... sounds like we need cruise very very soon..... but some people are damn busy at the moment :D :D :D Heyyyyyyy that would be ME :) Hi all i'm nellie, miz bondee's bestie! Im so looking forward to gettin my sportivo. Prob pick it up early next week. Hopefully a meet will be organised sometime soon then. HI NELLIE!! FIRST OF ALL... WELCOME TO THE CLUB! WE LOOK FORWARD TO SEE YOU VERY VERY SOON.... yeh... that stivo on the pic looks damn sexy... cant wait to see it :) anyway.... we will have cruise/meet soon anyway.... :)
  18. YAY!!!!! Another Toyota!! LOLs... ask ur bestie to join up the forum too... :D yeah.. i agree... sounds like we need cruise very very soon..... but some people are damn busy at the moment :D :D :D
  19. YAY! PRIZES!! LOL.... so whens the next meet guys? :yahoo:
  20. True.. dont think they stated on the survey saying only 1500 first customer who gets it....
  21. I think this is intrigue's car. Yeah that was my car guys. Didn't really get to meet all of you properly, but was nice to match faces with names :) Look forward to seeing you guys on the next cruise/meet. Cheers to Kenneth? for organising the meet. WTh u came? :P i thought that bunch of ppl tagged along with Haii-son >< sorry >< :( i think i know which one is intrigue.... are you the one with the yellow dyed hair?? coz one of the guy matches that description waves to me before i left... i think thats him... am i rite? :D Haha the guy with the yellow dyed hair... good description LOL. Yeah that was me which one were you LEGEND? HAHAHAHAHHA! LOL! yeh... i was the one with the LEGEND stickers mate... how come u remember LEGEND?? bahahahaha.... LOL EDIT::: SOrry.... maybe had too much too drink ... LOL.... i just remember my user name is LEGEND.... ROFL...... i was the one with the blue steel colour rolla bro... the one without hub caps... :D
  22. I think this is intrigue's car. Yeah that was my car guys. Didn't really get to meet all of you properly, but was nice to match faces with names :) Look forward to seeing you guys on the next cruise/meet. Cheers to Kenneth? for organising the meet. WTh u came? :P i thought that bunch of ppl tagged along with Haii-son >< sorry >< :( i think i know which one is intrigue.... are you the one with the yellow dyed hair?? coz one of the guy matches that description waves to me before i left... i think thats him... am i rite? :D
  23. damn! seriously i couldnt agree more with this suggestion... can u see all the spammers are going in everyday? LOL its really annoying
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