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Posts posted by lucio_libre

  1. I was extremely fortunate this morning on the way to work around 2.45 am, cruising around 90kph through back roads pouring down rain I hit a mini river, needless to say the car launched sideways from the impact, i had no steering for a sec, and managed to coast through it with the car slowing down to half the speed, unbelievable. I cheched the CAI, there was water under the bonnet, I didnt feel any difference and i checked the pod, its very dirty with grease like components from the water mixing with the oil from the pod. I dont think water can pass that easy through the pod, remember its oil based, ill have to remove it and give it a big clean now, ill let you guys know if the car stuffs up :).

  2. dont you guyz mind that the sportivo is front wheel drive and wish its a rear wheel? :P

    I used to own a RWD car a long time ago, it was an 85 celica with a 2.4 corona engine, not much power but plenty of torque to smoke those skinny 185/14's on it and it was auto. The car got me in trouble soo many times in the wet that i actually recognise the FWD cars as much safer to drive in the wet, as for the dry weather handling, they are pretty darn good.

  3. After washing my car, my gf and i went for a quick spin on an empty back road to do a couple of split time runs..she had the mobile fone stopwatch, as i had made 3 attempts. On my first attempt i held the clutch in till about 5000rpm, released, crappy takeoff, the car was struggling to grip as the right front was smoking (Tyo 215's), didnt land lift in second either, landed at 5900 and reeled off a time of 7.34. On my second attrempt, similar takeoff just launched from 4000rom as the cluch smell was still inside the car from the first attempt, didnt land in lift again and reeled off a 7.28.......3rd attempt i made a rippa launch......but missed second copletely recorded no time. I had enough for the night and so did my clutch. Its still hard to say exactly how quick the car is as this method is subject to human errors etc, etc, etc, but one thing is for certain, a CAI makes alot of difference, and the car is definetly quicker than 8.4 secs.

  4. Have a Merry Xmas and New Year take care ..I am off on Holidays for two weeks. See you in the new year. Even though I will be driving a Honda in the new year my heart will always beat to a Sportivo drum....

    Enjoy :) send my regards to Narelle(the sheep) :P and have a safe trip back.

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