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Everything posted by LEGEND888

  1. well it depends how much money i've got ;) my bro just gave me his HU. a fairly new Alpine HU with ipod connection. just got to install it :) nice... new HU ey? LOLs.. what did u do with the old one?? :spiteful: anyway, talking about audio.. did u get ur fuse fixed andi?? that fuse was being gay on the mega meet ey? XD
  2. first i'll need to find ones that work <_< i don't thnk my project will be done by then B) but i'll come for sure Hopefully ill have my grill by then? if i have spare money? >< ROFL... hehehhe... Cor blimey, I read that as you were going to bring your girl if you had the spare money!!! I had to pick myself off the floor... :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: yeah, sometimes it happens, when we read, our brain is trying to read faster than our eyes or trying to predict what the next word is ROFL
  3. Ill be back from sydney around that time... ill be there :D
  4. first i'll need to find ones that work <_< i don't thnk my project will be done by then B) but i'll come for sure Hopefully ill have my grill by then? if i have spare money? >< ROFL... hehehhe...
  5. LEGEND888


  6. OMG2! be sure to post it asap! dont worry! dont have to tell me what date or time.. ill be there mate :D:D :yahoo:
  7. ROFL..... hahahhaha.... crack me up... LOLs
  8. well.. normally, all these dumb people.. will take the car... speed with it... take the car far2 away from the first place they take it... and start doing burnouts etc2 coz its not their car..... i had my best mates honda accord taken last year from a house in karawara... the people took the car far2 away and crash it to things..... police found it like a week later?? which is not good enough!!
  9. lols.... bad decision for them ey? if they take a commy, then theres alot of common one. lols GS 300 No2 lols :)
  10. KKJazz radio 88.1 fm... anyway... its an online radio.. in california i think.... i like staying late at night in the computer... so jazz song is good for relaxation ROFL www.jazzandblues.org :)
  11. THEY TOOK LEXUS?? *****... thats no good... will keep an eye too :)
  12. LEGEND888

    Blk RunX

    MEMBER INFORMATION: RunX1 Newbie * Group: Members Posts: 1 Joined: 2-July 08 Member No.: 9184 Toyota Model:X Member rank shows: NEWBIE?? ARE U SURE? BUT UR RIDE DONT LOOK LIKE A NEWBIE?? ITS HOT!!! :yahoo:
  13. wow! rare colour :)
  14. LOL... SO SEXY!! DAMN!!... and i spot that TOCAU sticker on the left back passenger seat :D:D
  15. gee... so nice... but then i salute Blind Kid Seeks.... he bought the car and he was prepared to spend the money... got everything on and such in a short period of time :clap: :toast:
  16. lol.. i think andy might hv to shut the door when he sees 20 rolla rocking up :P haha i think so too.. <_< haha lucky its not a pertrol station ROFL.... HAHAHAHAH.... yeah... no Sh*t... if its petrol station, everyone come and fill their tank to fulll... then just say " THANKS ANDY" and start driving away... ROFL... its funny but, andy parked on the side of the road man... like infront of the shop.... hahahhaa... so its really noticable... specially with that 888 plate number * sexy plate* LOLS...
  17. the problem was gettin the cap off the ball so i could remove the shifter.. turned out to be a hackjob lol, but works good :) the raising of the bonnet is very simple and is immediately reversable and costs next to nothing :P raise higher!! :D higher = more kw :P teehee this IS so funny man... seriously.. no joking.. i didnt read your thread completely before... on the mega meet... did any one seeing me touching his bonnet?? i thought he had an accident or smt.. seriously :ph34r: :ph34r: HAHAHAHAHAHAA!! im cracking up rite now.. how dumb i am LOL haha its alright man.. i gotta raise it a bit more eh? LOLS... raise it more... so at least people can see that you are doing it on purpose... HAHAHHAHA.... but nice man :).. gr8 mod :)
  18. the problem was gettin the cap off the ball so i could remove the shifter.. turned out to be a hackjob lol, but works good :) the raising of the bonnet is very simple and is immediately reversable and costs next to nothing :P raise higher!! :D higher = more kw :P teehee this IS so funny man... seriously.. no joking.. i didnt read your thread completely before... on the mega meet... did any one seeing me touching his bonnet?? i thought he had an accident or smt.. seriously :ph34r: :ph34r: HAHAHAHAHAHAA!! im cracking up rite now.. how dumb i am LOL
  19. the deli lol.. so stereotypical.. come stop by for refreshments LOLZ! hahahaha.. for free? LOL jk2.... yeah... ill try to pop in tomorrow... i go to carlisle tafe.. which is 3 minutes away from where you are... i even went to makan2 cafe today to eat some lunch... hahahha... :)
  20. SPOTTED! ANDY AGAIN!! :spiteful: in vic park :)... which shop u doing andy? the computer store or the newsagent/ deli??
  21. HAHAHAH!! LOLs... its actually true... i couldnt catch up with jeremy's car the other day ROFL :yahoo: anyway... nice car man... i see good stuff coming :D
  22. helping my dad look after my cousin's shop while hes a way.. do u want to hire me? :P i want a job xD HAHAHAHHA! LOL! jeremy wants a job that pay him good... but dont have to travel far away... i think andy can help you with that one :spiteful:
  23. ROFL.... i want video too... jeremy wants video too... i think it wasnt tocau ppl who recorded it... but i am absolutely sure that there was someone recording it on the zig zag :D
  24. helping my dad look after my cousin's shop while hes a way.. what shop what shop?? dont tell me its a car shop! ROFL...
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