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Everything posted by LEGEND888

  1. i acutally answer the phone "welcome to new town toyota this is chloe!" but yeah ok! HAHAHA LOL yes yes im @ work!!!!!!! i have work to do but... yeah! hehehehe NICE... lol... anyway... have fun at work.. LOL
  2. Nice.. its always nice to have a plan first... :)... once u have all the money.. just snap all of them YUM! LOL
  3. BONDEE: GOOD MORNING NEW TOWN TOYOTA HOW CAN I HELP U? Y-TRY: HI, Good morning. Is this Chloe? the awesome receptionist? XD BONDEE: YEah! im awesome! LOL Y-TRY: Im a tocau.wa member, user name Y-TRY.... BONDEE: Oh HI! what do u want? i will try to give you the cost price... just about on anything u want* Car Parts * LOL... anyway... im so lame T_T... bored... monday morning at home.. LOL while i know bondee is at work now arent u Bondee? LOL
  4. LOL! ASHY! hahahhaha..... u look damn azn... even tho u r multicrossed nationality? LOL auhauauahuahuha im saying it like a dog breed now... LOL jk2 mauahuahauhaha its ok! MULTI NATIONALITY FTW! LOL
  5. LEGEND888

    Hot tip

    HAHAHAHAHAH! damn.. i just spend heaps on money on casino 2 days ago... dint come home from casino until yesterday... LOL.... dint win mate.. LOST T_T trying to get money back but ended up losing more LOL....
  6. HAHHAH! nuh andy... its not 3 years gf mate... its 3 years Best friend but this guy is now in love with the chick.. LOL... HAHAHH.. so yeh LOL
  7. LEGEND888

    Hot tip

    LOL! damn.. dint see the tread mate! what was it? sport betting? LOL i so wanna know if its betting LOL jk2
  8. LOL! great dress up... im having my big breakfast at the moment... infornt of the comp.. when isee the pic... im like FK! that is really disturbing.. LOL its just reduced my apetite! LOL
  9. post a pic andy... im sure everyone here wanna see the results... hMMMM>... will be waiting for it :D
  10. nuh , i reckon the rolla is still better... LOL
  11. HAHA ! yeh mate... i know what u mean.. it sucks... ended up onli drinking heaps last night... i mean seriously mate! the music is not even that loud.. not enuf to get my adrenaline going ! ROFL mauhauhha EDIT: WAIT! PARTY!?!?!?! CAN I COME? MAAUHAUHAUA Hlol jk2
  12. HAHAHAHAHA... yhe... that club sucks... but if u go metro city... DAMN! all azn there... LOL OH YEH TRUE!! we got a fkin sh 1t small china town.. really2 smalll.... mauahuahua.... when i went sydney in july 08.. damn.. DIXON street isnt it? for the china town.... ITS DAMN HUGE!! LOL... whats the best restaurant there ashy? LOLs
  13. HAHAHAHHAHA! LOL... i know... well... went clubbing last night.. ruby room, havent been there before... not really into it... no offence.. but like theres rarely azn inside the club LOL..... that club is in the same complex as casino... so we ended up staying in casino till 8am this morning.. played non stop ROFL mauahuahauahuha..... lost money but.. dint win... T_T not a good news LOL so u not goin out tonight yeh ash? LOL
  14. OH come on... dont say that.. dont tell me william is deleting what he has typed now... LOL NO WAY!mauahuaha its fun to read these stories :) makes ur day even better :)
  15. HAHAHHAHA... still not done yet ! lol... oh well.. we gonna have fun reading it... LOL
  16. lols shrugs, turns out william here knows one of my old old OLDD friends like i mean old like ancient times LOL and he use to fancy her :) HAHAHAHAHAHAH! LOL! nice one.... what did ur friend do to him? something real bad? LOL lols im not too sure, i think williams typing it up now hahas seems like a long story ! OH NO! lol.. i bet its gonna look like the song lyrics again! LOL... bahahahha
  17. lols shrugs, turns out william here knows one of my old old OLDD friends like i mean old like ancient times LOL and he use to fancy her :) HAHAHAHAHAHAH! LOL! nice one.... what did ur friend do to him? something real bad? LOL
  18. theyll pull me over when i get my lenso re30, front lip, side skirts, rear body coloured mud guards, spoiler, twin loop exhast, loweerd car, hood scoop and gt racing stripes HAHA! yeh.. definetly ! i mean.. i think it was JEREMY... who spotted this STOCK mazda 3 with hub caps.... got pulled over by cops and they ask them to pop the hood up! @_@
  19. yer but shes has an awsome personality if i wanted looks id go for her sister ;) but stupid me had too hook her sister up with my mate awesome personality ? dude LOL theres heaps of other chicks out there with that - who would actually want to date a geniune guy you need to get out abit more to find these chicks lol ashy ive been scared of girls ever since ure friend Nemo ripped my heart out and shat on it infornt of every 1 OK! whats goin on here!?>!?!?!?! we need to know! SHARE SHARE SHARE! LOL...
  20. yer but shes has an awsome personality if i wanted looks id go for her sister ;) but stupid me had too hook her sister up with my mate LOL... well what i can tell you.. is you are actually a FRIEND to have...... u hook chicks to ur mate*HELP THEM*, u dont backstab etc.... so yeh.. good experience in life.... just fk ur friends who backstab etc... because they are not friends worth to have!
  21. LOL.. damn it.. nuh bro.. u gotta come LOL mauahauhauahahuaaa
  22. HAHAHAHAHH! ANOTHER ONE! I LIKE THIS STATEMENT AGAIN!! LOL THATS HER LOSS MATE! REALLY! me and my mate been saying that for a while... we always say... THEY ARE THE ONE THAT MISS OUT AND LOST SOMEONE THE BEST THEY CAN HAVE!! let her taste it mate... sooner or later... going out with a backstabber is fked!! LOL lols, yeah bro and when she realises what an idiot shes been and tries to come back to you - you'd be like OH SO LOOK WHO CAME CRAWLING BACK AYE haha deja vu with my ex sooo many times - fk i hate him LOL any one care to assasinate him for me ? OH NO! dont tell me its the indo one? or indo one is the current one? LOl damn.. ive made it sounds like u have thousands of bf before sorry XD mauahuahuha LOL jk2
  23. HAHAHAHAHH! ANOTHER ONE! I LIKE THIS STATEMENT AGAIN!! LOL THATS HER LOSS MATE! REALLY! me and my mate been saying that for a while... we always say... THEY ARE THE ONE THAT MISS OUT AND LOST SOMEONE THE BEST THEY CAN HAVE!! let her taste it mate... sooner or later... going out with a backstabber is fked!! LOL
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