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Small scratch on chrome part of wheels


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Does anyone recommend any product/method?

I'm thinking at this stage to go and buy some chrome polish and a very very fine steel wool. But I have to admit i'm scared of damaging the wheel worse.

Sorry for the brief post with no picutre, I am at work but cant stop thinking about the scratch.

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hey mate

can you maybe post a pic up of the scratch? just to give a better idea on what your dealing with...

as a general rule, start with the least aggressive method first... the steel wool method scares me :S lol

im assuming your wheels have a clear coat on them??

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So I went with Meguiars Mag and Aluminium Polish and it has minimised the scratch for the time being (See attached).

I'm happy with the results... for now.

See attached DAvo. LOL. I'm glad I didnt use steel wool (asking for trouble).

Also, I don't know if it is real chrome or if it is clear coated.



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Dam, you really can hide a taco!

Good job,



The bottom of the pollish says it is not recommended for clear coated wheels. How do I know if they are clear coated? I cant find any specs on the net telling me if they are.

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