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Everything posted by LEGEND888

  1. hahahhha! yeah mate... we have many new faces yesterday... but we were also expecting you to come..... :D i was expecting to come too! even washed the car whilst feeling like death warmed up on saturday but when i spent the whole night with a trying son who wouldnt leave mummys side it was imposiable :( :( hahahha! its ok.... we understand :D we will just expect you on the next meet eh?? :D
  2. yeah... 20 inch chromies.... Chrome looking wiper... Chrome door handles.... then it will be nice :D
  3. hahahhha! yeah mate... we have many new faces yesterday... but we were also expecting you to come..... :D
  4. if its in australia.... ACCC! bring that body shops owner ***** down! if that is my car... ill be damn pretty ****** off
  5. Ken and Jasonn... looks sexc on this pic... LOL... looks like a couple cooking some stuff... LOLs HAHHHHHAAHAHAH! Jk2...
  6. HAHAH! great event today guys :) thanks to all who came and made this happen :) will wait toyota freak to post up some pics?? ^ ^
  7. LOL... yeh... better bring camera ey?? gonna take alot of photos :) EDIT: Do we need to bring some CBs?? are we gonna do some cruise?? hehehehhe.....
  8. shldn't u be home resting then and not come spread the germs Jeff :P i'll stop by once i'm done with the morning grocery shopping :D LOL... But... But.... i will go to any meet/ events no matter what.... LOL... BAHHAHHAA... dont worry guys.... the bbq will be in open air area... so the germs will fly away once i cough it..... LOL.... :D
  9. Nominated sexy-est member of the month! oh oh btw :\ hope u guys dont mind me rolling up in my dirty car :( didnt have time to wash it..its not dirty just not as clean as it could have been :D :( got attacked by sand after da rain..so not pretty :D x 2 been sick all week... still sick actually.... so cant really wash the car up! LOL... and dont be surprise if im coughing like hell! LOLS!! :D
  10. damn.... dont feel it... ITS TOMORROW!! YAY! LOL
  11. mini cruise means how many cars there jer?? LOLs..... can2... but u gotta go! u cant say u not going ROFL mauhauahuhah jk2
  12. That sounds a tad more than spotting...borderline stalking there :P Hahaha, i was in the work 4WD and he was behind me all the way up Marmion to Ocean Reef Rd! He was stalking me!!!! lucky ur work 4wd dont have the police kind of siren yeh jayme? LOL.. but i believe it has yellow colour lights at the top?? lol.. u can turn it on while behind some one u know to scare them :D LOLsmauhauhauhaa
  13. OH MAN! sorry to hearr that! if its true and 3rd party is compulsory... u have no choice than to report or put it to court? to resolve it faster??
  14. oh well... this thread hasnt been active yet... but will be very2 soon :D
  15. jhahahahahahahahahahahaha...... good stuff mate :)
  16. lol... yeah... i agree with u man... its a joke or not.. but ur nick on the thread about some sh 1 t news... its not really nice... understand its a joke but its abit over the line ey.... dont u think?
  17. spotted black rolla 1 cco 865 on leach hway this arvo... with rims and exhaust... nice :)
  18. Sorry Ken, Late confirmation..... i got much better today.... so im back on the confirmed list... .still goin to chinese doctor tho T_T , my parents want me to go ... LOL anyway.... ill be there guys...... andy was right... ill be there no matter what.... LOLs so yeh... YAY! im in the confirmed list!!!! :D
  19. HAHAHAHAH! LOL... selamat hari raya guys... indo ppls say... "Mohon Maaf Lahir & Batin "
  20. Nooo... C'mon man.. You know that you will come no matter what right Jeff .. Why is everyone dropping out slowly? hahhaha... nuh bro.. having high fever at the moment... im goin to chinese doctor tomorow in fremantle.. i hope they can gimme fast solution... coz i really wanna come... LOL... dont worry.. ill try to come :)
  21. hi guys... sorry... it looks like... i have to put my self in the unconfirmed list first... im pretty sick at the moment... i hope i can get through the sickness very soon... and attend the BBQ :) cheers
  22. first of all.... welcome to the forum mate..... unfortunately i cant help you on this one... as i dont really have alot of knowledge about classic toyotas... but im sure... some one is going to help you very soon :) cheers
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