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I noticed that the colourful picture laden box had "FIRST MONTH OF PLAY INCLUDED" written on it, so I continued and thought I would not have to pay. I thought wrong. I came to the payment section of my account and could go no further until I payed by credit card or with a 'pre-paid' card. I searched high and yonder for a card, or anything other information leading me to the fabled "FIRST MONTH OF PLAY", alas I could not find it though.

My young cousin got sucked in the same way. He bought a magazine + CD thing (probably PC Powerplay or whatever) that advertised 1 free month of WoW. When he tried playing it and it asked for CC details, my uncle lost his head at someone down the phone, and the response was that the first month is genuinely free but they take your CC details in order to start billing you as soon as the free period is over or something.

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Day 2: The Calm before the Storm

Walked into EB Games this morning to pick up my pre-paid card. This, in effect, now gives me 3 whole months of WoW masterbation madness to frolick over. I informed the salesman of my experiment, and he quoted: "Mate, it's a game. You just have to treat it like a game. If you don't treat it like a game then you have a boring lifestyle and need friends fast. Sadly people find friends through the WoW universe and they slip further down that treacherous path."

Well said I thought.

It also important to note my TOCAU companions, Phill and YDOIT4, and their descension into WoW lunacy. I spoke briefly to Phill last nite on MSN before he abruptley disappeared stating that it was time to go back in. This was at 12:30am :o

I fear the worst for them both, yet I will be joining them soon. Maybe with our combined strength we can resist what will come to us. That being the grubby, glubular hands of the WoW universe.

Mental state:

Alert, calm, in a world of ecstacy upon buying the game card...like I just had a shot of heroin after going cold turkey for a while. Interesting.

Physical state:

Arms feel tense and beefy after using them excessivley last nite to do weights, and punch holes in my walls after the "Payment Debacle". That is not like me. Could I be transforming into...something else?

More updates to come on the "Payment Debacle"

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Heres my update. :D

Me and Dave played WOW and started doing the Tauren quests.

Dave went to bed about 11am. I stayed.

Kept playing and leveling my Tauren Warrior, up to Lv 6, nearly hitting Lv7.

Looked at the clock, 1am, oppsie! Got to get up at 6:30am to get to work.

Its quite a good game, not too bad at all, but I dont think im suckered into it, as the monthly cost might eventually put me off.

But man theres so much walking involved in this game, I think thats why people stay up soo long and they have to walk a long distance to each quest.

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lol ur a tauren thats y theres so much walking - if u go human or night elf u lvl fast and explore more-intersting worlds. im bout to hit my first lvl 60 charactor this week. im soon to be on holidays for a week and a half and hope not to play warcraft anymore than i have to.

if u want to talk about addicts then my bf and his mates are the worst-they never go out anymore or exercise. allo they talk about is WARCRAFT

one was a serial pub/clubber now he doesnt go out and even chucks sickies from work to play.

another was an alcoholic/smoker - now sits inside and smokes all day drinking play WoW.

and my bf - a brillant ballroom dancer turned addict - plays at least 7hrs EVERY night then 16+hrs on a weekend. doesnt go out anymore, does no chores or anything and is just basiclly driving me crazy.

stupid game....yet ill still play it...

Edited by Aimee_B
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Day 2: The Calm before the Storm - continued

Well I have now successfully registered myself. I decided to embark upon my journey finally and started the game. I entered my details and was then prompted to download a patch..........THAT IS 450MB IN SIZE.

Once again I have been delayed by Blizzard Entertainment in my experiment.

Mental state:

P!ssed again.

Physical state:

I'm going to look like Arnold Schwarzenegger soon as I'm lifting weights in frustration as we speak......AGAIN.

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Day 3: Showtime

Well my update has finally installed. I am sitting here with a bottle of water and a few cookies to keep me going. We shall now see how horribly addictive this game is.

Mental State:


Physical State:

I feel like a slob for eating a bacon and egg sandwich this morning, that's about it though.

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Day 4: Bathurst weekend...No WoW

Day 5: The addiction is fought...

Yes I was nearly addicted to the game on saturday night but forced myself to stop playing so I could sleep (had to be up at 3:30am).

I chose many a race, and ended up playing as a Tauren with Phill. Although I do have a human character that I wish to make use of. As you can see I've discovered the main rhetorics and ideals that make this game what it is. I fear that if I play it more I may be sucked into it completely. Phill is already there.

Metal state:

Concentrating on work

Physical state:

Shagged from the weekend (Bathurst 1000)

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Day 6 to 10: Work

Day 11 and 12: Ascension into Madness

My name is no longer Rob van den Berg. It is now Corollisus. Paladin and soon to be champion of the alliance. I have enjoyed Tocau, my car, my life in general, but now I have found my true calling. Alas I won't be speaking to any of you for a while due to my responsibilities in defending Stormwind from the Horde.



Mental State:


Physical State:


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lol ur a tauren thats y theres so much walking - if u go human or night elf u lvl fast and explore more-intersting worlds. im bout to hit my first lvl 60 charactor this week. im soon to be on holidays for a week and a half and hope not to play warcraft anymore than i have to.

if u want to talk about addicts then my bf and his mates are the worst-they never go out anymore or exercise. allo they talk about is WARCRAFT

one was a serial pub/clubber now he doesnt go out and even chucks sickies from work to play.

another was an alcoholic/smoker - now sits inside and smokes all day drinking play WoW.

and my bf - a brillant ballroom dancer turned addict - plays at least 7hrs EVERY night then 16+hrs on a weekend. doesnt go out anymore, does no chores or anything and is just basiclly driving me crazy.

stupid game....yet ill still play it...

this stuff sounds abit like shabu or vanilla ice as known on thew street ,is it that addictive its only a game

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lol ur a tauren thats y theres so much walking - if u go human or night elf u lvl fast and explore more-intersting worlds. im bout to hit my first lvl 60 charactor this week. im soon to be on holidays for a week and a half and hope not to play warcraft anymore than i have to.

if u want to talk about addicts then my bf and his mates are the worst-they never go out anymore or exercise. allo they talk about is WARCRAFT

one was a serial pub/clubber now he doesnt go out and even chucks sickies from work to play.

another was an alcoholic/smoker - now sits inside and smokes all day drinking play WoW.

and my bf - a brillant ballroom dancer turned addict - plays at least 7hrs EVERY night then 16+hrs on a weekend. doesnt go out anymore, does no chores or anything and is just basiclly driving me crazy.

stupid game....yet ill still play it...

this stuff sounds abit like shabu or vanilla ice as known on thew street ,is it that addictive its only a game

Play it then lol.

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lol i luv the fact that the advertising under this page is all warcraft related

- by the way its my birthday today - my bf so far hasnt got me a thing-and wont come out to a family dinner with me because he HAS to play warcraft 2nite. fu*king addiction.....

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  • 3 weeks later...

Guys take heed of my word and take warning by me. You don't wan't to mess with WoW. I'm addicted to playing DOTA All-stars (A map for Warcraft #: Throzen Throne). I have had close mates dissapear into the abyss, called WoW.

Like you don't wan't to end up like those countless Koreans. e.g. One guy hung himself after a relentless team skirmish on Age of Empites II, one guys ally stole the other team mates gold and changed the ally attribute to enemy as a joke.. so the poor dude felt so betrayed he hung himself.

resoursce: purepwnage episode 1 - the life of a pro gamer.

btw- if you guys havn't seen this guy yet it's the funniest stuff you'll ever watch: http://www.purepwnage.com

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Like you don't wan't to end up like those countless Koreans. e.g. One guy hung himself after a relentless team skirmish on Age of Empites II, one guys ally stole the other team mates gold and changed the ally attribute to enemy as a joke.. so the poor dude felt so betrayed he hung himself.

Thats F'd up :help:

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  • 3 weeks later...

DAY 1: The Sensible Initiation continued...

The game took fecking 2 hours or something to install. Now that that is over with I proceeded to 'sign up' and create an account. I noticed that the colourful picture laden box had "FIRST MONTH OF PLAY INCLUDED" written on it, so I continued and thought I would not have to pay. I thought wrong. I came to the payment section of my account and could go no further until I payed by credit card or with a 'pre-paid' card. I searched high and yonder for a card, or anything other information leading me to the fabled "FIRST MONTH OF PLAY", alas I could not find it though. So I have come to the following conclusions:

1) It is here somewhere but I'm an idiot and can't find it

2) Blizzard are douchebags and write misleading things on there game boxes to entice people into sales, therefore ripping them of their money and re-locating it into their grubby bank accounts so they can pay off their 3rd porsche...

Mental state:

P!ssed and angry. Feel like punching something. Where's John Howard?

Physical state:

I'm doing bicep curls as we speak out of sheer frustration

More updates to come on my WoW journey into insanity.

Yea WoW ask you for the credit card so that when your FREE month that comes with WoW is over it goes straight from your credit card and it doesnt stop you from playing

Now as far as addicts go i have ppl at work that play every arvo and every weekend and are on forums and on the wow.com site every day so i have bigger geeks than all of you

But of course i work for microsoft's tech support so its normal for geeks to be into games here hehe what am i talking about we are having a frag fest this friday where we all stay back and play online FPS and NFS carbon online hehe should be fun with pizza sugar lollies and games how can u go wrong??

Well all i can say is that Phil is ADDICTED the man plays 2 much we need to get him off the game we started our characters together and he is already like lvl 31 and i am only lvl 24 that is a big jump each lvl takes about 4 hours of game play so that is a big amount of gameplay.

But its ok as long as you go out during the weekends and get some air and get away from the dam^ game you are ok

Im telling you it is hard not to get addicted really really hard the game just has so much depth and so many features and addons and things to do

If you play it you will become addicted but as i have done u keep yourself busy and dont play to much only when you have free time

if you are tired go to bed

if you have something better to do then do it

But dont make it your life or it will become your life and consume you completely because it is another world a place where real people can talk to you and help you out with quests and dungeons and just to have a chat about anything so it can become your 1st world and the real world is your 2nd world.

Im warning you people who want to buy it dont buy it if you dont have a fruitful social life or it will consume you very quickly i guarantee you that much.

as it says in WoW

"Take everything in moderation even WoW" - quoted from a WoW loading screen tip :spiteful:

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Well all i can say is that Phil is ADDICTED the man plays 2 much we need to get him off the game we started our characters together and he is already like lvl 31 and i am only lvl 24 that is a big jump each lvl takes about 4 hours of game play so that is a big amount of gameplay.

Who me addicted?... :whistling::whistling::whistling:

BTW im level 32 now hehehe. :toast:

Gotta get to level 33 so I can use these really cool swords! The speed is like 1.50, and 20.9 damage per second! W00000t! B) :toast:

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Well all i can say is that Phil is ADDICTED the man plays 2 much we need to get him off the game we started our characters together and he is already like lvl 31 and i am only lvl 24 that is a big jump each lvl takes about 4 hours of game play so that is a big amount of gameplay.

Who me addicted?... :whistling::whistling::whistling:

BTW im level 32 now hehehe. :toast:

Gotta get to level 33 so I can use these really cool swords! The speed is like 1.50, and 20.9 damage per second! W00000t! B) :toast:

I'm level 42 phil lol.

I have a warhorse now as well. Lmao. I'm gooooone. This experiment proved the theory. It does consume you. However I have my new hot blonde gf to take my mind of things :P

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wowwwww....this thread is crazy.

I am definitely not going to buy this game...cause i will probably get addicted straight away :P

come on guys..now tell me something, how often are you guys playing? as in like come home from work and play all night? or every second day after work..or just all the time? :P

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I play probably every other day, but I always do it after a workout as a kind of reward.

After watching the South Park episode where they all get fat playing this game I dont want to go in that direction.

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ahahahaha that episode is so funny i love it

But yea i only play like 3 times a week if that.... depends on how busy i am!

When you first start you play all the time like any game u want to get further and further but it does get annoying doing so many quests for one level but it is cool to play with your mates and defeat monsters together is a cool feature of the game.

As ive said its a fun game "in moderation"

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