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We are now proud new Aurion Touring car owners and my lovely lady unfortunately drove past some roadworks over the weekend and has got some tar on the new car and have tried searching forums but can't get answer i'm looking for or just not smart enough to find answer so wondering if other members could tell me what to clean it with and what is the best wax.I seen on one forum to try metho which i'll probably do but just need to be sure and what sort of wax to put on after.Thanks Hodgie55


Hey Man,

If you want the easy road, try this : http://www.carcareproducts.com.au/product/wolfs_chemicals/brake_duster_wheel_cleaner : It is safe for paint if the car is cold and you wash it off within 10 mins of application. It works a treat on rims and is safe for most rims (test on a small spot if unsure)

With waxing the car.....there are just toooooooo many choices. If you want to add some shine after a good wash, then most megs / auto glym stuff will do the job. If you want to go hardcore (ask Andrew357, Tash or Myself) you can go past Dodo Juice.

Just keep in mind, you can go crazy with this stuff, so be careful.

It all comes down to the result you desire :)

I also suggest : : this is a first hand look at what the TOCAU crew think of products out there in the market.

Hope this helps :)



In addition to what Nix has said, it will come down to 2 things:

1) What results you want

2) How much you are willing to pay

Unfortunately, these things do not have an inverse relationship and you will need to draw a line.

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