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Everything posted by LEGEND888

  1. whats with you and all these friend problems ? why is your life over ? what because the girl you like, cant see you more than a friend ? so ? who cares life goes on - its not like you've known her your whole life, was your life over and doomed before you met her ? no ? so why is it now - fck her, fck the guy :) go find someone else and stop wasting your time on someone whose not worth it you need to relax a little emo kid ive known her for 3 years ashy :( so ? you dont see me talking all this emo sh!t, me and my on and off again bf have been dating for 3yrs been friends for 5 life goes on ? 3yrs is nothing, petite sh!t BAHAHAHAH! I LIKE I LIKE! seriously... yeh... i mean... the best word to describe both of those is... fk the girl and fk the friend.... coz they both betrayed you... they are not worthed ! :) but yeh.. one more time.... for the time being just chill out mate! :D
  2. NUh mate... CHILL OUT first... but yeh.. thats not a friend mate... dont even talk to him anymore...... ive had a few experience at school before.. theres this guy.. who always like go backstab their own friends.... say he knows i like this chick.... then he will start saying that the chick is not that good etc... but he ended up asking her out.... and then he just act like nothing happen.... i know it sucks but let it out and forget about it and forget ur Sh 1t friend!! LOL
  3. LOL! hurry up get a job mate! and serioiusly... spend every dollar that you make on the car... U GONNA LOVE IT! TRUST ME :D nah dont do that, spending heaps of money you dont have on your car is fail i'd rather spend money on clothes than on petrol :) LOL but then again im a girl HAHA LOL ashy... yeh... a few of my friend( GIRLS) geez! ive seen their cupboard! its just FULL! seriously! looks like those super star cupboard or smt.. LOL T_T
  4. yeh. .... u definitely need those kind of things for break dont u jer? coz u always do assignment, study etc... LOL THATS WHY MATE! come to the FRIDAY CRUISE... u have to come.. no excuse LOL
  5. MATE!! HAHAHA! ive been paying attention to this DJ KOR user name! and everytime isee ur user name.. i always see you make a very2 useful post... u always willing to take pics and use it as a guide and help people.... REALLY MATE! U R AN ASSET TO THE FORUM!! CHEERS :D
  6. LOL! whats wrong mate!?! i read it on the other thread the other day? she said u too over protective or smt?? LOL so is it ur best friend? or bestfriend- future girlfriend? or? heheheh... chill out bro :D she is my best friend but im in love with her, she only sees me as a brother thats it :( oh man! that sucks ey? but yeh... most of the times... u can onli choose one... best fren... or girl friend ey?? i mean... u gonna be doing and talking different things... its just it wont go the same way.... if u have been best fren for a long2 time with her .. normally its hard... but man.. u can keeep trying... and her heart will be soften! RMAUAUAHUAHAUHAUH LOL cheer up bro.... its saturday XD
  7. done :) LOL... seirously man! im gonna get headers man! LOL... coz u said its the best mod ever made... money well spent LOL and u dint get ripped too LOL
  8. OH NICE! is that the street shine yeh adrian?? we will see you there anyway... i hope some guys still goin... otherwise i dun wanna go... lonely ROFL MAUAUAAH
  9. LOL! hurry up get a job mate! and serioiusly... spend every dollar that you make on the car... U GONNA LOVE IT! TRUST ME :D
  10. TIme to update ur mods to date eh Jayce?? :D
  11. LOL! whats wrong mate!?! i read it on the other thread the other day? she said u too over protective or smt?? LOL so is it ur best friend? or bestfriend- future girlfriend? or? heheheh... chill out bro :D
  12. NO NONONOONONON! we wont forget our azn boss! LOLmauahuahuah jk2.... anyway Attending keifer33 trdsaads kenneth stealth jaaassseeee legend888 bondee nellie AND1 XD
  13. lol, whts this?? is this a song lyrics? or a poem that u made mate? :D, sorry me noobie XD
  14. i like that! LOL... well , i had my car parked outside...... then my bro said... arent u afraid ur car gonna get egg? im like nuh! if they do,, ill come out with a baseball bat or smt ROFL MAUAHUAHA
  15. OH MAN! ppl starts banging on my door just then... dint have any loollies so just turned off my lights and let them go away LOL....
  16. im sure we have more ppl than that list! seriously! the last bbq was a big turn out!! :D
  17. yeh... the CAI u must be able to hide the filter... like not visible from outside... so yeh... LOL nuh man.. the cops even know whats cai or something else.... LOL and they rarely check anyway... LOL
  18. LOL @ u guys.... hahahhhaha anway.. TOday spotted BLK ZR! nice car man! at corner of leach hway and riseley st :D
  19. LOL! go clubbing yo! i heard have to dress up for halloween? LOL but my regular activity will be.................... burswood casino..... ROFL.... LOL
  20. WAIT!!! say that again? louder? "bondee is right"...? hehehehehe i love it! LOL! hahahha... let me guess Bondee.. you are bored at work again? LOL YEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how could you guess? these forums have gotten boring while ive been away! hehehe WAKE UP BOYS :) yeah im @ new town toyota! reception for new and used vehicles! its easy as if you get a routine goign on :) today im at Used Vehicles which is pretty laid back! i love the boys over here :) im reception, new cars and used cars!!!! so i answer phones n **** and yeah got a bit of work to do but its boring! lol reception is pretty easy if you got a routine! :) oh yeah at new town! today @ used cars! LOL! which toyota u work again? new town?? which department u in?? coz i have a relative working in melville toyota service department as the service advisor... and he is always flat out everyday... specially in the afternoon... he will just go home, take a shower, dinner then sleep... too tired... LOL why are u so relax? LOL LOL! no wonder... haahha.... if any of the tocau.wa guys need new cars or used cars would be able to hook us with cheap prices?? LOL :yahoo:
  21. Based on what i read here and there on the forum...apparently the stock is as good and the need for headers is not really required especially for ascent, conquest and levin. :-s im sure others will agree with me when i say headers are one of the best things ive done so far i gotta say its money well spent yeh jay? i mean 900... including instalation etc... thats just money well spent :D
  22. WAIT!!! say that again? louder? "bondee is right"...? hehehehehe i love it! LOL! hahahha... let me guess Bondee.. you are bored at work again? LOL YEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how could you guess? these forums have gotten boring while ive been away! hehehe WAKE UP BOYS :) LOL! which toyota u work again? new town?? which department u in?? coz i have a relative working in melville toyota service department as the service advisor... and he is always flat out everyday... specially in the afternoon... he will just go home, take a shower, dinner then sleep... too tired... LOL why are u so relax? LOL
  23. WAIT!!! say that again? louder? "bondee is right"...? hehehehehe i love it! LOL! hahahha... let me guess Bondee.. you are bored at work again? LOL
  24. ooo a spotted! we were on our way to northam to take some girls to their school ball :) i didnt see you! :( i wasnt speeding was i? lol i had my son in his car seat in the back! :) HAHAHHA! yeh... it was on a sharp corner.... i could hear ur exhaust loudly while my engine was on 4000rpmish with CAI and music... so yeh.. it was LOUD! LOL then i see BONDEE plate on! With the shiny bonnet... and i see red stivo... so yeh... that confirms it LOL did u speedd? LOL coz i got flashed on that trip T_T went 90 on an 80 zone T_T
  25. LOL! allister... u can do many things to let out ur feelings mate.... my parents went away to indo for a week... been going to the Casino since... everyday.. well... today is twice a day.. .LOL jsut to play around.. .enjoy life..... LOL :D:D:D:D not telling u to gamble... but theres alot of ways to enjoy ur self or let out feelings... just not suicide LOL
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