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Everything posted by LEGEND888

  1. LOL... bondee is right... maybe everyone is busy at the moment? LOL
  2. LOL... cheer up bro.... i know failing is not nice.. specially when you have tried really2 hard.... seriously... a few of my friend said that you have been trying really hard in UNI... they spotted you always doing work mate!! so yeh.... Maybe TAFE could be the answer?? i mean.. its all about azn parents... they all want their kids to go uni/UWA in here? LOL! they gotta be kidding mate! ill be honest here... i failed school.... badly... LOL.... if u ask a few of my friends.. at foundation math... i got "ZERO" mark for test once... and that seriously kicks me on the nut.... LOL.. so yeh... and i got a few "E" grade for year 11.... but still manage to graduate year 12 with secondary certificate... Doing what i want now :)... refrigeration and air con... at TAFE... and im having a great career pathway at the moment... so yeh... just think about switching to tafe..... coz all these ppl who said TAFE ppl are failures and cant suceed! they can **** THEM SELF!! really.... :)
  3. SPOTTED! DAVE with silver stivo today... in canning hway... i was paying attention to his car... and he was paying attention to mine! YAY! LOL
  4. FARK!!! 2 doors... man.. if they have it for salee... i bet ppl buy it! DAMN!
  5. LOL!.... if adrian is cleaning it.. its gonna be a hell long day LOL
  6. Everyone must be searching for higher ground! Everyone was around Mundaring! The floods are here! Oh, before i forget, spotted a white facelift with fully sick uleh chrome 17's in Vic Park around 3pm. Riding high like a 4wd! LOL! HAHAHAHA! yeh.... damn man! i was quite ****** yesterday.... was heading back from clackline from a Paint ball game... had fun driving etc with friend.... and then i got to the 80km/h zone of great eastern hwway.... i was cruising around 90km/h. suddenly on the left lane. i see some FLASH!!! and then i see the sign.... THANK U FOR DRIVING WITHIN THE SPEED LIMIT! FARK!! i got done T_T Ouch unlucky mate. Man that would suck eh. yeh.. enuf to upset ur day mate... LOL
  7. Everyone must be searching for higher ground! Everyone was around Mundaring! The floods are here! Oh, before i forget, spotted a white facelift with fully sick uleh chrome 17's in Vic Park around 3pm. Riding high like a 4wd! LOL! HAHAHAHA! yeh.... damn man! i was quite ****** yesterday.... was heading back from clackline from a Paint ball game... had fun driving etc with friend.... and then i got to the 80km/h zone of great eastern hwway.... i was cruising around 90km/h. suddenly on the left lane. i see some FLASH!!! and then i see the sign.... THANK U FOR DRIVING WITHIN THE SPEED LIMIT! FARK!! i got done T_T
  8. sounds good.... LOL.... anyway Jayme.. dump ur car down for once? ROFL hehehehhe! LOL
  9. SPOTTED TODAY!! BONDEE in her S14..... DAMN SHINY! REALLY! i gotta tell you adrian... its really shiny ROFL>... and spotted Nellie in her stivo... in great eastern hway heading towards mundaring..... did u guys noticed my car? ROFL... anyway... i only see your car for like 1 second.... i was " a little bit" speeding... ROFL...+ BONDEE and Nellie was speeding too... u can hear BONDEE's exhaust damn loud! ROFL
  10. and when u angry... just dont drive the car... LOL... u gonna drive it like crazy... trust me..... beyond ur limit LOL
  11. haha yeah might be there with the MR2 club :) WOEY!!!! nice one... cant wait to see ur car there adrian.... coz i suppose... if they are really shiny on everyday basis... they will be shinier on the show? ROFL... its too shinny later LOL
  12. should be up for this...... GEEZ! gold coin donation for the entrance and u get free sausage sizzle.... really!!!! cant go wrong about it! :D
  13. Awesome! 8:30 set-off sounds good! I mite put my subs back in for a night cruise. FULLY HEKTIK, ULEH! IT'S THE DOOF DOOF! Any ideas where we should go/do, or do you have that all sussed Keith?! NICE! DOOF! DOOF! We need some! LOL...... should we stop at some places like carousel or garbo? like the underground park or smt? something with lights on.... :D but bad thing about it... would jayme be able to go through the bumps? ROFL MAAUHAUHUHUHA.... LOL
  14. OMG! REALLY!?!?!?!?! LOL... seriously... i saw those Red P Plates in ur aurion last cruise BONDEE.... i thought u just cant be bothered removing it or something... or maybe some one else's P... oh.. u just got ur license... no wonder... ROFL
  15. yeh.. theres actually many guys here... WA members... never show them self.. LOL... on meet or anything... just been on forum T_T
  16. You can be my cruise night designated driver :D LOL... well, i said there... DRINK RESPONSIBLY! LOl... well, if ur not P Plater... u can drink a few LOL... i just hate the 0 percent law for the P Platers... T_T
  17. man the houses over there are cheap & NEW so LOL i think u guys got it better >=/ LOL... WA... the city with alot of money floating around... ROFL.... jk2
  18. LOL! DAMN! its not happening in WA ^_^
  19. yeh... 8pm ish... should be ok... and then should we stop at some tavern or smt? and have some responsible drink and chat? ROFL...
  20. LEGEND888


    Shades Window Tinting in O'Connor did my tint. I got 20% all windows except front windscreen done for 260 :D woah... i thought tint cost way more than that... but 260... not bad at all ey :) coz everytime i see the sign in toyota $495 tints... im like 0_0
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