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Sections for different States


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^ I thought having state threads was enough?

I'm not a fan of forums that split up the states into section, especially the mess that is on toymods in their meets section. I'd rather everything as one big happy family. Might have to enforce the [QLD]/[NSW]/[VIC]/etcetera in the thread title.

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^ I thought having state threads was enough?

I'm not a fan of forums that split up the states into section, especially the mess that is on toymods in their meets section. I'd rather everything as one big happy family. Might have to enforce the [QLD]/[NSW]/[VIC]/etcetera in the thread title.

I see where you are coming from but when you have stuff thats abit state specific, unless like you suggested we enforce the state tag before the title or else it makes it bit harder to get things out to the right people. But speaking of which I think we will have to start looking into a more uniform buy/sell sales title :)

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As far as events are concerned there is only ever a handfull of events in the upcoming events section as once they have been run i then put them in past events. Is it really that hard to read the title of say 5-6 threads and see if it is in your state??

If you look in the events section WA has a thread pinned at the top of the page for your regular meet up. It has been there since Sept 08!!! Qld, Nsw also have a thread similiar with state specific stuff on weekly/monthly meets. Anything out of the ordinary will be in the upcoming meet section.

Here is link...


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I still think it creates (or reinforces) an 'us and them' culture.

i agree - i think one overall community is better :D , though a lil more cluttered - its still great to be able to follow other ppls builds etc from other states.

not to mention the wealth of knowledge from anyone to cares to help ( rather than ppl just posting and reading a thread for their state only)

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if you want people in your state to read it just use the format for your topic headerwith [WA] or [QLD] or which ever state...

everyone can instantly read which state you are targetting...

as a victoian, i dont even bother opening threads with other states details on them,... unless it a for sale thread, where the description isnt for something no-one would post.... like a car, or a transmission.

segregating the forum, general, off topic, sections is pointless.... what possible car conversation could you be having in there you dont want VIC or NSW or TAS not wanting to hear or contribute to anyways?

just my thoughts

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  • 2 weeks later...

What if the split sections for different states is for the members to list contacts or businesses which they personally know?

This way we know who to go to and most importantly of all know that we`ll be taken care of and given a good deal..

It`ll be a win win for the businesses and for the members..

So I was just thinking it would be great to have like a list of people we know we can trust and we wont get ripped off from in our own state..

What do you guys think?

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