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Everything posted by LEGEND888

  1. woo havent been spotted in a while, that means you would have seen my extremely dirty, bird crap marked, poor little car :( that was me coming home from doing my part for the election, i had to hand out crappy labor party stuff ahahahahaha cait. does she still come on here? pretty much the only solitary girl power of WA hahaha im still around just extremely stressed out & busy with uni, only 8 weeks left of uni forever!! :D i will really try come to the next meet :P nice... im looking forward to see you on the next meet caity... LOL theres alot of ppl that i havent meet in tocau.wa.... LOL
  2. damn... nice... JVC with that kind of price... not bad.... i just bought one of them like that from ebay for a friend... including postage cost.. around $450. but duno what the brand is... plus its sourced from hong kong.... not too bad... but yeh :)
  4. make sure... u tell us when u coming ova... :)..... we can make a small meet? ROFL anyway, u driving here or taking the plane? hehhe
  5. can we have more pics on ur car please?? i can tell ... its sexy and hot LOL
  6. no sign of mine yet.... still waiting..... if they dont really send it... il get really upset... even tho i already have 3 chamois in my garage now, 2 used, 1 new... LOL..... get getting another one for free... wont hurt ROFL
  7. LEGEND888


    T_T... MODS!! need u here!! :D
  8. sounds alrite..... what the others thinks?? wheres gonna be the meet point? hehe
  9. omg... hahhahahaha.... so nice... hidden secrets! ROFL
  10. nice... looking forward to see you on meet yeh? :):) well... i hope so... so i can get the other guys with aurion to come along! YAY! TOCAU.WA is growing .. hahahhah.....
  11. cant help u for the new grill, i duno anything about it... lols but anyway WELCOME!! welcome Perth boi.. hahhahahha.... looking forward to see you on the next meet... damn suddenly theres just a few aurion perthies coming to the forum.... thats nice... LOLs welcome mate! specially welcome from the perthies :D
  12. LEGEND888


    *** DAMN!! Big projects coming along!! LOLs
  13. Simple. neat... so nice... specially the sunroof.. haahaahahah :)
  14. HAHAAHAHAH..... lols... to be honest i dont get it ey.. HAHAHHA
  15. HAHAHAHA!! yeah... just need to pick up my parker from you sean... desperately need it... just set time with me mate... when u free.. ill pick it up from your place :) let me know man :) cheers
  16. hmmm.... charity and voluntary work... good ideas... any idea what we can do Jer?? :D
  17. TBH..... im really proud to be involved in something like this... coz it clearly helps someone in need :D
  18. GOOD STUFF! SHOULD DO THIS MORE OFTEN? $2 wont hurt us...?? LOLs EDIT: Agree to JEREMY! should do it regularly... as i said, $2 from each of us.. wont hurt :D
  19. did u watch the border security today Jayme?? theres TRG perth there.... they were taking some one out... was ur friend there...? LOL damn... so interesting
  20. Nice..... and WELCOME TO TOCAU :D
  21. Mr Seano!! where have u been... everyone been looking for ya.... including me ... ROFL..... lols...
  22. i should make a sticker for our cars... Wiper Ninja Do you want me to make it Ken?? ROFL ... jk2
  23. Hahaha, soon man! With Angelo's wheels on the "market" it may be soon, but i also have another set in mind. Choices...... hmm.... i better start saving then... my financial position is not too good at the moment... didnt even do 80 000 service on my rolla.. now its on 85000 .... had to convince parents to help pay for the service first... before the car start breaking down... T_T EDIT: And Jayme.. if u decide to sell the wheel at some point.. please do PM me first... as ur first preference buyer :D:D cheers :)
  24. damn sexy... u thinking to sell ur wheels yet jayme? coz im waiting for it ... ROFL bahahahhaha.....
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