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Everything posted by tiet

  1. ahah well you missed out :) it went off yes and yes lol, whats wrong with that hahaha
  2. ahaha is i t? i wouldn't know i don't touch the stuff :) aahah how come you didn't go? it was another Q-Dance?
  3. omg no ones heard of it? -_- its a rave lol http://www.q-dance.com.au it was awesome lol you missd out :) i always drive lol, always sober always straight :) don't know how i manage lol
  4. yeh, well Uyen is a pretty cool chick, ive known her for 4yrs now lols so at least it wasnt a random aye (N) - type it into msn lols i got 72 for uai =x 71.75 to be exact HAHA oh man didnt make it to macquarie :( oh thought it uyen was a spur of the moment thing lol, wow random 4 years. im running the old school MSN no emos lol ^_^" awww 72 is still good, though not to most asian parents, its awesome to me lol. what did you want to do at macquarie? do you have a second pref? lols my mum said she didnt care about my uai lols shes happy that i actually completed my HSC haha i wanted to do commerce lols u cant really go any other uni to do that subject besides UWS so i guess im going there lols and just transfer later i suppose ahah well good for you -_- i wasted my HSC :(
  5. so whos car can i expect to see in the car park tonight :)
  6. Tank... ok im lost what does that mean?
  7. yeh, well Uyen is a pretty cool chick, ive known her for 4yrs now lols so at least it wasnt a random aye (N) - type it into msn lols i got 72 for uai =x 71.75 to be exact HAHA oh man didnt make it to macquarie :( oh thought it uyen was a spur of the moment thing lol, wow random 4 years. im running the old school MSN no emos lol ^_^" awww 72 is still good, though not to most asian parents, its awesome to me lol. what did you want to do at macquarie? do you have a second pref?
  8. bank (lol actually you hit 13001)
  9. yeah i know who she is ahahahahah thats why its pretty bad too me -_- (N)? GL with your UAI!!! don't you get them today? how did you go?
  10. LOL YOUR A FCKING *****, WHO TOLD YOU ?!?!?!?!?! grr LOL i hope no one took photos it was pretty bad aye HAHA but yes lols lets never speak of this again HAHAH ps. maggie said your brother is andrew ? IS THIS TRUE ?! ahahaha, i have my sources :) if someone did take photos i'd love to see them well if i was to say what it was, i don't think people on this forum would think it's bad :D yeah andrew is my brother :) IT IS TRUE!
  11. ahhaha i'd tell you but i don't think you would like me sharing it with the public hahahahah
  12. damn ash i heard you got up to some fun at bamboo
  13. no one ever sees me :( i think all this stivos in my area ain't on here the only one i know of is mrs sportivo lol
  14. i was enquiring briefly about alarms at a place near mine, they quoted me around $280 installed for a mongoose alarm system, with an external alarm button, and $480 for the after market mongoose upgrade which is built in with the stock key
  15. i think i wet my self :( DAMN THOSE PHOTOS ARE SEX!
  16. i like what you have done with the engine colour :) i think i might just paint the L and toyota side red and leave the rest :)
  17. sweet ride, i like the rims :) like really like (i like them so much i might get them for my car xD) i always wanted a black or white tivo but in the end.... GO TEAM SILVER!!
  18. haha tell me about it, that damn double sided tape must of been made in china -_-
  19. yeah shes tall. -_- well maybe thats because ima honkie? lol i am chinese after all
  20. is he? lol yep thats me, well if im the one your thinking then it is, i was driving the black subaru with my gf in the passenger
  21. LOL fkn i want Yang to come clubbing tonight for my birthday nah my cars not fixed yet :( im waiting for my payout from the d!ck - which should be VERY soon hawhaw hahha ill tell him that when he comes to help me with my car xD payout o.O what happened, did you get into an accident? i was talking about the battery, you know how you car wouldn't start with the key ^_^" LOL ohhh yeh the batterys fixed long time now - Andrew finally came around to helping me HAHA didnt you see the right side of the rear end ? it was all scraped dude LOL TELL YANG to tell terry and fleck and tracey to come Bamboo !~!!! lols their not freaking online oh it was wasn't it lol xD send tam, john, andrew and the others to the guys house to get the money lol i know tracy is going (well i think she said she was), though i don't think fleck yang and terry are ahahaha just fix the scartches yourself DIY style, be asian HAHAHA and what watch Andrew the anorexic get snapped HAHAHA shh dont tell him i said that but yeh Johns in melb atm yeh i think tracey is going with Anna lols i wonder if Duy is going HAHA last time we went clubbing we saw him oh my god that was hillarious sif fix the scratches myself thats chat ! lol what was hilarious about it? did duy do something funny? its only chat if you don't do it right :) so far everything on my car has been done ourselfs xD maybe thats why it looks funny to me :S
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