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Bought this car in march and has been sitting in my garage for about 2 months or so, being driving, every now n then, im on my L's right now.. <_<

but will be getting my P's soon, but i figured i'd start doing moddin b4 i get my p's

so this is how my car was when i started it off


First mod was changing the stock tail lights to these ones


Throughout all these modd always had a mate helping me out (y) B)

Then the next mod was tinting my windows all up to the legal limit, and cutting 2/3 of the heat, from solartint castle hill

did a pretty good job

Now i felt that i needed to put a spoiler , bought it off ebay , from a company in victoria T JAM AUTO,


my car seemed empty without it, lol so came to this website to find everyone is having alot of trouble installing it, with a help of a mate, and his prior knowledge to that kind stuff we had figured to drill holes :( in the car (obviously measure everything up first :) )



2nd hole on the right is for the LED connection


how it looks like from inside the booooot, as you can see the the LED wire coming through the right hole

and a nut holding the screw which went through the left hole which was next to the LED wire hole


Then made a larger hole from the inside the boot to see the screw and put in the nuts. killed my life seeing those holes :(


Close up of inside those big holes in the boot ^^

Pretty much its got to do with your spoiler and where the holes are, you have to make that judgement for yourself

you tighten up the screw and bolts and cover it with gromets



Some people may find it unappealing, but eh looks alright to me :ph34r:

how it looks like in the end, with foot on brake :clap:


We will next put double sided tape around the edges to secure everything

and obviously paint it the right color ;)

Next mod interior LEDS did em both on the same day gonna put up a piks n stuff soon.


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Welcome mate. Not a fan of the headlights but good job nonetheless.

Did you put any rust inhibitor on after drilling the holes for the spoiler?

What's next on your to do list?

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G'day and Welcome to TOCAU!

neat looking ryde, I have the same 6-spoke wheels :)

not really into the clear lights, but each to their own... keep the mods coming along

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Love the lights mate. If I could get similar for my Kluger I would. But A-lass I have yet to find such a beauty.

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So here we go finally bothered to put this up. so i bought these LEDS off ebay from a company called LEDGLOW for bout 50 buks it had 4x 9 inch LED's, i got em in blue,was pretty sweet and it was free postage

i made sure it didint have the cigerette lighter conection cuz i didint want that, just wanted the positive n neg wires with a fuse, which it came with, i was cheering

now everyone to there own, but i felt it would be easier to connect to the back of the cigerette lighter.

so i did.

Took off the coin compartment and then took off the frame of the gearbox, then got behind the cigerette lighter and connecting the neg n positive wires to right metal hook as shown (they have a little hole in the middle of the metal part which i put the wire through n rapped around, (prb wont solder it on , just leave it as it is just incase it fks up


As shown above the right one was done a bit dodgy, so had to cut the wire n start again because it must be rapped around the metal bit, while being flat, cause then it becomes harderfor to clip into these.


Once your done just try em out n stuff,

okay one big prblem i thought of was how the power would react if you connect another 12 volt appliance to the cigarette lighter, so i tested out a portable tv and had the LED's on at the same time, had both running on full power for about 10- 20 mins, nothing seemed to have dimed nor gone crap

though if any of use think i've done something bad , should let me know.

but yerh the testing was the done and i was cheering, now to get em placed in my car, but i needed to get a clear access to the car

There are two bolts in ur compartment box next to you , and as you have the frame off from the cigarette lighter , you will see 4 screws that you'll find that you need to take out


now thats off i found it more easier to get to the carpet, and using your own judgement connect em wherever you want :yahoo:


I myself connected em under the dash and under the seats (though not actually under the seat more on this metal platform which raises a a bit.. had to cut a bit of carpet to connect em.. killed my life :(

once everything was sweet, i put everything back together and had my switch coming up from the flap thats in front of the handbrake and stuck it on with double sided tape


(one problem that i noticed.. right in the end was when i have the handbrake down, its not the best mobility, but i can still reach em, so thats all that matters, and it looks clean there, soo eh :)

final product :clap:


i'll get more pikos up of the LED's let me know wot you think.

Hopefully gettn my spoiler painted by end of this week, frkn yr 12, makes **** hard to do. :blink:


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  • 1 month later...

So just a bit of an update on how things are goinn...

Tryed to go for my p's last week, made sure to check everything was working b4 i went... but my frkn tred on my tyres.

especially my front left one, the instructor had one glance at it , and told me the test was canceld. tryed arguing with her to see if i could just change my tyre with the spare one, but she was been a real *****

had to book for another one.. meanin i had to pay for another one aswell, killed my life but yer oh well **** happens.

But yerh so now back to business the spoiler has been painted and connected :clap: .. finally




Just recently also bought blue door sills off ebay got em for a very good price of $60 with free postage : :yahoo:

started up the wiring.. took me a real long time cause i was a jackass and wasnt reading the instructions properly which were posted up on this forum, but yerh finally in the end got the wiring done , havent stuck em on yet, cuz i just dont feel confident by leaving em on with only double sided tape. so looking for a good adhesive for it but yerh here is a preview


With my LED's on :)


i love this picture


By the way, tried doing the console mod, with just changing the silicon covers to blue.. not so great. so later on down the track once i get my p's

going to hopefully go buy sum LEDs from somewhere.

but yerh thats about it for now.. hopefully next time i post i'll have my p's and finally be able to come to those meetups

Year 12 is G A Y.. thought i just post that too.. cuz thats how i feel right now..

Take it easy


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  • 1 month later...

Just a Bit of an update i GOT MY RED P's!!!!!!!!!

finally can drive to school n back and everywhere else :yahoo:

cant wait till hsc is over then can start comming to the meetups,

will be great to meet u guys

take it easy


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  • 1 month later...


Yesterday was a really good day i graduated yr 12 and we were all planning on going to the beach with 4 car loads of people everything was going great

till around 2 pm i was driving around eastwood on my way to manly folowing a mate and he all of a sudden locked up and i ended up smashing into his towbar my front bar was raped hard, no 1 was hurt thats the main thing, so yerh we both pulled over and talked bout what had happened, and apparently he had to lock up because of an idiot in front of him turning right with no indication into a no right turn st, my mate had to lock up and then so did i , i unfortunatly was the unlucky one

the car who turned was never to be found cause he was out of there

now as soon as that happened i started blaming myself for what had happend, but i kept trying to think of what i had done wrong, ( i know i am a p plater and some of you may think i am lying or was driving like an idiot) but i was legitimatly driving safely

- i wasnt speeding

- i kept a safe distance

it was just that my mate at front locked up on the last minute and then i couldnt have done anything, we went back to check on the road there werent even any skid marks, so we werent even going fast at all

it was just my bad luck

but now about the car this is what has pretty much happened at the point by bar was dented in hard cuz of the towbar which obviously dented in my reinforcement bar into my fan a little bit - the radiator was kind of damaged aswell

and if i tried to start my car , after a while the fan would try to start working but it would get on the reinforcement bar causing it to make a real nasty noise whihc would make me cry. but fortunatly enough i called up my mate who has panel beating experience and he helped undent the front bar and same with the reinforcment bar, and for some reason he had a new radiator for corollas hanging around so he chucked that on with a condenser aswell and it was good as new..( well nearly lol) n drivable

also in the accident the two plastic covers for the foglight area had disappered :(

so pretty much this is what is going to happen, everything happens for a reason i say, and i stick by that

My mate in front car is willing to go half in the payments because he felt really bad bout what had happened and wont have "clear conscience" if he doesnt pay for anything

so money wise im covered

but what i had in plan was actually going out and buying a sportivo front as my one was just the normal ascent one

i was planning on doing this way out in the future , by buying the front lip and attaching it onto the front, but seeing this is happened i thought i might aswell go out and get the actaully sportivo bumper, so yerh hopefully on monday im getting a quote.

but yerh the main thing was that no 1 got hurt and that i really couldnt have done anything to prevent it.

but yerh feels good venting

take care

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Bit confused... If you were keeping a safe distance (ie a distance great enough to stop safely in an emergency), and driving safely, how did you manage to rear-end your mate? You don't need to be going fast to leave tyre marks on the road, but hopefully ABS prevented your brakes from locking up on maximum brake pedal pressure, hence no "skid" marks. ABS means longer stopping distances but allows you the ability to steer around objects, or so the system is supposed to work...:(

As you say, most important thing is that no-one was injured. Cars can be repaired, but death is kinda final... You will learn and improve from the experience, and in a while this will be nothing but a bad memory!

Bring on more driving and modding...


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Yesterday was a really good day i graduated yr 12 and we were all planning on going to the beach with 4 car loads of people everything was going great

till around 2 pm i was driving around eastwood on my way to manly folowing a mate and he all of a sudden locked up and i ended up smashing into his towbar my front bar was raped hard, no 1 was hurt thats the main thing, so yerh we both pulled over and talked bout what had happened, and apparently he had to lock up because of an idiot in front of him turning right with no indication into a no right turn st, my mate had to lock up and then so did i , i unfortunatly was the unlucky one

OMG how good does it feel to have finally finished Yr 12!!!

Have you finished your exams yet? mate when you do, best feeling ever, don't have to take crap from any teachers ever again, Uni is so much better, everyones on a first name basis and the Lecturers/Tutors there treat you as adults.

Nothing like celebrating graduation with a beach party :D

Enjoy it while you can, later on the stress of waiting for your marks will start to sink in lol

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yeh as kenshin said, atleast ur ok and everyone is safe...

better to get the stivo front off a person wrecking, toyota won't give u a good price... are ur headlights damaged too?

nah the headlights are fine just the front bumper needs to be replaced, but yerh i'll look around, i'm going to make sure to get genuine front bar no fiberglass :)

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Bit confused... If you were keeping a safe distance (ie a distance great enough to stop safely in an emergency), and driving safely, how did you manage to rear-end your mate? You don't need to be going fast to leave tyre marks on the road, but hopefully ABS prevented your brakes from locking up on maximum brake pedal pressure, hence no "skid" marks. ABS means longer stopping distances but allows you the ability to steer around objects, or so the system is supposed to work...:(

As you say, most important thing is that no-one was injured. Cars can be repaired, but death is kinda final... You will learn and improve from the experience, and in a while this will be nothing but a bad memory!

Bring on more driving and modding...


I believe i was at the right distance, i do believe my reaction time played a part of this.. but yerh just trying to learn from this experience.

After these exams are over gonna go moddn crazy :)

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Yesterday was a really good day i graduated yr 12 and we were all planning on going to the beach with 4 car loads of people everything was going great

till around 2 pm i was driving around eastwood on my way to manly folowing a mate and he all of a sudden locked up and i ended up smashing into his towbar my front bar was raped hard, no 1 was hurt thats the main thing, so yerh we both pulled over and talked bout what had happened, and apparently he had to lock up because of an idiot in front of him turning right with no indication into a no right turn st, my mate had to lock up and then so did i , i unfortunatly was the unlucky one

OMG how good does it feel to have finally finished Yr 12!!!

Have you finished your exams yet? mate when you do, best feeling ever, don't have to take crap from any teachers ever again, Uni is so much better, everyones on a first name basis and the Lecturers/Tutors there treat you as adults.

Nothing like celebrating graduation with a beach party :D

Enjoy it while you can, later on the stress of waiting for your marks will start to sink in lol

haha yerh its great :D i ended up stil going to the beach that day, had a pretty sweet day

nah my final exams start oct 14th, so just trying to study n keep focused after it will love to come meet you guys at a meetup :)

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So an update, got the new front bar painted :) and put on today

feeling good the car looks brand new now.

Unfortunatly like planned i didnt get the sportivo lip , heres why

as quoted by castle hill toyota

front bar- 248.25

Fog covers- 21.37 each

foglights left- 226.50

foglights right - 226.50

and front skirt- 299.04!!!!

i just dont have that type of money right now. so i screwed all that and just got the front bar just so the it would look good at least. luckly enough there were spare fog light covers lying around at my mates panel beating shop so we chuked them on, and it was alll goooood :)

the pictures show b4 and after.




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