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Everything posted by LEGEND888

  1. Yeah, il be there mate.. what bout andy? is he heading straight to mundaring? Thats kinda true.. coz we not gonna wait for people who come really2 late.. its goin to fk up the schedules. lol anyway guys... please try not to speed along that great eastern hway... i got done there a few weeks ago... going 87km/h in 80 zone WTF LOL
  2. so whos goin to fast eddies at 6.15? hehehehe
  3. no worries.. ill try to go to the before hand meet... but if im stuck at work... ill head straight to lil caesar.... stupid work! LOL :)
  4. BAHAHAHHA! LOL.. dont worry budyy. we have a few girls in tocau.wa.... eg nellie and bondee? BEHEHEHEHHE.... LOL and i think Nellie have a spare room at the moment to be rented... so if u come on the right time... u can just rent it for a week or two... its onli something like 100 bucks a week :) LOL
  5. HOLY SHIAT! those are shiny and clean as s! good job adrian! :D
  6. lol... not really... coz once we head over to mundaring... lil caesar is the best place to go... but does anyone know other nice place around mundaring area? If some of us go early, it should be fine me thinks! Jeff, its Mundaring! The suburbs full of slack jawed yokels, who eat road kill, and sit on the front porch with straw hanging from the side of their mouth! roflmao hehehhee... LOL.. so whats the plan after lil caesar? lil photoshoot around the area? anyone know any good place around mundaring for photoshoots.. YUM! :D EDIT: Just a quick reminder guys... BRING UR 2 WAY RADIO! IT WILL HELP! trust me... :) LOL Jayme hahha Hey Jeff can I borrow yours again? And make sure its charged this time :P HAHAHAHA! LOL.. yeh... ok ... so one of mine is reserved for ya... LOL... its not rechargable.. i change the battery all the time ... its the 3x AAA type... i know its a pain in the *****.. should buy the rechargeable one next time... LOL anyway... one of them is reserved for u andy :) no worries
  7. is this what u call a " M I N I " make-over i know hey.... what about ours? who rarely get any updates.... anyway... good stuff adrian! :D
  8. fk yeh mate! fkin oath! i love lamb too.... LOL.... so did i hear u coming down to perth to take a look the small city simo? ROFL thats the word on the street eh, wanna spoon? LOL... yeh mate.. well.. ure pretty popular here mate... once we say simo.. everyone knows it... ROFL...hehehhe jk2... anyway... pop in to our city mate.. im sure some of us will be able to take u around and show u our big & growing toyota owners club :D
  9. LOL... hahahha... but the tommy sauce from those bottled ones are not too bad are they? ROFL... but looks like u put hell lots of them into the shake ROFL but yeh... i love tommy sauce in a steak or smt LOL
  10. fk yeh mate! fkin oath! i love lamb too.... LOL.... so did i hear u coming down to perth to take a look the small city simo? ROFL
  11. HAHAAHAHHA! how did it taste like simo? ROFL
  12. lol.. where are ya bro? how come at the farm?? ROFL
  13. OH OK! LOL... yeh.. weve been seing a few rollas around.. but no one on the forum T_T rofl
  14. simo.. u serious bro? thats breakfast for ya? LOL... damn thats a big one ROFL
  15. HAAHHAHAH! as i said at the bottom there... updates coming on soon... rims should be on within 1-3 weeks.. depends on how busy i am T_T.... lol... but dont worry man.. ill get the rims on before u get to see me on the road ... LOL the brand is actually from hitech muffler.... i think they custom made it? hehehe :) thanks for the comments anyway :)
  16. lol... not really... coz once we head over to mundaring... lil caesar is the best place to go... but does anyone know other nice place around mundaring area? If some of us go early, it should be fine me thinks! Jeff, its Mundaring! The suburbs full of slack jawed yokels, who eat road kill, and sit on the front porch with straw hanging from the side of their mouth! roflmao hehehhee... LOL.. so whats the plan after lil caesar? lil photoshoot around the area? anyone know any good place around mundaring for photoshoots.. YUM! :D EDIT: Just a quick reminder guys... BRING UR 2 WAY RADIO! IT WILL HELP! trust me... :)
  17. i dont think its mine... i havent been driving around that area lately... does the one look like mine have eye lid, grill but HUB CAPS?? coz i saw it once... plate number is 1 bjr 168... some thing like that.... is that rite? LOL
  18. Hi guys... just a lil update... i got exhaust on... sounds good... sounds like really2 deep bass :) heres a pic of it EDIT: More updates coming soon :D
  19. YEAH JASEEE! u shouldve come and said hi... to the great receptionist? ROFL hehehhehe
  20. lol... not really... coz once we head over to mundaring... lil caesar is the best place to go... but does anyone know other nice place around mundaring area?
  21. how do u convert it to the badge? i bought mine, but dint buy the one with the screw at the back... bought the normal one and ended up using wire strap to lock it. but it keeps breaking off... it will be much appreciated if u can share the method of converting the sticker to grill badge man... cheers
  22. is there somthing that we dunno here? hehehehe jeff, don't get involved. trust me, being nosy in this will result in you getting castrated. HAHAHAHHA!! i know mate... i just wanna mock jeremy... coz last time some one mentioned it... and jeremy was like " HEY! LEAVE MY COUZ OUT OF THIS!!!!!" :unsure: Scared of jeremy
  23. is there somthing that we dunno here? hehehehe
  24. Oh NO! it should be sad! ur best mate moving out of the same house with you..... T_T anyway, yeh, some tocau guys should move in there ROFL
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