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Chatbox & Sub - Sections on Members Rides.


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Just got a new idea, don't know how hard it is to build, but as always purely suggestion.

Some time ago, I sent a pm to a member in this forum just for a small chit chat. apparently both of us were online, so we keep sending and reading messages evry like 2 mins.


Is there anyway to make chatbox like in Facebook, MIRC, etc? For registered users who are currently online. I've been thinking of some of the pros and cons. Regardless, it's a nice feature to have.


Cut down on new but same old threads as when people asked for stuff, the familiar users here can direct them to the proper place.

Making reports to MOD easier if there are troll or people who make ads without reading.

Make the community livelier.


Members who contributes a lot will get contacted more often for either consult / opinion. Hence I'm suggesting the status online/offline/user blocks.

Cut down some threads as maybe some people cbf to create a new one although the topic hasn't been discovered and they just want quick answers..

So... Thoughts?


I've looked into some old topics and the idea was actually not new. Since we're improving by a lot and lots of mods, any chance on this feature?

Maybe it can be associated with TOCAU supporter / Silver membership or something like that to prevent some spammers.

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As far as I'm aware, the IPB software has the ability to add a chatroom. I can't play around with the forum back end though so I can't really see what ours is capable of. Steve has the ability to do that, so I guess we will need to run the idea by him.

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Aus-VIP runs one at the top of the home page. Works very well, Daryl should chime in here at some point. If not ill pm him and see what he thinks.

This is the thing I was thinking of:


Now to see if we can implement it.

I like AUS-VIP ones. It seems that the left4green one is separated to the forum. It'd be nice to have both on the same page. Maybe the mods can juggle the space for shoutbox and status updates.

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Aus-VIP runs one at the top of the home page. Works very well, Daryl should chime in here at some point. If not ill pm him and see what he thinks.

This is the thing I was thinking of:


Now to see if we can implement it.

I like AUS-VIP ones. It seems that the left4green one is separated to the forum. It'd be nice to have both on the same page. Maybe the mods can juggle the space for shoutbox and status updates.

The Shoutbox can also be integrated into the top of the forum index and on individual forums too:



Edit: I had a look at AUS-VIP, it's pretty much the exact same feature.

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  • 1 month later...

No updates on this one DJ?

While at it, I saw an old post by Adrian, which I think is also a good idea.

I know we are moving from the topic. But maybe the members rides should have sub sections, eg. by model ?
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