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Posts posted by lucio_libre

  1. "Eg, even after hard driving i can touch my AEM intake pipe (aluminium) and it is hardly warm...even though when driving it sounds like a military vacuumn system."

    Mate you havent obviously driven the car hard enough. My old TRD was hot after driving, not untouchable but definetly hot.

    As for stainless being heavier, whats your point? is the car's performance gona suffer by an extra kilo?

    My whole point is that stainless would be a better material to use, lasts longer and is better towards being heat resistant, but because its more expensive and harder to bend, these "performance" places dont use it because they have to keep their costs down.

  2. What I was referring to was, they make a product that would cost jack sheit to make but be priced high to make a descent profit out of it, as far as performance, in this case it wouldnt matter on the design. The whole aliminium piping thing im not sure about man, they heat up quick, sure its light, but i think stainless steel keeps cooler and would be a better material to use. But stainless steel costs too much compared to alluminium and its harder to bend im guessing. So performance isnt always first.

  3. If you want cheap things and you have no connections its very hard because everyone is out there to make a buck. The value of these items is not woth shiet, not worth it, they increase the depreciation of your car, and make it harder to fall, not to mention it destroys your warranty etc etc. Apart from lowering my car which improves handling and aesthetics, i would not waste another cent, spewing i put the CAI in coz it cost me $330, and apart from the noise there is just no performance. By buying a K&N for 80 bux and modifying the air box, i would have achieved the same result. Petrol has shot through the roof, and its hard enough to keep this thing on the road as it is, with insurance, rego etc etc....spending all these hundreds of dollars for items that make bugger all diff doesent justify it for me anymore...tops i would pay for a CAI setup is $150..anything more and it aint worth it.

  4. To be honest guys, this forum is pretty good and there isn't alot done out of context, to have more moderators is cool, but lets not over do it. To have moderators from every state is a bodgy idea, its like having a car section for every state(which we dont), so to keep it simple, we should have moderators designated for each car section eg: corolla, celica, mrs etc, even though some sections are more popular than others, it only makes sense to have a moderator for each car section as they are most likely to visit this section more frequently because of their interest. I personally visit the corolla forum more than the others because of my personal interest of owning a corolla. Does this make sense ?

  5. Yeah man....in reality it lowers the car about 40mm....When you look at my car now which has the 40mm drop with whiteline springs and compare it to my ex-car on eibachs theres not much difference, its the same. When i first got my eibachs on the ex car, the front dropped 40mm and the rear 35mm, and Carlo........man you need to lower that car of yours :P

  6. Having had a previous set of 17's, although handling better I prefer the 16's over creature comforts and noise levels, the 17's are too noisy and ride the bumps firmer, but grip better. You gotta comprimise. Nice set of rims btw Eddy, black rims dont suit red cars that much.

  7. Its at the end of swanston so theres plenty of parking.....last time we met there there was about 5 or 6 sportivos. Good place to meet , have a coffee and a chat...how many guys are interested and what time suits you guys best. I reackon early afternoon say 5-6pm?

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