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Everything posted by LEGEND888

  1. think ive seen it a couple of times at uni n carousel Hes a regular spotte but hes not on here...if he is...very ninja Also Spotted a driving school rolla on friday...Been Seen Driving School. Black facelift ascent, silver racing stripes. 17's and a aftermarket muffler....WTF! HAHHAHAHH! loving it mate... if im an L plater... im gonna learn at that driving schoolll... so coolll LOL
  2. the whole car will shake mate... when the sub is on LOls
  3. hahahha.. no worries.. havent even meet you mate... coz i confirmed with jeremy... that theres alot of jason in tocau.wa? LOls.. jaseeeee ? jayce?? lols... all sounds the same... ive mate Jayce... but not u... gotta meet you ey... when u looking to go to the place mate??
  4. spotted adrian.... heheheh... in utopia... was looking for a park with friends, then isee this sexy mr 2, so damn sexy and so damn shiny..... with gloss master on it..... LOls..... told my friend that its the shiniest mr 2 around... lols.. he just touched the spoiler and he was like " OHHH!! DAMN!!" lols... ur hands even slipped....... LOLS :) best mr 2 around :D
  5. hmm... i havent done anything much on the car, except when its insurance job.. imagine how many times my car been in an accident etc... LOls... but i did it at duracraft panel and paint in norma road... they are quite expensive.. but as a result, if you see my eye lid and grill.. the colour is 100 percent the same... but i might try that Paul guy.. in belmont.... :)
  6. Hmmm always looking clean and shiny mate! anyway.. what new product adrian? LOls... will have to pay u a visit one day and get some of meguiars products ey LOL
  7. thats so weird.. did they went through ur license?? they might not send u in the mail.. they might pop in to ur house for a minute or two to check ur sexy ride out LOLs.. jk2.. just to scare u LOL ROFL mauhauhu.. :D
  8. i have a black Aurion ZR6, just got it today actually. Had a white Lexus IS200 before but got written off. :( hmmmm... buddy.. keep a look out on WA thread.... will look forward to see you on a next few meets ey? we really need aurion? LOLs :)
  9. OH SHIAT! we got the same car colour... so when i saw it.. im like oH NO NO NO! T_T.... looks like u gotta go wreckers first ?? hope everything will turn out to be alritte :)
  10. cant help much... but yeah... i can tell you, the worse thing is to hit your car when you not really happy... well i didnt crash you, but scraping ur wheels makes u even more not happy.... ;)
  11. Looking at that, the council rangers still have limited powers. They can only bust you under SECTION 14, 15, 17 & 17A according to "Summary of offences " :) I hope they dont bring this into work! Keep me posted mate! hahhahahha..... if they bring this to your work jayme... u gonna have to leave all the loud corolla in joondy region and start fining those commowhores.... LOLs... behhehehehehe......
  12. hmmm.... im gonna have to buy a house near the area that you are rangering jayme ... LOLs... nuh, but just to share experience, i dont think ranger does those kind of stuff. but at the moment, in my tafe, we are having student parking problems, so theres too many cars, so we park our car next to the college , its a leisure centre and they have a 3 hour limit. the ranger always chalk our tyres... and there was one a truck who park on a bus zone, the ranger so many photos of the truck, regarding its been parked in a bus zone.... so yeh... i dont think ranger will do anything ridiculous like giving u tickets for too loud... as they even have to take a photograph to fine a truck that park in a bus zone?? just my oppinion tho :)
  13. FIRST SPOTTED WA POST TODAY!! LOL... Spotted bozurolla in parry avenue... did u see me bozu? LOLs
  14. hahahahha... or get it from other country like Indonesia?? LOLs... if u know what im talking bout ROFL....
  15. hmmm... in curtin ey?? then it shouldnt be hard for you guys to track them down?LOls... jk2... hahahahhaha.... :)
  16. OMG! another wagon!?!??!! lols... somehow after jack rolla wagon joined up... theres more and more wagon joining up?? hmmm... wonder what jack rolla wagon did? lols... jk2 mate ROFL
  17. LOL! have to watch it 2 times for me to get it... lOL... but its smart... lols
  18. HAHAHAHAH! they always make great advertising ey... LOL.. this one is hilarious
  19. haha yeah. wasn't mine, my mates, well his bros. Haha I finally found ya :P :D . Mate the car looks the shiz in real life B) Jayme you've been spotted too much already :P No one has spotted me in a while :ph34r: ahhahahhahaa buddy... no one spotted me yet... except jayme last time in evo R... that was seriously co incident... LOL... even tho i have 2 tocau stickers now... LOls
  20. behehehhe... i know la... specially u r the most active guy in tocau.wa? LOLs.... but then if someone from eastern states or something trying to buy things off you... i know people will have trust on you as you are a member since long2 time and so many post... but just to add the confident to buyers... maybe this suggestion will help?? :D
  21. man... one thing i can say... im loving the car... and the style... the way u mod it... its just purely nice :)
  22. hi, just a suggestion. i bought a few things from tocau. one from the eastern states from Punk_200sx, and the rest are from WA, same state. i have 100% confidence for the WA members as i can meet them face to face anyway....... I was pretty confident too with punk_200sx as he is a quite active member and all... my suggestion is that..... ive been to other forums... that u can actually put points everytime you do a deal with them.... so its basically like ebay feedback system, but you dont write the comment, u just put the points... i think this way.. it will be better for the buyer to know whos trustable.... i know theres the buy and sell rules.... but just a suggestion... what do you guys think??
  23. lol.... same like indo news paper... sometimes not clear where they get the article from or who wrote it LOL
  24. wah ternyata bos anak team TOP-ONE toh...

    top deh :) lols

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