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Is this of any use for anyone?


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Hi, I don't know if this is of any use to anyone, but no harm in trying.

I own a 2001 Camry that has done almost 350,000 km, the engine has been well looked after, but now needs more work than I am prepared to spend. It still goes, but falteringly when hot. So I have just ordered a new car (yes, another Camry) and my old faithful is now due to go to the wreckers.

But it has 4 new tyres, 2 new front brake pads, a new idling controller, cleaned up fuel injectors and other relatively recent repairs (work done this year before I realised it had to go). Does any of this make it of any use to anyone as spares? I'd rather it go to someone who wants it than the wreckers. I live in Sydney.

Just a thought.

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Hi Eric..a suggestion..as it still could be a runner maybe a local neighbourhood centre could find a home for it..someone is always worse off and needing a car..worth a thought


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A community organisation wouldn't accept it knowing that they couldn't afford to repair it. They do have a duty of care/liability if they knowingly supplied a defective vehicle.

Is it a V6 or 4 cylinder?

Someone will likely take it off your hands, you could also advertise on Gumtree if you haven't already.

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It's only a 4, and I don't think it's worth advertising, I have a wrecker just around the corner who I guess would take it. I just wondered if it was of any use to anyone.

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